After all, the source energy is still a very high-level energy. Although at Qi Jun's level of strength, even high-level energy requires a very large amount to be useful, there is still no problem in maintaining a heart from dying, even if the heart is extremely huge! But Qi Jun never thought that those... souls that had been torn to pieces and smashed and returned to their original energy could still give birth to consciousness from this heart, just like Wakanda. Like the Leopard God, with the continuous spiritual support of the people of Wakanda, a so-called Leopard God was born. But it doesn’t make sense! These......... were detained here The soul has all been shattered and returned to its original energy. It is impossible that this energy can also give birth to consciousness. Or maybe the violent tremor of the heart is just because it is aware of Qi Jun's arrival, and is so strong towards Qi Jun. In fact, the instinctive fear of the giant has no consciousness "no matter what"

"You still have to do some research yourself to find out!"

In fact, Qi Jun did not find that this heart had any soul, consciousness, or thinking.

But such a creature with a huge heart must have been a very powerful existence during its lifetime. Qi Jun did not believe that he could completely figure it out with his spiritual scan. Qi Jun decided to enter this huge heart. Go and investigate carefully.

..................... A sound similar to a pebble hitting the lake surface and sinking into the lake flashed past, Qi Jun passed through the heart smoothly The outer wall has entered the inside.

For a giant of Qi Jun's strength, the outer wall of the heart is difficult for a single universe-level boss to break, but for Qi Jun, it is not that difficult. It is probably equivalent to an ordinary person breaking through a heart. It’s so easy as paper. “I’ll go!”

"It's so huge in here!"

"Have a cursory look at this space. Isn't it crazy?"

Good guy, after passing through the outer wall and entering the inside of the heart, Qi Jun discovered that the space inside the heart is actually larger than the entire heart itself! "The outer wall of the heart"

"It also has the effect of isolating and confusing spiritual thoughts."

This is a real scene that even Qi Jun’s spiritual mind had not scanned before he entered his heart! “And”

"It seems that this heart is somewhat different from the human heart."


"This is not the human heart."

Qi Jun grinned, but he was no longer surprised by the strangeness here.

The human heart has two ventricles, two atria, and a total of four 44 chambers, and blood can only flow into the ventricles through the atria and cannot flow backwards.

But in the huge inner space in front of Qi Jun, the blood that should have existed has all turned into a golden, high-purity concentrated energy liquid. Moreover, there are seven or eight chambers in the upper part of the space that are connected to other chambers. It's a space gate! Yes! It's a space gate! The various chambers in the heart are not connected and blocked by valves, but are space gates one by one.

Qi Jun observed that as those outside the heart...the soul origin was sucked in, it first entered a space door, and was soon spit out and entered the second space door. , these energies came out from the second Kongjiamen and entered the third Kongjiamen... But in the process, Qi Jun discovered that those... were returned to become the original energy. , step by step, was converted into golden high-purity concentrated energy floating everywhere in this space.

Every time it passes through a space gate, part of the original energy will be transformed or refined into golden energy, and then it will be completely transformed after it is spit out in the last space gate. It became golden energy, integrated into this space, and formed a part of these... high-purity concentrated energy liquids.

And these... high-purity concentrated energy liquids are not accumulating in large quantities.

According to Qi Jun's observation, every trace of these energy liquids will be consumed to supply the heart to maintain vitality.

This also explains why the heart did not burst due to the accumulation of more and more energy... "This is the heart instinctively Refining all the absorbed energy."

Qi Jun compared these... golden energy with the energy in his own body.

Qi Jun discovered that these... golden energies were only slightly inferior to his own, but their energies were essentially of the same level! This also confirmed from the side Yes, this creature with a heart must have been a multiverse giant during his lifetime! "Then"

"Who killed this ancient god?"

Qi Jun didn't know whether this thing was an ancient god or another ancient creature. But judging from its energy attributes, it must not be the Elder of the Universe. After all, Qi Jun personally killed an Elder of the Universe before traveling to this universe. , we can still clearly distinguish the energy attributes of the Elders of the Universe.

However, although this heart is different from a human's on the inside, its appearance is very similar to a human's heart, otherwise Qi Jun would not have judged it as a 'heart' at first sight! Relatively speaking, Qi Jun is still I am more willing to believe that this is the heart of an ancient god. After all, from the outside, gods and humans are still very similar... "We still have to find it." Just go to Gu Yi for a moment."

I entered each space door of the heart one by one and observed it. Except for... I discovered some strange tissues that refining various energies, there were no additional new discoveries. .

Although he didn't understand what kind of creature this thing was, Qi Jun still felt that his horizons had grown.

Especially those......different strange organizations in different space gates, Qi Jun also specially did some experiments, these... .....Different tissues can efficiently refine various types of energy, and then convert them into golden, high-purity, concentrated energy in the huge space within the heart.

Its utilization rate is as high as: nearly 99.9%.




To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 467: How was the earth formed?

"The Earth of this Universe"

"It seems...centered on this heart."

"As time passes, it slowly attracts all kinds of tiny substances in the universe, including various meteorites, planetary fragments, etc."

"After a long period of precipitation, a planet that can reproduce life has slowly formed."

If before discovering the secret deep in the earth's core, Qi Jun thought that the earth was formed from the Big Bang.

So now, after Qi Jun discovered the depths of the earth, especially the secret of this huge heart, Qi Jun naturally felt something unusual.

In a flash, Qi Jun left this huge heart, and even directly left the inner space where the heart was hidden.

Qi Jun's real body appeared directly in the center of the earth and began to carefully observe the reality of this earth.

Soon, Qi Jun discovered an abnormality in the center of the earth.

From the surface, the Earth's core is no different from other planets.

However, Qi Jun quickly discovered something abnormal after careful observation with his spiritual mind and all his senses fully activated.

At the very center of the Earth's core, there is a tiny wormhole [] connected to a huge heart.

This tiny wormhole [] is like a reverse resistance switch, opening and closing with a fixed frequency.

And between every opening and closing, deep in the center of the earth, a suction force will appear out of thin air.

Qi Jun felt it carefully and found that the suction force was not strong, and even an ordinary person standing in front of him could not attract it.

But the strange thing is... the scope of this suction is so wide, it actually affects the entire solar system! And with every occurrence of suction, some extremely small and subtle materials are everywhere in the entire solar system. The particles, as if they were firmly grasped, slowly condensed towards the earth.

Qi Jun observed again through this tiny wormhole, but found that the source of this suction was actually the energy-absorbing beat of the huge heart. With every beat of the heart, this reverse resistance A tiny wormhole [] will produce a suction force to the outside.

The matter particles attracted by this suction force were blocked by the wormhole and would not be sucked into the heart space. Slowly, endless matter piled up, and a planet was formed. "If this continues..." This heart has a constant supply of energy.”

"Wouldn't the earth be getting bigger and bigger?"

Qi Jun was confused. This is how the earth was formed. The earth is still just a small one. One day, the earth will become so huge that it will suck all the sun in. Movies don’t dare to shoot like this... ................."never mind"

"It's better to go find Gu Yi and ask."

"After all, he is the Supreme Mage of this multiverse."

"He also studied under the Dimension Boss and the Eternal Supreme from the Weishan Emperor line"

"Gu Yi should know clearly what is going on with this anomaly on Earth."

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