......................"what happened!"

"Why is there a battle alert?"

When the shrill alarm sounded, the King of Wakanda and the tribal elders were all startled.

Especially the King of Wakanda, the...regret in his heart, ah, forget it! Although Wakanda is technologically powerful, in fact Wakanda has not experienced the baptism of any war.

When Wakanda attacks its enemies, it always uses a burst of artillery fire to cleanse the ground like the United States Federation, and then sends ground troops to replenish the fire: cleansing.

With an absolute advantage, no one would be able to crush them. In this case, the Wakandans have not really experienced the test of war. Even though they sometimes fight among tribes, that... is completely different from war.

After receiving the reported information, the King of Wakanda almost fainted.

Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang simultaneously launched short-range missiles towards Heizhou. Oh my god! What on earth did I do? Good king, doesn’t it look good in front of you? Why do you think you can stop World War III by taking action? I thought I could stop the nuclear war by taking action, now it’s okay! Both Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang have stopped.

But they actually tacitly vented their anger on themselves, a third party. What the hell did I think that I could think that I could prevent this war and disgrace my ancestors? I'm afraid Wakanda will be destroyed by myself. The king of Wakanda fell into deep self-blame in his heart.

......................"fight back!"

"Since we can no longer avoid it."

"Then hit me hard!"

"With our technological strength, which is stronger than that of Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang."

"This king still doesn't believe that they can really suppress us."

"The worst thing is, I will die with them!"

The shrill and never-ending siren brought the King of Wakanda, who was blaming himself in his heart, back to reality. He glanced at the satellite cloud image, and the King of Wakanda roared angrily, starting the counterattack.


"I was discovered"


"Is there some enemy coming to attack them?"

The shrill sirens and the large-scale mobilization of troops, all of which cannot be hidden from Tianqi's eyes and ears.

Tianqi was startled at first, thinking he had been discovered.

But then I thought about it, this is not Wakanda.

. base, what can I do even if I find myself? Then I took a closer look and found that Wakanda's army seemed to be heading outside the holographic image. "Could it be?"

"It was Yingjiang and Mao Xiong who launched the attack."

Tianqi rolled his eyes, as if he thought of something.


To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 456 Hydra: Knock on the inside! mmp!


"Your uncle is still your uncle!"

"Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang are completely shameless!"

"Framing it directly to Hydra"

"It is indeed worthy of being called a rogue nation!"

Qi Jun, who had been there the whole time, naturally discovered that Mao Xiong and Yingjiang launched nearly a hundred nuclear missiles towards Wakanda at the same time.

What made Qi Jun sigh with emotion was that the top combat commanders of Mao Xiong and Yingjiang contacted each other urgently through special channels for a while..., unified their voices, and held a press conference.

......................... Just when the whole world is trembling for the nuclear war between Yingjiang and Mao Xiong, the external relations between Mao Xiong and Mao Xiong are... The press conference was announced at the same time.

The previous launch of nuclear bombs by both countries was not due to the will of the two countries, but because a third party invaded the two countries.

This third-party force has been lurking in both countries for many years. Both countries have obtained a lot of evidence and are preparing to arrest him in the near future.

Unexpectedly, the intelligence was leaked. This third-party force took the risk and directly took over some of the military bases they had infiltrated. Without any negotiation, they launched nuclear missiles from the military bases in order to cause the Third World War. The war was easy to escape, and even triggered a global nuclear war, and everyone died together! The senior official of the press conference finally said: Fortunately, Mao Xiong and Yingjiang were well prepared in the early stage. Although some accidents occurred, they still successfully killed all third-party forces that had infiltrated the troops of both sides. The enemy has regained control of all military bases.

When a reporter asked what this third-party force was, what the spokespersons of Mao Xiong and Yingjiang said shocked everyone around the world.

[It’s actually Hydra!] [Weren’t they already wiped out during World War II?] Everyone was surprised.

As the radio waves spread, everyone was startled.

But at the same time, they all breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang didn't want to start a nuclear war, that would be fine.

Hydra! I’m so sorry! It’s extremely possible to infiltrate the military base of Mao Xiong and Mao Xiong to launch nuclear bombs. It’s okay, okay. As long as Ying Jiang and Mao Xiong are wrong, then it means that human beings still have a future. [Kill Hydra completely!] [Let Hydra never stand up again!] [Can't let: Hydra ruins the world!] For a time, the declaration of completely exterminating Hydra was very noisy.

As for Mao Xiong and Yingjiang launching nearly a hundred nuclear bombs at a certain place in Black Continent at the same time, didn't the spokesman say that there was a secret base of Hydra, and there were a lot of damn Hydra hidden there! The people of Hydra tried to trigger a nuclear bomb war, then Hydra should be given a taste of real nuclear bombs! As for the radiation problem after the Black Continent nuclear explosion, is that a problem? Except... Hydra is the type that everyone wants to fight. Underground rats, who would go to a place like Heizhou! The official power and publicity power of Yingjiang and Mao Xiong began to work at the same time, and their younger brothers naturally followed the trend of publicity.

Soon, World War III and nuclear genocide, which had previously made people around the world tremble, were shifted to the complete defeat of Hydra.

Once you have mastered the official publicity channels, fishing boats can sometimes be very easy to control.

......................... While Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, Wakanda was completely angry.

What the hell, I'm kindly trying to break up the fight, but if you don't appreciate it, forget it.

Now they are slandering us and slandering us as the remnants of the Hydra organization. In order to retaliate against Hydra, they launched nearly a hundred nuclear bombs at Wakanda. But what can be done? Wakanda, which has never been able to escape from the world, has no publicity whatsoever. means.

Even if they stand up and say that Bear and Eagle are slandering themselves, when those brainwashed people see Wakanda's conventional weapons and equipment that are more advanced than Bear and Eagle, they are afraid that they will nail Wakanda to the Nine Heads. Snake is on the pillar of shame! So, since you have to hide from the world, why not just be an ostrich completely? If you stand out in a self-righteous way, what else can you get besides being punished... ...........But in this nuclear war incident, I feel the most inexplicable.

Not Wakanda, let alone Apocalypse.

But, the real Hydra group.

Watt We Exposed specifically, then-S.H.I.E.L.D.


....Director's, Head of Hydra's Serpentine Shield Division, Pierce.

He was even more confused about the order issued by the World Security Council to completely wipe out the remnants of Hydra.

Our secret stronghold of Hydra in the Black Continent was exposed Pierce: Knock on it! Did you hear Knock on it!!!.

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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