After all, the stronger the man and the better his physical fitness, the higher the vitality of his tadpoles, and the woman's egg membrane is easy to break through. At this time, the newly formed barrier membrane after the tadpole and the egg combine is also unable to be destroyed by other tadpoles. .

When one of the two parties is an ordinary person and the other is a cultivator or a person with supernatural powers or something else, it will not be as easy to conceive offspring as when both parties are ordinary people.

For example, if the man is a cultivator and the woman is an ordinary person, and the tadpoles are too energetic, the egg membrane will be broken by one puncture. Even if there is a tadpole with the fastest speed and the egg combines to form a new barrier membrane, it will be broken by five points. With so many tadpoles gathering together to fight and fight, it is impossible to conceive offspring! It doesn’t matter whether the man agrees or the woman agrees... there are so many tadpoles who will not agree! Or maybe the woman is. If the man is a strong man and is an ordinary person, then a tadpole cannot pierce the egg membrane. Even if hundreds of millions of brothers gather together, they can only stare in front of the membrane mage.

By the same token, even if both men and women are strong, as long as one is strong and the other is weak, it will be extremely difficult to conceive offspring.

After all, either there are too many monks and too little food, and everyone will perish together, or the city wall is too thick, and there is nothing to be done about it, in Qi Jun's opinion.

As long as the energy of the body is not reached, the stronger the body, the harder it is to have offspring. This sentence is indeed very reasonable.

But once the body is transformed into energy, giving birth to offspring is something that is no longer or even something that is not wanted.

....................."Tsk tsk"

"This Asgard is really not a good bird!"

Even though he was hidden in the subspace, Qi Jun tried his best to contain his aura.

Because Qi Jun discovered that Odin Odinson, the God King of Asgard, is not actually a single universe-level strength! This guy's true strength is actually a multi-universe level of strength! "Haha"

“nice guy”

"You actually fooled me last time!"

"This old guy"

“It’s indeed quite gloomy!”

Qi Jun never expected that Odin would beep like this! Although he beeped powerfully, he only showed that he was just a single universe-level prototype.

Even if he only has a single universe-level strength, he already belongs to a separate faction in the universe. But if someone really thinks that he is easy to bully, as soon as the multiverse-level strength is unleashed, the offender will definitely be stunned on the spot.

However, through Qi Jun's quiet observation, Qi Jun discovered that Odin in this multiverse has the same hidden danger as Odin in the movie multiverse, that is, strength He is getting stronger and stronger, but his body is increasingly unable to bear it! However, compared with the Odin in the movie universe who has difficulty suppressing the growth of strength and can only rely on Odin's sleep to delay death, in this universe Odin, however, can transfer excess power away relatively easily.

Although this Odin cannot completely transfer his power every time, it also greatly slows down the pace of strength growth. Similarly, it also greatly extends the survival time.

But Qi Jun still discovered some disadvantages in this process, that is, he cannot use force frequently! Once Odin often uses force, the growth in strength that could have been suppressed will skyrocket in retaliation. At that time, it will Speeding up Odin’s death! “No wonder Odin in this universe hasn’t used force for many years.”

"Even if other forces in the Nine Realms rebel, they will just let Thor and Loki deal with it."

"Even if those...rebellious forces counterattacked into Asgard, this old bastard was still able to hold back, and finally suppressed the rebellion with the lives of a large number of Asgardian soldiers. ."

Qi Jun suddenly thought of the information recorded in the documents he had seen in Kama Taj.

Since Odin entered the aging period ten thousand years ago, Odin has never personally taken action in the Nine Realms.

Others thought that he was training his two princes, but Qi Jun knew that this old man just wanted to live for hundreds of thousands more years! As for why Odin didn't use his ever-increasing power to break through to super size? The universe-level strength is naturally Odin's body, and he is not allowed to do this! The Asgardian body is not... Thanos's eternal Titan family, the multiverse-level power, is already Asgard The ceiling for the Garde people is over! At least in this universe! After all, they don’t have anything specifically used for body training like the Eight-Nine Mysterious Gong.

The upper limit of a water tank is right there. If you keep filling the tank with water, the water will only overflow.

The body of an Asgardian is like a closed water tank. If you keep filling it with water, the tank will burst, and you will get nothing in the end.

...................."never mind"

"in spite of....

What an old man Odin is!"

"At least in this world, Asgard has not provoked me."

"As long as you don't offend me"

"Then I'm too lazy to care."

"It's better to check out Asgard's collection."

"I hope that Asgard, which has existed for hundreds of millions of years, can have some records of the earth!"

Qi Jun thought carefully for a while... and finally gave up the plan of exposing Odin Odinson's strength to the whole universe.

After all, Odin Odinson, the Odin of this universe, did not provoke Qi Jun, and Qi Jun had no need to start a war with the Odin of this universe because of the grudge he had with Odin in the previous universe.

What's more, the Odin of this universe is an old man of the same level as Qi Jun.

Once a war breaks out, it will be difficult to deal with, let alone the fact that it will attract the attention of other powerful men in the universe.

If this was discovered by the five supreme gods, it would be a huge loss.

This is totally... thankless! Qi Jun also specially recorded Odin Odinson's strength and his taboos.

If the Odin of this universe offends him in the future, it will not be too late to release this information! Qi Jun does not believe that Odin, an old man who has been fighting everywhere for millions of years in the first half of his life, will have no enemies.

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 469: The Land of Nothingness


"Asgard really has no information about this earth!"

Qi Jun couldn't help but sigh a little after putting down the last volume of records about anecdotes and strange events in his hand.

Qi Jun did not read the Asgardian books on cultivation methods, martial arts, magic, etc., but specifically selected various historical information and anecdotes to read. .

But even so, Qi Jun looked at it for a long time. After all, it is Asgard's hundreds of millions of years of heritage, and it is not like being able to browse through it so quickly like in Kama Taj.


"Although there is no record of the formation of the Earth"

"There is no record of the heart at the center of the earth."

"But, about the Tenjin Group's experiments on Earth"

"About the Kree experiments on Earth"

"These... are actually recorded"

"Mutants and Inhumans"

"Sure enough, they are just these... little minions in the eyes of the big forces."

Of course, various Asgardian documents also contain records of the lineage of mages on Midgard.

Even these... documents clearly stated that... the Supreme Mage in Midgard must not be... provoked, and offenders Severe punishment! "Tsk"

"I don't know if any of the previous supreme mages have fought against Asgard."

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