When Apocalypse thought that if he controlled a tribal force, it would be the greatest help for him to restore theocratic rule! "If the people of Wakanda can accept the rule, then naturally they will not mind theocratic rule!"

"God is really helping me!"

For a moment, Tianqi was so excited that he almost burst into excitement.

....................."Apocalypse sees Wakanda as a treasure"

Qi Jun, who had been paying attention to the changes in the situation, naturally discovered Tianqi's plan easily.

Apocalypse's purpose has never changed, to destroy human society, reduce ordinary people to civilians or even slaves, and restore his theocratic country centered on mutants, but with power concentrated in himself.

But although Apocalypse is strong, ordinary people in society are not weak, especially the nuclear missiles controlled by several rogue countries. Even Apocalypse does not dare to touch its edge.

In the original plot, Apocalypse controlled Charles, and through Charles' ability, he controlled all national leaders and launched all nuclear weapons into space to detonate.

But now, without the help of Charles, Apocalypse has entered the Hellfire Club again, understood the ideals of the Black King Bastian Shaw, and instead began to vigorously promote the outbreak of nuclear war.

Ordinary people will definitely not be able to survive a nuclear war, but mutants can, or in other words, mutants mutated by radiation can! It is even said that the apocalypse prompted the outbreak of nuclear war in order to mutate ordinary people through nuclear radiation and give birth to Create more mutants.

Rather than leading some mutants to rule the vast majority of ordinary people, Apocalypse prefers to rule all mutants! And now, the existence of Wakanda allows Apocalypse to see the dawn of victory that will soon achieve his goal!... ............."Apocalypse wants to conquer Wakanda."

"I'm afraid it won't go so smoothly, and there is a high possibility that it will encounter Waterloo."

"In this mutant hybrid multiverse, Wakanda's Panther God may be greatly reduced in combat effectiveness elsewhere."

"But in Wakanda, above the vibranium veins, the strength of the 'Leopard God' is at the level of a heavenly father!"

Seeing Tianqi very excited, Qi Jun was not optimistic about it.

"not to mention!"

"The furry bear and Eagle Sauce will allow you to conquer Wakanda so easily"

Already aware of the thoughts of the top commanders of both Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang, Qi Jun looked at Tian Qi with eyes full of pity.


To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 454: Cautious Apocalypse

"Hoo ho ho"

“They are all good things!”

"They actually have veins of vibranium!"

"I see!"

"With the divine ore in hand, no wonder this royal country has stronger technological strength than other countries!"

Just like the previous intrusion into the Mao Xiong military network, after Apocalypse knocked out a lone but obviously different Wakandan border warrior from the others, he easily invaded through the Wakandan border warrior's communication equipment. Into Wakanda's internal network.

In this era where artificial intelligence has not yet been born, or artificial intelligence with autonomous consciousness has not yet been born, Wakanda's internal network still cannot stop Apocalypse's invasion.

Soon, Apocalypse learned about the history of Wakanda, and also learned that Wakanda, a chiefdom with a royal power structure, rarely possesses the technological power to crush the world.

As an ancient mutant, Apocalypse naturally knows about the existence of the magical metal vibranium.

However, in his time, the name of this metal was not vibranium, but he named it divine metal, which is a magical metal that can possess divinity! "Tsk"

"Having been sitting on a vein of divine metal for so many years, we have developed so little technological strength."

"This 'Wakanda' really doesn't know what it means!"

"The utilization rate of divine metal is so low, how dare you expose it to the eyes of the whole world"

"This Wakanda seems to really deserve this disaster!"

"The people of Wakanda deserve to be ruled by me!"

If before knowing the secret of Wakanda, Apocalypse was still very surprised by this unknown force, then now, Apocalypse's evaluation of Wakanda can be said to be disdainful of such a magical thing as a divine metal. Wakanda People actually only slightly refined it and even used it as an energy source. These bastards also spent a lot of money to make cold weapons and gave them to those... They smashed the ants with their hands. After understanding everything, Apocalypse almost I'm not mad at you! You know, back then he only had a piece of divine metal the size of a fist, but he played with it and made the most of it. It can be said that he made the best use of it.

But now, Wakanda is using divine metal veins that even 'gods' can't even imagine, but these guys are so wasteful, Apocalypse really wants to skin them all and light up sky lanterns!... ....................."I don't know who the so-called 'Leopard God' is."

“It’s the real ‘God’”

"Still a fictitious 'god' just like me, for theocratic rule."

"Actually, it's just a mutant or a mutant with some magical ability."

After all, he was a leader. Apocalypse suppressed his dissatisfaction and focused his attention on the so-called 'Leopard God' of Wakanda.

Of course, Apocalypse did not directly attack the core of Wakanda to seize power, which has something to do with this unknown "Leopard God".

"It seems"

"You have to find a chance to test this guy's quality first!"

Been through it.

After being beaten severely at the base and learning about the ferocity of modern society through the Internet, Tianqi has now learned to be very cautious.

He is no longer the lawless blue-skinned monster he was when he first woke up.



"A rogue country deserves to be called a rogue country."

"This nuclear bomb was launched with absolutely no ambiguity at all!"

Just when Tianqi was thinking about how to let this 'Leopard God' show his strength.

However, Qi Jun 'saw' that nearly a hundred nuclear missiles were launched from the countries of Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang, heading towards Wakanda!

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 455 Doubts

Because Wakanda's internal network is isolated from the external network to a certain extent, and intrusion into the network requires contact, Apocalypse did not discover in time that nearly a hundred nuclear bombs were heading in his direction. Fly here.

But just because Apocalypse couldn't see it, it didn't mean that Wakanda didn't notice it. Especially Wakanda's military personnel, through military satellites, quickly discovered nearly a hundred nuclear missiles flying towards the Black Continent.

With the previous reminder from the King of Wakanda, this group of military personnel knew very well that although the Black Continent was very large, these nearly a hundred nuclear bombs must have been launched towards their own Wakanda.

For a moment, a large group of people were scared to death! They were so scared that they were stunned! These are nearly a hundred nuclear missiles! Wuwuwuwuwuwu. Although most people were frightened, there were still some people who were very conscious. , quickly sounded the alarm, and quickly reported the intelligence to the king of Wakanda and tribal elders and other upper-level people in power.

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