In fact, Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang do not want to fight a nuclear war, this is clear to everyone.

But Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang were able to quickly stop and check the bomb, which was something these forces didn't understand.

At this time, they saw fighter planes that were clearly ahead of their time landing in an unknown land in the Black Continent. After figuring out why, these countries began to think carefully.

..................... I want to say who is the most confused and uncomfortable in this sudden change.

That must be Wakanda! I want to avoid the outbreak of World War III and avoid the outbreak of a global nuclear war.

I was so kind and well-intentioned that I personally broke up the fight, but you ended up treating your 'savior' like this. If Mao Xiong and Eagle Sauce could hear Wakanda's heartfelt voices, I'm afraid they would really and sincerely thank them! Of course, there is also Apocalypse. .

If Apocalypse hears Wakanda’s thoughts, he will probably jump up and beat Wakanda to pieces! Apocalypse: I greet your 100,000-generation ancestors!!

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 452: The Fear of Apocalypse

Regarding...the nuclear war suddenly stopped, Apocalypse was confused at first, and the smile slowly disappeared from his face.

Nuclear missiles hit our heads no matter what, and even several cities and military bases were destroyed. Who said this war could stop? It was the accumulation of decades of confrontation between Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang. The hatred, as long as a war breaks out, will never stop. After the anger passed, Apocalypse's mood slowly stabilized, and he began to think about whether there was any accident in this.

It has to be said that although Apocalypse is an old antique, he, the ancestor of mutants, is still very willing to accept new knowledge. Otherwise, how could these...nuclear bombs be launched so easily? As for lift-off, you must know that the launch of a nuclear weapon is not as simple as just having a launch code and taking off.

After thinking about it for a while, Tianqi still couldn't figure it out, so he came to one of Mao Xiong's bases and silently invaded Mao Xiong's military network just like learning new knowledge through the TV signal network he had invaded the earth before.

"So that's it!"

Soon, after going through various screenings, Tianqi found out the reason why Mao Xiong and Yingjiang had tacitly stopped fighting in Mao Xiong's huge military network.

Similarly, when both Mao Xiong and Eagle Sauce found their lair in Wakanda, Apocalypse also found this place! "What is that place?"

"Look at those... fighters, they seem to be more technologically advanced than Mao Xiong and Yingjiang."

"And those weapons are actually energy weapons."

"Is there such a powerful national force on earth?"

Tianqi's expression was a little solemn.

God knows that he didn't even discover this strange place when he invaded the global TV signal network. If this force hadn't suddenly intervened in the battle between Mao and Yingjiang, even Apocalypse would have been ignored! What if! If he completes his previous goal and loses the current human kingdom.

When establishing a theocratic mutant nation, this force suddenly appears and directs a burst of intense energy bombardment. Even if it is a fifth-level mutant, it cannot withstand it!...... ..........."call"

"This force"

"It should have very high technological capabilities."


"It's worth learning!"

Tianqi loves learning! Don’t think that Tianqi is an antique or an old-fashioned person. Tianqi is also very advanced with the times.

The reason why Apocalypse wants to destroy human society is simply because human society does not conform to his interests. Without divine power, he will feel uncomfortable all over.

As long as he regains his mutant divine power, Apocalypse is willing to face the stars and the sea.

After learning new knowledge about human society, Apocalypse also began to yearn for the vast and deep universe! .................. A space channel glowing with blue light in Wakkan The fighter jet landed ten kilometers away and opened.

There have been before.

.The base has suffered losses, and Wakanda's technological strength is obviously superior to that of Mao Xiong and Eagle Sauce.

This time, Apocalypse no longer thought he was invincible and opened space channels in unknown spheres of influence at will.

Apocalypse, who had become smarter for a while, quietly came to the outskirts of Wakanda, planning to explore the surrounding area before quietly sneaking into Wakanda.

"That direction!"

"I hope you won't disappoint me!"

He walked out of the space channel in Tianqi, identified the direction, closed the space channel, and began to sneak towards the target.

After having the ambition of the stars and the sea, Apocalypse will naturally be more thirsty for new knowledge!

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 453 The excitement of the apocalypse

"Tribal Form"

"What they are holding in their hands cannot be a cold weapon!"

After making a large circle outside Wakanda and confirming that there was no danger, Apocalypse sneaked in quietly.

Tianqi only felt that the scene he saw suddenly changed. The lush virgin forest before disappeared and was replaced by a vast hilly area.

In the 1980s, although Wakanda was technologically superior to both Mao Xiong and Eagle Sauce.

But the energy shield that was displayed during the Avengers era was still just a prototype that could only stay in the laboratory.

This is also the reason why Apocalypse can sneak in smoothly. Otherwise, with the energy cover and all-weather drone surveillance, Apocalypse would have been discovered long ago.

However, Wakanda has successfully developed holographic images and has officially applied them on a large scale.

Under the holographic virtual projection technology, the real Wakanda has long since disappeared from the real world.

.................."it seems"

"The real technology should be in the hands of the leaders of these tribes."

"did not expect"

"In this modern society, which is talking about a human rights society where everyone is equal, there are still these...'feudal' people!"

The corner of Tianqi's mouth curled up, but more of it was an irony of the so-called human rights society.

Although it has only been half a year since Tianqi woke up, Tianqi already has a very good understanding of the current global situation.

But what I never expected is that modern society, which eliminates divine power and promotes equality for all, is still not the strongest existence.

On the surface, Mao Xiong and Eagle Sauce are the strongest.

But in fact, secretly, the royal society still has the strongest technological strength.


"Isn't this exactly what I want!"

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