Qi Jun, who felt that his outlook on life had been impacted, decided to go to Gu Yi to ask for clarification.

Damn it, is the Earth in the Marvel Universe so evil..."Hey"

“This is good”

"Where did this Ancient One go?"

After understanding what was going on with the heart deep in the center of the earth, Qi Jun made his decision and left the center of the earth directly.

But just after Qi Jun 'quietly sneaked' into Kama Taj, Qi Jun discovered that Gu Yi was missing.

“It was there before”

"What the hell is this Ancient One playing at?"

From transferring the Wakanda Leopard God to Qi Jun exploring the secrets deep in the earth, the time between them was not long. It could even be said to be too short. After all, Qi Jun always relied on teleportation to travel. The time spent in between was spent by Qi Jun to find out what secrets there were in the center of the earth.

But in such a short period of time, Ancient One disappeared. Not only was Kama Taj unable to find Ancient One, but even the entire earth could not find Ancient One! "Could it be?"

“Such a little time”

"There are demons from other dimensions coming to invade the earth."

"But it's not right"

"If a dimensional demon invades the earth"

"It makes no sense that the single-universe-level Ancient One can discover it, but as the peak strength of the multi-universe level, I can't discover it."

Qi Jun guessed where Gu Yi was going, but found that he couldn't guess it no matter how hard he guessed.

"Could it be"

"It was eternity that found the Ancient One."

"Could it be"

"It was eternity that discovered me."

Qi Jun frowned and thought.

...................."never mind"

"Let's first look for Kama Taj's records on various matters."

Qi Jun thought for a while, if Eternity really discovered him, unless he left the multiverse directly, there would be no use running to other places now, as long as he was still there: in the same multiverse, as long as traces were discovered, how could You can't escape even if you run.

Even though he has gone to other multiverses, he is still in the Marvel world, but there are so many multiverses in Marvel. If you, the five supreme gods, want to find Qi Jun who has blocked the information with mutated gems, you can find him easily.

So, either leave the current variant mixed multiverse, or calm down and check the information. Kama Taj is inherited from the Weishan Emperor lineage, and there will be a lot of ancient information in the recorded information.

Although there may not necessarily be records of the origin of this multiverse on Earth, it would be good to look at other recorded information......."Sure enough"

"This Karma Taj has no record of the... huge heart in the center of the earth."

"The reasons for the formation of the earth are also not recorded."

Qi Jun released his spiritual thoughts and enveloped the entire Kama Taj. Qi Jun quickly found out where all the data and information in Kama Taj were stored.

In addition to... Kama Taj's library, there are indeed some secret places where all the information recorded by the mage's lineage has been stored since the beginning of records.


"Even the establishment of the mage lineage was only during the ancient human civilization period of the previous era tens of millions of years ago."

"And this earth has existed for billions of years."

"You really shouldn't have high hopes."

After browsing through all the information and secret records of Kamal Taj, Qi Jun shook his head.

I can't say I'm disappointed. After all, I've been mentally prepared for it, but I can't say I'm in a good mood. "Forget it."

"Since Gu Yi didn't come back for a while"

"Why not go to Asgard first?"

"I hope that this time when I go to Asgard, I won't crash into someone else's coronation ceremony like before."

Qi Jun remembered that Asgard has existed longer than human civilization.

If we count the ancient human civilization that has a history of thousands of years, then Asgard's civilization is at least hundreds of millions of years old.

After all, this is not the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In this variant hybrid multiverse, the average lifespan of an Asgardian is calculated in tens or millions of years.

"I don't know if Asgard in this universe has any records on Earth..."


To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 468: The old shady Odin? Odinson

It has been half an Earth day since Asgard Qi Jun arrived here.

Although I had inadvertently released the power of the realm before when I broke through the multiverse level, I probably roughly scanned the power composition of Asgard at that time.

But Qi Jun couldn't help but be surprised by the real power of Asgard.

On the half-Earth day when he arrived in Asgard, Qi Jun did not go directly to the National Library of Asgard, nor to the Royal Collection Room of Asgard. Although the differences between the two multiverses caused the two Asgard to There is a huge difference in the power of Gard, but the various arrangements of Asgard are not too different.

Having had experience wreaking havoc on Asgard in the movie multiverse, Qi Jun has a deep understanding of the various arrangements of Asgard in this variant hybrid multiverse.

Invisible in the subspace, Qi Jun walked around and took a rough look around the entire Asgard. Only then did Qi Jun realize that in this multiverse, Asgard's force is really high! In order to maintain In order to maintain the peace and tranquility of the Nine Realms, most of the warriors in Asgard did not stay in Asgard, but fought in various places in the Nine Realms. But even so, Qi Jun stayed in Asgard among the warriors. I also discovered several Heavenly Father-level masters hiding in the dark! As for the planet-level, there are even more star-level masters. It can even be said that Asgardians, as long as they are born and raised, are all star-level masters. A city-level master.

Sure enough, it is a country that has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and its various heritages are very profound! The physical quality of the people is high, and the offspring will be stronger than most people on the earth when they are born! Of course, the increase in life span will naturally It will lead to a decrease in the fertility rate. The average age of Asgardian civilians is counted in hundreds of thousands of years. It is also difficult for Asgardians to get pregnant after tens of thousands of years. However, as long as Asgardians get pregnant and give birth to offspring, That is not comparable to other civilized individuals.

It can be said that all Asgardians are born warriors!............ However, when it comes to fertility rate, Qi Jun can't help but I thought of that... well-known rumor that the stronger you are, the harder it is to have descendants.

In fact, in Qi Jun's opinion, fertility rate also depends on the stage.

Fertility rates generally occur when humans are still mortal, or in other words, when physical evolution has not yet been fully transformed into energy.

Once the body is fully energized, the so-called conception and the birth of offspring are just... things that you think about or don't think about.

But speaking of still being in the physical stage, as long as the body has not yet transformed into energy, Qi Jun also agrees with the rumor that 'the stronger you are, the harder it is to have offspring'.

For example, when both parties are ordinary people, there is a man and a woman. The man is very strong, but the woman is just an ordinary person. In fact, the woman can get pregnant easily at this time.

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