
"I'm really sorry. I'm rude. It's really inappropriate to have a cosmic powerhouse waiting!"

In the living room, Qi Jun had just sat down, and before Tiffany arrived, the voice came from far away.

Of course, before the sound dissipated, Ti Fan's single universe-level powerful clone came to Qi Jun, bowed slightly and apologized to Qi Jun.

To be honest, among all the Marvel series, this guy Tiffany is really the most polite in this respect. He is really considerate in all aspects of his life.

Not to mention that Qi Jun just sat down, even if Qi Jun waited for a while, he would not be angry when he saw Ti Fan's actions.

Even though this clone only has a single universe-level strength, who knows how strong Ti Fan is. However, in Qi Jun's opinion, maybe Ti Fan has been a space merchant for too long, and some of him is regarded as a merchant. It must have been affected by harmony and wealth.

But no matter what, among all the Marvel universes, only Tifan can give people a feeling of spring breeze.

At least on this point, Tiffany's image will not be bad! .................. "Where"

"I also paid an impromptu visit without making an appointment in advance. I was too abrupt."

When others give him face, Qi Jun will naturally greet him with a smile, not to mention scorning him.

Qi Jun stood up, supported Ti Fan's clone, and said with a smile.

"Ha ha"

"I'm just an ordinary collector."

“But there’s not so much red tape, so you don’t need to make an appointment.”

"We businessmen are always open to do business, you are welcome no matter where you are"

"As long as you come, we will welcome you"

Qi Junxu helped him, and Tifan stood up straight and responded with a smile.


"I'm curious"

"What kind of planet is the earth?"

"Logically speaking, I shouldn't have heard of such a planet with a strong man like you sitting in charge."

After being polite, the two parties took their seats, and Tiffan asked curiously.

To be honest, the earth is the center of the universe, but it is not famous.

Of course, if he was introduced by another name, an elder of the universe like Ti Fan who has lived for who knows how long would definitely be aware of it.


"This is the name we give this planet now."

"But when it comes to its name in the universe"

"Mr. Tifan must be impressed."

Qi Jun understood Tifan's doubts.

First of all, the name Earth is not... something that has existed since ancient times. You know, in ancient times, people didn’t even know that the Earth was round! Secondly, as far as the aura left by Qi Jun on the greeting card he handed over before, then Ming Ming Ti Fan would not admit the clearly demonstrated strength of a multiverse giant, and generally speaking, Ti Fan, as the elder of the universe, knew almost all of this level of powerhouses.

But the combination of an unknown planet and an unknown giant would naturally make Ti Fan confused.


"That's what Asgard calls it."


"This is the name given to it by the Kree Empire in the galaxy."

Qi Jun said with a smile.

"That's it!"

A trace of surprise clearly flashed in Ti Fan's eyes.


To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 472: Inquiry

Sure enough, Ti Fan knew it! Although Ti Fan's facial expression did not change at all, Qi Jun's eyesight was no longer what it used to be. Qi Jun clearly saw a trace of surprise flashing deep in Ti Fan's eyes.

Obviously, Ti Fan knows about the earth! In fact, if you think about it carefully, how could the elders of the universe like Ti Fan, who have been born since the beginning of the universe, not know about those... ...Special things, special places, even, these...... Elders of the universe, maybe they have some kind of connection with the earth, like " The one in "Thor"... The Hulk who left the earth in a Quinjet fighter casually flew to Gao Tianzun's territory. How can there be such a coincidence in this world! Even, in the original plot of "Thor 3", Thor and Loki robbed Gao Tianzun's spaceship and returned to Asgard. He just passed through a time and space channel and arrived there. Others who wanted to go to Gao Tianzun's territory had to go through countless space jumps. Wormhole【】 Shuttle Even Qi Jun can conclude that both Tifan and Gao Tianzun have some secret ways of connecting with the earth, or the solar system, or the nine realms mentioned by Asgard! Hulk leaves After leaving the earth, they did not go anywhere else, but went to Gao Tianzun's playground. Thor and Loki were kicked out of the teleportation channel of the Rainbow Bridge by Hela. They also did not fall to other places, but went to Gao Tianzun's playground. Where in this world? There are so many coincidences! It's obvious that these...the Elders of the Universe have some kind of special connection with the Earth.

However, Qi Jun doesn't care about this...

Qi Jun only needs to know that under such circumstances, he can easily get the information he wants to know, and that's it.

....................."It seems that Mr. Tifan knows this place."

Seeing Tifan's changes, Qi Jun said with a smile.


"I didn't expect that Mr. Qi Jun would be the most powerful person from there!"

Tifan's clone, or Tifan himself, never thought of lying.

In front of a multiverse-level giant who controls the power of the domain, no change can escape the perception of such a giant, even if the domain is not opened! Tifan's body possesses multiverse-level strength, so naturally It is to know what kind of power the multiverse giant has.

"Talk about it"

"Although that place is special, it has never produced a powerful person who has exceeded the strength of a single universe."

"Mr.'s strength"

“It’s very unusual...!!!!”

Looking at Qi Jun, Tifan's eyes sparkled, as if he were holding a peerless treasure.

For Ti Fan, who already has the habit of collecting treasures in his heart, Qi Jun's existence that breaks the rules is what Ti Fan particularly likes.

Of course, due to Qi Jun's strength, Ti Fan, who is spread all over the universe, has also restrained his emotions a lot. Otherwise, if Qi Jun is upset and this place of ignorance is destroyed, there will be no room for reasoning. You know , in this palace where there is no place, there are many collections that Ti Fan loves... "Special"

“How special”

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