"If I tell you this information directly without making some preparations, I will definitely be seriously hurt, and it is not uncommon for me to even die."

"I need you to provide an infinite gem first. It's just that I want to block the damage."

"What's more, you don't want to encounter unnecessary trouble, do you?"

As if he knew that Qi Jun would definitely be suspicious in his heart, Ti Fan had a frank look on his face when he explained.

Just as Qi Jun guessed, the Infinity Stones may be a good thing for those... new powerful people who want to get their hands on them no matter what, but for someone like Ti Fan, For the Elder of the Universe, it is just a piece of trash that has long been tired of playing and thrown away.

Maybe calling it garbage is a bit too much.

But it is absolutely true that the elders of the universe like Ti Fan are not interested in the infinite stones at all! Otherwise, as long as they...the elders of the universe are interested, how can they in this universe There are infinite gems that can be spread.

Who else can snatch the Infinity Stones from these multiverse-level giants!......"I hope you're not lying!"

"Otherwise, even if you have countless clones, you will still be dead!"

Sensing the sincerity coming from Ti Fan's clone, Qi Jun frowned and believed his words for the time being.

in spite of....

Tifan said he was not lying, and Qi Jun decided to get a 1 infinite gem to try first.

The infinite gems in this universe are only one 1 space gem fused by Qi Jun. The others are still there. Qi Jun only needs to pick up one 1 and give it a try to know that what Ti Fan said is true. It's still fake.

"Almighty God!"

"I promise that everything I say is true!"

Facing Qi Jun's scrutinizing gaze, Ti Fan looked very magnanimous.



"I'm going to get one right now!"

Hearing Ti Fan swear, Qi Jun narrowed his eyes, and the aura he exuded became more and more...cold.

This Tifan actually swore with Quan. He was wondering whether this universe could still contact that kind of existence. However, Qi Jun calmly drew a crack in the space and then stepped in.

Leaving a space in Tifan's palace full of various restrictions was also Qi Jun's warning to Tifan.

Qi Jun may not be able to deal with that... so-called omnipotence, but it is easy to deal with Ti Fan, even if you have almost infinite clones! But those... clones, the more they are divided, The strength is getting lower and lower, so Qi Jun doesn't care! "I'm waiting for your orders at any time!"

Qi Jun's warning meant that Ti Fan naturally received it.

But Tifan didn't take it seriously. He had never thought about becoming an enemy of a multiverse-level giant.

Therefore, Tifan seemed very calm.


"I got the power stone."

"Now, tell me the answer you want!"

Soon, before the space crack had closed, Qi Jun walked out of the crack again.

However, when Qi Jun came back, he had a small, round cosmic spirit ball in his hand! What Qi Jun said before was right. At their level of strength, after knowing those... ..After finding the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones, if you say you want to get them back, you really mean to get them back! The Mind Stone is in the hands of Thanos, the Time Stone is in the hands of the Ancient One, and the Soul Stone is on the planet Vormir. These three stones want to To get it, you need to go through a lot of trouble.

The space gem has been fused with Qi Jun's space gem to become a new space gem, so Qi Jun will naturally not take it out.

All that's left are the Power Stone and the Reality Stone.

These two infinite gems are ownerless things and can be taken by Qi Jun.

But Qi Jun decided to wait and sacrifice the Reality Stone to the Goldfinger Mutated Stone to see if it would activate any new functions or make Goldfinger more powerful. So, Qi Jun went directly to Mora who had not been taken away. Get the power gem from the grid star.

As for Qi Jun's current strength, this time is just...a blink of an eye.


"Please wait!"

"I need to make some preparations with this Infinity Stone."

Naturally receiving the cosmic spirit ball, and as if to confirm what he said before, Tifan came to a unique building next to the palace and began to work.


It wasn't until this moment that Qi Jun realized that he would have walked to this building and seen it with his own eyes.

Otherwise, in his perception, this building does not exist at all.

"some of"

"Is it possible that it really involves some indescribable existence?"

Qi Jun's face looked a little bad.

If the speculation comes true, then for Qi Jun, this is completely... an out-and-out bad news!

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 474 Reason

Although this building can block Qi Jun's perception, Qi Jun still followed Ti Fan and walked in.

Again, Qi Jun didn't believe that Ti Fan would want to murder him. He was an unknown multiverse-level powerful man. Ti Fan would only want to offend him if his head was screwed.

What's more, Qi Jun, who has the golden finger mutant gem in hand, is not afraid at all even if Ti Fan really sets a trap. He even completely kills Ti Fan's body and has no problem with all the clones - provided that Don't let Tifan's... clones fit together.

If all of Ti Fan's clones are integrated, once Ti Fan's strength breaks through the super universe level, then with Qi Jun's current strength, there is really nothing he can do to him, but if he escapes , but there is no problem.

That's why Qi Jun followed Ti Fan into this building that can shield the perception of multiverse giants as if he was unprepared.

..........."This is"

"independent space"

He didn't notice it outside, but when he walked into the building, Qi Jun discovered that there was actually a space of its own inside. Qi Jun could easily feel that this space was independent of the main space! And what surprised Qi Jun the most was that, This space is actually filled with chains of various rules moving around! "The rules materialize!"

Qi Jun didn't expect that the chain of rules would be directly embodied in this building! The chains looked like the anchor chains of an aircraft carrier on the earth, as thick and sparkling! ..........."That's right!"

"This space is really independent of the main space."

"But apart from being independent, there are actually some connections between them."

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