"This space is actually... peeled off from the main universe."

"Moreover, after hundreds of millions of years.

Slowly all the rules and powers of the main universe are embodied in the form of physical chains operating in this space."

Ti Fan was in front holding the power gem while explaining to Qi Jun.

"The Kemir Star involves a higher level of existence."

"Even just talking about that."

"He will also be responsive!"

"If you want to know the information about Kemir, you must talk in such a relatively independent and isolated space."

"Otherwise, as long as it is in the main universe."

"He can sense it even if His name is spoken."

"Although He has left this universe for so many years, we cannot guarantee whether He will come to this universe again once His existence is mentioned."

"This is what our universe elders and ancient gods absolutely don't want to see!"

"His coming will completely break the harmony we have had for hundreds of millions of years."

When talking about the unknown Him, Tifan's face was full of seriousness and awe! Obviously, such an existence brought him great pressure.

Even though they knew that such a being would not take them seriously, they were unwilling to face him.


"It's right here."

After walking a certain distance, Ti Fan took Qi Jun to a place similar to an altar.

"If you want to block his induction, you must use all the power of the rules."

"But using all the power of rules and driving all the chains of rules to block the induction requires very powerful energy support."

"This is why I need you to pay 1 infinite gem in advance."

"After all, no cosmic elder or ancient god is willing to use his own power to control the power of rules in the entire universe."

"Even if it can be driven, the price...is not that high."

"After the design of many universe elders and ancient gods, the infinite gems are the most perfect starting energy source in this space!"

"After all, it is connected to the most original energy of the entire universe!"

Tiffany explained.


To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 475: Starry Sky Behemoth Kemir


"You don't have to worry about something now."

After activating the altar-like device, Tifan's expression became significantly more relaxed, and a smile from the bottom of his heart appeared on his face.

"That kind of existence."

"Is it stronger than the five supreme gods?"

Qi Jun asked while carefully observing the entire altar space.

Qi Jun discovered that after Tifan activated the 'altar', all the rule chains in the entire space swam in an instant.

As huge and high-quality energy is extracted from the power gems, these... manifested rule chains become more and more... agile.

But at the same time, Qi Jun also sensed that this space was instantly isolated from the main universe.

In fact, it is more correct to say that it is separated! Because at this moment, this 'altar space' has no connection with the main universe space at all.


The power gems that are continuously extracting the original energy from the main universe are not counted.

However, Qi Jun, who had the mutated stone in hand, was not panicked at all.

Not to mention it is just a space isolation, even if he is isolated to another universe, it will not pose any threat to Qi Jun.

Even if this space isolation uses almost all the power of the rules!......"Not bad!"

"That is an existence more powerful than the five supreme gods!"

"In front of Him, the five supreme gods are like a child, without the ability to resist."

"Of course, we who are worse than the five supreme gods are even less capable."

Even in this activated altar space that has been completely cut off from the outside world, Tifan's expression is full of heartfelt and instinctive awe for 'His' existence.

It can be seen that Tifan is truly in awe and worship of that person's existence from the bottom of his heart! That's right! It is... worship! The weak eats the strong, and the strong is respected.

Only these immortals who have lived for who knows how many years and experienced so many things will understand the rules of this most red fruit in the universe to their bones!..." Talk about it"

"Information you want to ask for"

"Say it is valuable, it is indeed valuable."

"It can be said that it is not valuable, and it is indeed not valuable."

"The thing about Kemir is, in fact, as long as you live long enough."

"Whether it's the elders of the universe like us or those...ancient gods, they basically all know the details."

"But the key is, no one can say it, and no one dares to say it."

With obvious awe on his face, Ti Fan shook his head and said with emotion.

......."in fact"

"This sensory isolation space was created by...most of the strongest people who joined forces after they left."

"Since the beginning, there have been cosmologists and ancient gods taking turns guarding this place."

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