
"Although we failed to prevent this nuclear explosion."

"But it's great that Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang can intercept so many nuclear weapons."

"And according to calculations, the nuclear radiation after the explosion of those...nuclear bombs intercepted at high altitude will not reach our Black Continent."

"It would be better if all those... white people die. In a hundred years, those... fertile lands will all be ours!"

There were a lot of black people around, I don't know if they were generals or tribal chiefs, but anyway... none of them took it seriously, and they were even happy.

.................. "Didn't you realize it?"

"It's been more than half an hour."

"Have the Mao Xiong Kingdom and the American Federation suppressed all their troops after the verification and bombardment just now?"

"A nuclear war can be stopped by both sides detonating nuclear bombs."

"Even each is preparing its own remaining nuclear weapons."

"But when a nuclear war broke out, their border troops were shrinking their defenses."

The current king of Wakanda points to several red dots marked on the satellite image.

These... heavy military bases that were originally marked by Wakanda and contained a large number of nuclear weapons and equipment. At this moment, in addition to... the nuclear missile silos were opened. In addition, not a single nuclear missile was launched into the sky! Moreover, the border troops of both the Mao Xiong Kingdom and the American Federation not only did not assemble the entire army to bombard each other through the northern strait as before, but instead all retreated one or two. He broke his own defense circle, as if someone gave a restraining order, "Hey"

"It seems to be true!"

"A nuclear war can be stopped"

“What are Mao Xiong and the Mi Federation playing?”

As soon as the King of Wakanda said this, everyone present realized something was wrong.

You know, whether it is the American Federation or the Bear Country, they have announced that their nuclear weapons are bundled for attack! What is bundled means that if you dare to attack me with nuclear weapons, then I will have nothing but... ..In addition to using nuclear weapons to fight back, we also need to use nuclear weapons to attack other countries, which will bring other countries with nuclear weapons into the water. When other countries also launch nuclear missiles, a global nuclear war will break out more directly, and then everyone will finish it together! But now Not only did Mao Xiong and Yingjiang not launch nuclear missiles at other nuclear-armed countries, they even restrained their own troops and stopped launching nuclear missiles at each other. Even the global situation has strangely fallen into the weird situation after the outbreak of nuclear war. in the silence.

Not to mention that Wakanda senses something is wrong.

It's just that... other countries also feel that something is wrong! .................. "Not good!"

"Don't let our fighter planes come back!"

"Let them fly to the backup base on the Pacific Ocean!"

"Don't let them fly back!"

Suddenly, the king of Wakanda seemed to have thought of something. He jumped up from the throne and shouted at the commanders in the command center.

It's a pity... because both Mao Xiong and Eagle Sauce have suspended their nuclear war, Wakanda's fighter planes were recalled by the commanders because they were flying with full afterburner.

And at that moment the King of Wakanda jumped up.

The first and fastest Wakanda fighter jet has already begun to land!

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 451 Apocalypse: mmp!

"Report to the commander!"

"The lair of these fighter planes has been found!"

Just when the current king of Wakanda realized something, those satellites in space... that had been staring at Wakanda's fighter jets also discovered that these fighter jets were beginning to land in an orderly manner.


"Very good!"

"Where is their lair?"

At this moment, both Mao Xiong and the war commander of the Takachan family stood up, their eyes almost staring at the military map.

"Report to the commander!"

"These... third-party fighter planes are all flying towards the Black Continent!"


The reporting staff was a little hesitant.


"What else happened?"

Seeing something amiss with the reporting officer, the war commander frowned.

When is this happening? In a state of war, what can't be said? Even if you say that aliens are coming at this time, then I have to kill them first! "Report to the commander!"

"That's it...these fighter planes disappeared immediately after arriving at this location!"

"It's the kind that completely disappears... our satellite, the kind that can no longer find any trace...disappears!"

The reporting staff handed over a quickly developed satellite photo taken by the satellite.

What I have to say is that the Marvel world cannot be viewed with common sense.

Although neither Yingjiang nor Mao Xiong has developed a holographic imaging system, the satellite photo they took can completely reach the level of 360 high-definition in the future! The commanders of Mao Xiong and Mao Xiong looked at the high-definition color image handed over by their subordinates. Satellite and photos are also confusing.

What the hell is this? A virgin forest without even a decent dirt road. You tell me, their nuclear warplanes from third-party forces all landed here. There is no wide and long enough runway, dense forest, those... ....... Fighter pilots, are you flying fighter planes to die? No, those dozens of fighter planes are all vertical take-off and landing. "Put those... The technical experts are here!”

"Especially an expert in disguise!"

The supreme commander quickly issued new orders.


Although at this time, neither Mao Xiong nor Eagle Sauce had their own holographic systems, and they were still in the theoretical stage, and even trial products had not yet been produced, this did not mean that the top commanders of both sides did not understand these things.

Even if you really don't know about the black technology of holographic deception, as a general, you still know the basic battlefield camouflage.

At most..., the battlefield camouflage of this third-party force is so real that you can't even see any flaws! If it weren't for those... satellites, they have been following the third party. The three-party fighter planes are moving. They have no idea that there are actually forces on this earth that are as powerful as them, or even more powerful than them! At least, the speed of those... fighter planes, each This kind of performance, as well as energy weapons, etc., are not comparable to the current stage of Mao Xiong and Yingjiang.

For the commanders on both sides, there is still some self-awareness.

Once a war breaks out with this third-party force, at least in air combat, Mao Xiong and Yingjiang's air force can only be suppressed or even crushed! However, who allowed them to find each other's lair! The lair is exposed, even if You are stronger than me, so what if dozens or even hundreds of nuclear bombs are thrown at you, even if you have an energy shield, they will be destroyed by you! In unison, the war commanders of Mao Xiong and Yingjiang both laughed sinisterly. Got up.

.....................At the same time, some countries with satellites that can still keep up with the times have also discovered the home base of this third-party force. 'At this moment, they finally understood why Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang suddenly stopped.

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