How can this be!!!.

To be continued:.. To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 465: Journey to the Center of the Earth

Because the Wakanda Panther God finally transferred the excess underground shock wave that could not be absorbed to the ground and pushed it out, the impact of the nuclear explosion became even greater, and the radiation dust after the nuclear explosion also followed this ferocious force. The thrust is flying towards all parts of the world.

This is so unbearable! If the nuclear radiation only stays on the Black Continent, even if the Black Continent has become a dead zone for human beings and a restricted area of ​​life for thousands of years, except for the local people and some people in the Black Continent, Holy mother bitch, the rest of the world won't have any opinion either.

But now, the huge shock wave of the nuclear explosion is pushing the nuclear dust to float all over the world. No country or people can bear this, not even the people in their own countries such as the furry bears and bald eagles.

For a time, an anti-nuclear war movement was launched all over the world. Under the influence of some people behind the scenes, various campaigns were launched to destroy nuclear weapons and sanction woolly bears and bald eagles.

.....................Qi Jun did not pay attention to the global impact of this huge nuclear explosion, nor did he pay attention to those... .. Countries and people all over the world have condemned and held accountable Mao Xiong and Yingjiang... a chain reaction.

These things mean nothing to Qi Jun, even if he is affected by it.

. None of the subordinates under the protection of the base will be harmed in this incident.

After discovering that Ancient One had transferred Wakanda's Leopard God away using space magic, Qi Jun turned his attention to the huge heart deep in the earth's core.

Without any accident, the people of Wakanda who were completely melted in the nuclear explosion were all classified as dead.

The combined population of all the tribes and the entire population of the Chief Kingdom of Wakanda is in the millions! With so many souls classified as having died unexpectedly, Qi Jun knew that these souls would be inexplicably attracted to the ground. The depths of my heart were crushed, absorbed, and turned into nourishment by that huge heart, and then my soul was completely destroyed.

"That is to say"

"A decision by the King of Wakanda"

"Let the entire Wakanda community be exterminated"

After seeing with my own eyes the souls of all the Wakandans were crushed to pieces and then devoured by the heart.

Only then did Qi Jun realize that an order from the King of Wakanda not only killed him, but also dragged all the ethnic groups to be buried together, and it was even the kind that... even if he wanted to be resurrected...! You know, the reason why Qi Jun was able to resurrect little Nina's mother before was because of the golden finger of the mutant gem. In front of this huge heart, even if he collected the infinite gems and snapped his fingers three thousand times, it would not work.

Even though there are still a few people in Wakanda who hide their identities and study in various places in the outside world, the number is less than 100, and the radioactive land under the nuclear explosion cannot even return home. , isn't Wakanda equivalent to the complete annihilation of the entire race... "This thing"

"what exactly is it"

After shaking his head and not meddling with Wakanda's affairs, Qi Jun changed his mind and began to seriously look at this huge heart.

Previously, because he wanted to ensure that Qin Gray was black and attracted the Phoenix Force to come, Qi Jun did not carefully observe this huge heart.

But now after careful observation, Qi has no clue.

Qi Jun just discovered that after devouring the souls of millions of people in Wakanda, this huge heart, which was slightly weakened because of Qi Jun, has not only been completely healed, but has even been damaged by the origin of so many souls. Under the cultivation, this heart actually became slightly more powerful.

"Can this thing still grow?"

Even though the souls of millions of people were shattered and absorbed by the original source, this huge heart could still continue to grow a little bit. This also made Qi Jun find it very strange.

You know, this is a huge heart that can bring a little pressure to Qi Jun.

Then it shows that this must be the heart of a multiverse giant who is at least the same level as Qi Jun.

As for the strength of the multiverse giant, by absorbing the soul origins of millions of people, his strength can actually improve. Although it is only a slight improvement, you must know that if these soul origins are absorbed by Qi Jun, in addition to... .....It will increase some energy, but it will not help increase the strength.

But now, this heart can actually go one step further after absorbing the origin of these souls. What an amazing thing... ."perhaps"

"You can ask Gu Yi"

Qi Jun rubbed his chin with one hand while thinking.

Although Qi Jun has some memories of Ancient One.

But that...after all, it was just the memory of the Ancient One in the movie multiverse, and it was only the memory about the magic practice.

Compared to this variant of the chaotic universe, it is obvious that the knowledge will be much lacking.

What's more, the Ancient One in this world is the one who truly learns from eternity! Even if he only learns from the projection of eternity, that... is also the eternity of one of the five supreme gods in the Marvel world! Don't think that Ancient One is Kama Taj's The Supreme Mage, but the teacher of the Ancient One in this universe is not the mage of Kama Taj, or in other words, the teacher of the Ancient One is not just the mage of the Weishan Emperor line.

In other words, the Ancient One in this universe has a profound background. He not only has the dimensional gods of the Weishan Emperor series, but also has the eternal support of one of the five supreme gods of Marvel.

Under such circumstances, this variant of the Ancient One mixed with the multiverse will obviously be extremely knowledgeable! "I knew it earlier"

"When I first came into contact with Ancient One, I just copied all his memories with mutated gems."

Qi Jun smacked his lips, regretting that he was too cautious when he first arrived in this mutant universe.


"in spite of....

Are you going to find the Ancient One?"

"You can test it out first before talking."

With a teleportation, Qi Jun, who had the strength of a multiverse giant, crossed the space and came to this huge heart.

Compared with this huge heart, Qi Jun, who is less than two meters tall, is like an ant in front of a skyscraper.

Comparing the two, you can see how huge this heart is! If you extend it from the heart, you can imagine how huge the owner of this heart is! "Could it be"

"this thing"

"He is also a guy with the head of an ignorant god"

"Even, this thing is... the heart of the old god with the head in the land of knowledge."

Qi Jun ignored the huge heart that was shaking violently due to his arrival. Instead, because of its huge shape, he began to think about this heart and the head of the fallen ancient god in the land of knowledge that was developed by Ti Fan, the elder collector of the universe. Is there any... connection?

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 466: Strange Heart

Qi Jun was not too entangled in the connection between the gadget and the huge head in Zhiwu Land.

After all, you haven't even seen the huge head of the ancient god in Zhiwu Land, so how can you judge whether the two are the same? Qi Jun quickly focused on what happened because of his arrival. The reaction was violent and trembling in the heart.

"Does this thing still have consciousness?"

Qi Jun was a little surprised.

The huge head of the ancient god in the land of knowledge has no reaction when it is being exploited by collector Ti Fan and his men. How come the heart in front of him has such a big reaction? However, compared to the heart in the land of knowledge, For a head that has become a dead thing, this heart is... still very full of vitality.

With a constant supply of souls from all kinds of people who died in misfortunes on the earth, the heart deep in the earth's core has never stopped beating.

Although millions of souls are returned to the source, it will not help Qi Jun's strength, but for this heart, there is still no problem with so much source energy supply to keep the heart alive.

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