"It was the Dimension bosses from Wei Shandi's line who took action."

"I don't care about those... mutants on Earth who are capable of breaking through the Heavenly Father level or even the single universe level."

"On the contrary, we are so cautious about...the Supreme Mage of the Mage lineage on Earth."

"This Asgard must have been beaten too -"

Regarding Asgard's reluctance to provoke Karma Taj, Qi Jun also smiled.

Obviously, if you want to make a big power dare not provoke you at will, you must first beat him so hard that it hurts him so much that he will never... be willing to provoke you again...! Obviously , this is what happened in Asgard. Although Asgard did not record why it was not allowed to provoke the Supreme Mage, it is not difficult to guess what happened.

It can only be said that Asgard has suffered great losses in the hands of Earth's mages! "But"

"Look at these... traces of the manuscript, I'm afraid no one has checked it for thousands of years."

"I don't know if the descendants of Asgard who have not participated in the 'Conflict' will still obey the original order."

Qi Jun suddenly wanted to throw Thor and Loki to the earth.

Thor, the God of Thunder, during this period can be said to be a pure muscularist and a pure supremacist of force. If you want to talk to him about peaceful development or something like that, you are just talking nonsense.

With this guy's recklessness and this guy Loki's dirty tricks, I'm afraid the earth will be thrown into chaos by them..." never mind"

"Don't mess with Asgard for the time being"

“Let’s go to the unknown land first and then talk about it.”

Qi Jun thought for a while and finally gave up the idea of ​​throwing Thor and Loki to the earth.

Not to mention that the entire nine realms, including the Earth, are under Heimdall's surveillance. Qi Jun threw Thor and Loki to the Earth, and these two guys could easily return to Asgard.

Just saying that this kind of behavior can easily arouse Bip's alertness, Qi Jun doesn't want to do it.

After all, relatively speaking, you are willing to face a straight man, or to put it more simply, you are willing to face Thor, you are willing to face Loki...... ....In the depths of the universe, in the unknown land, an extremely slight spatial fluctuation flashed across Qi Jun's body, and Qi Jun appeared alone in the starry sky.

Just do it when you think of it, this has always been Qi Jun's code of conduct.

If he can't find the answer he wants in Asgard, Qi Jun will naturally go elsewhere.

And this place of ignorance is naturally the place where Qi Jun must come.

Qi Jun also first looked to see if there was any connection between the huge head in the Zhiwu Land and the huge heart in the hidden space deep in the earth's core.


"This thing is really huge!"

With the star map found in Asgard, Qi Jun naturally would not get lost, and could easily travel directly to the starry sky in the unknown land through the power of space rules.

Only in the starry sky can we truly see the appearance of this extremely huge head.

This is a behemoth with a volume larger than the earth. It is hard to imagine how huge it would be in the starry sky when it is complete! If it were lying across the starry sky in the universe, it would be too big for ordinary people. The so-called round sky and square place are not impossible! After all, with such a huge size, it is just a head. Even an ordinary person cannot complete a full circle in his life, let alone a larger and wider body. Yes! Similarly, Qi Jun is also very curious.

"Where is its body?"

Qi Jun suddenly felt that he needed to talk to Ti Fan, the elder collector of the universe.

The so-called Elders of the Universe are almost all beings who were born from the Big Bang and live to this day.

To them, time seems to have no meaning at all.

Born in the birth of the universe and died in the destruction of the universe, their long life has already made them lose the motivation to move forward in a more powerful direction.

Collectors pass their time by collecting all kinds of strange treasures in the universe and cherishing species.

Gao Tianzun in the Arena passes the time by watching various gladiatorial fights and entertainment projects.

It seems that these...the elders of the universe, all of them are so idle that they seem to be looking for something to do for themselves.

In fact, in their long lives, they have seen too many things, and they can have their own hobbies, so these two cosmic elders can live a relatively comfortable life.

And some cosmic elders have gone crazy for a long time, either falling asleep or actively looking for trouble to die. In short, in the long cosmic time, there are not many cosmic elders left in the universe.

Qi Jun felt that if he found the Collector or Gao Tianzun, he might be able to find out what was going on on the earth............. "Well..."

“It’s really chaotic here”

"It is indeed a chaotic place where the evil in the universe is concentrated!"

After admiring the huge head of the ancient god in the unknown land in the starry sky, Qi Jun dodged and came to the huge head.

The moment he explored his spiritual mind, Qi Jun discovered the freedom and chaos of this place! Petty thefts were everywhere, and robberies were everywhere. In the entire unknown land, everything seemed to come from all over the world. Various chaotic people in the universe.

However, in some places with special markings, no one dares to act wildly.

Qi Jun took a closer look, and sure enough, those marks were... special marks belonging to the interstellar group company opened by Collector Tiffan in the universe, Tifan Company! Anyone who has some ideas in the universe knows that Tifan No matter what kind of existence, who has lived for who knows how many years, the Elder of the Universe, who dares to provoke him? Even if he doesn’t know that Tifan is the Elder of the Universe, as long as he can connect to the interstellar network, how can he not know that Tifan’s interstellar group is open all over the world? Even the various empires, federations, and alliances in the known universe, even those... interstellar pirates, dare not provoke a truly cosmic behemoth like the Tiffany Interstellar Group.

Therefore, even if there are extremely chaotic, arrogant and domineering people of all kinds in other places in the Zhiwu Land, as long as they enter a place with the Tifan Group's logo, they will obediently restrain all their arrogance and arrogance.

The Tiffany Group’s stories about how to teach people how to be a good person have already been heard... The bastards in the universe have their ears pricked.

They don't want to try the Tiffany Group's wrath.

Naturally, they did not dare to try Ti Fan's wrath.

You know, the Zhiwu Land, where the interstellar mining field is located, has a Tiffany clone sitting here.

Although others didn't know that it was just Tiffany's clone, no one dared to try it.


"This is the aura of a true universe boss!"

"That guy Thanos can only scare others by killing half the people on the planet."

"Only people like Ti Fan, who do nothing but no one dares to provoke, are the real bosses!"

Qi Jun smacked his lips, showing great disdain for... Thanos' actions.

What's the point of making people afraid by killing?

Only by relying on a name can people dare not do anything and do everything obediently according to the rules. Only then can they be considered a real big shot and their journey in this world has truly been worthwhile.

The name Thanos probably only scares the people on earth.

Even the Xandarians of the Nova Empire dare to go to war with Thanos, even if they are eventually destroyed by the group.

But it is also conceivable that killing alone cannot shock the entire universe.

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