Suddenly, Qi Jun's ubiquitous spiritual thoughts discovered many aircraft that suddenly took off from the Black Continent, which were extremely sci-fi in this era.


To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 448: Calculation

"The people in Wakanda "don't think they can end this nuclear war because they are stupid"

Qi Jun made a simple calculation, but he did not calculate at all that Wakanda had any chance of stopping this nuclear war.

You know, with Qi Jun's current strength and current level of brain development, even a simple calculation will be more powerful than the combined computing power of all the supercomputers before his time travel. In this way, Qi Jun did not even calculate. If there is anything that can force Wakanda to stop this war, what is the significance of Wakanda's emergence at this time? Both the Bear Country and the American Federation have launched nuclear missiles at each other, and both have issued related national war mobilizations, which has affected the whole country. Entered into a state of war.

Why does Wakanda think they can force an end to this war? Just because of their... fighter jets that look extremely sci-fi in this era. Why are they playing around? The Federation has been razed several times. A city, if this can allow you, Wakanda, to force a truce, then will the American Federation still be the American Federation......... Yes, this sudden The third party that emerged was Wakanda.

What has to be said is that, with its extremely valuable vibranium vein resources in the entire Marvel multiverse, Wakanda's development has simply left the entire earth a century away.

But unfortunately, these people may be arrogant or secluded like the Manchus, so they have only stayed in their own one-third of an acre of land and lived their own unrestrained life.

If it weren't for the big butterfly Qi Jun.

Because of the apocalypse, a nuclear war broke out between Mao Xiong and Eagle Sauce, and it broke out too quickly. I'm afraid that the royal family of Wakanda will still cling to their own little acre of land and live in a dream until the aliens invade. Out of the water.

After all, this multiverse is a mutant universe, and it is different from the movie multiverse that Qi Jun traveled to before. In the movie multiverse, Wakanda's so-called 'Leopard God' is just a spiritual collection, carrying The successive kings of Wakanda were nothing more than willpowers and had no fighting power at all.

The Leopard God in this variant hybrid multiverse does exist. Although it is not as powerful as in the comic version of the multiverse, this Leopard God can still suppress the already furious Mao Xiong and Yingjiang.

It's's a pity that in this mutant hybrid multiverse, the leaders of Wakanda seem to have brain problems.

Of course, it is possible that the Panther God in this mutant hybrid multiverse is restricted to Wakanda and cannot leave.

....................."If the Panther God of Wakanda shows up"

"Perhaps it can also calm down the furry bear and Yingjiang who are already on top."

"But, you guys......Uncle Black comes on"

"In addition to... arousing the fury of Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang even more"

"What else can you do?"

Seeing those... fighters flying out of Wakanda split into two groups in an instant, shooting towards the nuclear missiles flying towards Mao Xiong and the Mi Federation in space, Qi Jun even sneered.

The two superpowers who have always been the most powerful on earth think that they are the most powerful on earth. But suddenly a Wakanda appears and is stronger than them. How can this be accepted? At this time, Wakanda appears. , Wakanda appears, what result can be obtained is to suppress Mao Xiong and Eagle Sauce with absolute force superiority. But unfortunately, although Wakanda has strong technological strength, it is not strong enough to suppress other people casually.

Or, their appearance will directly anger Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang at the same time, and in turn, they will be beaten up by both Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang at the same time! In the eyes of Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang, there must not be one more person on this earth who can stand on the card table. The power! Even if they detonate all nuclear bombs and directly turn the earth into a human hell!

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 449 Taking the blame?


"Although these fighter planes are science fiction, their technological level is better than that of Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang."

"But it's a pity that trying to take off from Wakanda and then intercept the nuclear missiles of Mao Xiong and Yingjiang in their final flight is simply... a joke!"

As expected by Qi Jun, although Wakanda's fighter planes flew towards their respective targets with maximum thrust, they also launched energy attacks.

But the distance is too far! Even if it is a laser weapon, even if it hits the target at such a long distance, its energy value will be reduced by how much it is consumed... How can it possibly destroy the nuclear weapons of Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang? Where are the missiles! "These... black rats in Wakanda"

"It's really silly."

Seeing some of the military satellites of Mao Xiong and Yingjiang turning to lock Wakanda's fighter planes, Qi Jun couldn't help but shake his head.

Wakanda's fighter planes did not hit the nuclear missiles launched by Mao Xiong and Mao Xiong. Instead, the high-tech air defense systems of Mao Xiong and Mao Xiong destroyed many of the nuclear missiles from both sides even in the final stages of flight.

Although both sides missed some nuclear missiles, some important military bases on both sides were hit and destroyed instantly by nuclear explosions.

But neither Yingjiang nor Mao Xiong took this to heart. After all, both sides had already been mentally prepared when they launched nuclear missiles.

At this time, both Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang focused their attention more on the sudden appearance of the third party force 'Vakan'! ............ .....Although due to the apocalypse, Yingjiang and Mao Xiong didn't even have time to explain a word, and the two sides directly entered a nuclear war.

But! This does not mean that both parties are really willing to destroy the world.

Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang are far from being angry.

The degree of mental loss.

On the contrary, the sudden appearance of a third party gave Yingjiang and Mao Xiong a sense of finding someone to take the blame for.

Who allowed this third-party force to suddenly appear and possess energy weapons that none of them have! ............. In fact, energy weapons, Mao Both bear and eagle sauce are available.

In terms of military black technology, the outbreaks of Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang are both very unreasonable.

But! Because of the constraints of the other party, the energy weapons of Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang are only in a land-based state, and their sizes are extremely huge! It’s like they each destroyed many nuclear missiles in their final flight. The speed is Normal anti-aircraft weapons can hit, but now! They discovered some kind of energy weapon from a third-party force that can be loaded directly on a fighter plane. The generals on both sides were shocked and angry! .................. Just as Qi Jun guessed.

'Wakanda', this black fool who suddenly appeared to intervene in the war between Yingchan and Mao Xiong, was instantly targeted by Mao Xiong and Ying Xiang at the same time! "Look for me!"

"Where did these fighter planes come from?"

"Except for...the satellites that are necessary to hold up the Eagle Sauce Bear, all other satellites must be mobilized by me!"

"Find their base camp for me!"

There were no exceptions, both the Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang command issued this order at the same time!

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 450 The King who felt something was wrong

"Why do I always feel like something is wrong?"

"It seems we did something wrong this time"

In Wakanda's war command center, the current king looked at the satellite cloud image and suddenly blamed himself with an annoyed look on his face.

Both Bear and Hawk have their own satellites,,,, there is no reason that there is no Wakanda that is stronger than both Bear and Hawk! The current king of Wakanda found out that he sent dozens of fighter planes to destroy the nuclear missiles launched by Bear and Hawk. After that, why did Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang strangely stop their respective attacks? "What's wrong?"

"Although we were not able to successfully stop those...nuclear missiles, both Mao Xiong and Yingjiang also intercepted many nuclear missiles."

"It's... the suffering of those people who were affected by the nuclear explosion."

"But that's none of our business, is it?"

"Dear King, have you discovered anything else?"

A black man dressed as a general standing nearby frowned and asked.

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