"What's the reason?"

"So special that no strength beyond the level of a single universe is allowed to appear."

Although he didn't like the look in Ti Fan's eyes as if he had found a treasure he liked, seeing that Ti Fan restrained himself in time, Qi Jun didn't intend to fall out, but his tone was no longer as kind as before.


"I believe Mr. Qi Jun himself feels the specialness of Midgard."

"Otherwise, Mr. Qi Jun would not come to my place."

Noticing the change in Qi Jun's tone, Ti Fan controlled her emotions well.

Although Ti Fan's true body is not afraid of Qi Jun, it is the true body. Ah, although this clone has a single universe level strength, in the face of Qi Jun's multiverse level strength, it will be easily crushed to death. "But!"

"The most valuable thing in the universe is... all kinds of knowledge and information."

"I don't know what Mr. Qi Jun is willing to give in exchange for this information."

Although Tiffan is a famous collector in the universe, Tiffan is also an extremely famous dealer of knowledge and information.

It's just that if you want to buy knowledge, information, intelligence, etc. from Ti Fan, you don't have enough identity... or the price is not enough, and you can't even see Ti Fan.

Of course, Qi Jun's identity is naturally enough.

Even the giants with multiverse level strength don’t have enough status... How can Tifan be so unassuming? Even so, business is... business. Since it is business, Tifan will not do it because of Qi Jun’s identity. And lose the principle.

Even though Qi Jun has multiverse level strength, if he wants to know some information from Ti Fan, he can't just... just talk it out.

....................."It depends on what you want."

Qi Jun was not angry that Ti Fan was asking for compensation from him. It was a fair deal, as it should be.

Qi Jun is not... Thanos'... arrogant man who thinks he is... the Lord of the Universe with a few Infinity Stones in his hands. He doesn't pay attention to anyone. He just grabs everything he wants. That will only Make the road narrower and narrower! With the mutated gem in hand, Qi Jun can get it out in minutes as long as it exists in this universe.

Even if Ti Fan wants the Infinity Stones, except for the Space Stone that has been swallowed and fused, Qi Jun can get the other Infinity Stones for Ti Fan. With the power of the Phoenix, Infinity stones are no longer Qi Jun's main goal.

What's more, the secret information of the earth is really worth a few infinite gems............. "Hehe"

"What do you want to know"

"As long as I know, I will definitely tell you everything!"

With the intention of trading, Tiffan immediately became energetic, rubbed his hands, his eyes lit up, and he smiled, which made Qi Jun look extremely funny.

"I would like to know"

"All about the heart at the center of the earth:."

"I also want to know what the earth, the Midgard planet you know, means to... this universe!"

When it came to business, Qi Jun also straightened his face and asked Ti Fan.


To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 473 Negotiation

"The Heart of Kemir at the Center of the Earth"

"And what Kemir means to the universe."

After hearing Qi Jun's words, Ti Fan also looked serious.

The heart is that of a guy named Kemir. Is Kemir a god or something? Although Tifan muttered the word 'Kemer', Qi Jun believed that the 'Heart of Kemir' was what he meant. ...The heart deep in the center of the earth, and Kemir, is naturally the Earth of Midgard! ........ "No problem!"

"I know everything you want to know........."

"However, the cost of obtaining this information is also very high!"

"Infinity Stones!"

"One 1 Infinity Stone!"

"As long as you can give me an infinite gem, or something of equal price,."

"And you have to give me the price first."

"Then, I can tell you this information!"

Maybe he was thinking about whether it was worth it, or maybe he was thinking about whether to kill the big business owner. After thinking for a while, Ti Fan raised a finger and said sternly to Qi Jun.

..........."Are you sure your message is worth the price?"

Hearing that the price was actually an infinite gem, Qi Jun couldn't help but feel a little moved.

You know, although the Infinity Stones are not the most valuable things in the universe, their rarity and value are absolutely nothing to say.

What kind of news is it? It's just a piece of information that has to be spent at such a high cost. Could it be that this guy wants to kill a big family? Qi Jun will inevitably have doubts about this.

........"Of course it's worth the price!"

"I can assure you that this price is definitely not deceiving you!"

"It can even be said that in order to make you a friend, this is already the price of friendship!"

Ti Fan naturally noticed Qi Jun's suspicion and hurriedly explained to Qi Jun in a respectful tone.

You know, Qi Jun is a multiverse-level giant who controls the power of the realm. If someone doesn't like his clone with a single universe-level strength, it will be extremely easy! "It's just an infinity stone."

"I don't believe you don't know where it is."

"Why don't you go get it yourself?"

The Infinity Stone may be a treasure to people with little strength, but to those ancient gods and elders of the universe who have lived for who knows how many billions of years, it is nothing more than a powerful treasure. Not something of great value.

If you are a collector in the movie multiverse, you may be coveting the Infinity Stones, but collectors in this variant hybrid multiverse will definitely not be so rare about this thing:.

It is even unknown that in some time span, the Infinity Stones will be tired of being played by these beings.

"I do know some information about the location of the Infinity Stones."

"But that... thing has no effect on improving the strength of existences like us."

"So, even if we know those locations, we take them from the past."

"However, the information you want to know this time is not ordinary information.

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