"But as time passed, conflicts between the elders of the universe and the ancient gods arose."

"In addition, the old gods have fallen and new gods have taken over."

“This place has slowly become unused.”

"If I remember correctly, this place has not been used for hundreds of millions of years."

"However, no matter how turbulent the elders and gods of the universe are, this place... has never been destroyed."

"And we have been continuously strengthening this place."

Tifan said with emotion.


"The palace in the Land of Knowledge is actually just one of the entrances to this space."

"However, the moment this isolation space is activated, all entrances to the space will be disconnected, so we don't have to worry about anyone coming to disturb us."

"It's just that after that, I need to explain it to some powerful people who often strengthen this space."

Qi Jun nodded and said nothing more.

With Qi Jun's spatial perception, what Ti Fan said......, he had already sensed it.

In fact, among Qi Jun's many abilities, spatial ability is the strongest.

After all, what Qi Jun learned from the beginning was spatial ability.

If Qi Jun, a newly promoted multiverse giant, competes with other ancient giants of the same level, other abilities may be suppressed for various reasons, but the space ability will definitely not! With those... ..... When fighting against the veteran giants, it is normal for Qi Jun to be at least equal to them in terms of spatial ability, or even surpass them.


"Let's talk about the information you want to know."

"As I get older, I tend to be a bit verbose unconsciously."

Ti Fan bowed slightly to Qi Jun and apologized.


"What you said..., I'm actually very interested in it too."

Qi Jun smiled and gave him a little help.

..........."Kemire Star!"

"That is the planet Midgard named by the Asgardians."

"That being slaughtered a... behemoth in the starry sky, and used its heart as the core to condense the special planet."

"In fact, Kemir is also the core of this multiverse!"

"I won't say much about that person's existence. He can destroy the existence of many multiverses with a wave of his hand. It's useless to say more."

"We created such an isolation space just to shield his perception when talking about his existence and things related to him."

"When you provoke that kind of existence, any explanation is powerless, and suicide may be just a luxury."


"It seems that I went off topic again. Tifan coughed lightly and tried to cover it up when he realized that he was off topic.

"The beginning of the universe."

"Except...there are elders of the universe like us, born gods"

"There are also some wild behemoths running rampant among the stars in the universe."

"And Kemir is...one of the emperors!"

"In order to survive, the elders of the universe formed allies with the gods and became enemies with the giant beasts in the sky, competing for living space and resources."

"At that time, Kemir was so powerful that it overpowered the entire universe. We, the elders of the universe and the ancient gods, were almost slaughtered."

"Until that being takes action."

"Just a light blow."

"The strength of the unparalleled starry sky behemoth Kemir has dropped significantly."

"Later, he was beheaded by that being, and his heart was made into the star core of a planet."

"Although I don't know why a being who can kill everything with just a wave of his hand is doing this."

"But no one dares to think about that thing."

"Later, slowly, a planet was formed, which was named Kemir Star by us old immortals."

As Tifan narrated, he also projected the scenes from ancient times in the isolated space. However, the indescribable existence seemed to be made into a mosaic and could not be seen clearly at all.

But even so, Qi Jun was even more deeply shocked when he saw those... multiverse-level giants falling like dumplings in the projection!

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 476 Doubts

In the wars of ancient times, the elders of the universe and the gods united to resist the invasion of the wild beasts in the starry sky.

This was even before Kemir, the leader of the wild behemoths, took action.

In that...ancient era, Heavenly Father-level and single-universe-level powerhouses fell like dumplings.

Even if it is... a high-end combat power in the universe with multiverse level strength, it will be the death of millions of people.

Of course, as those... top experts fell, a large number of ferocious beasts from the universe also died on a large scale.

The ancient war between gods was simply...a cosmic meat grinder. Except for...the leader of the vicious beasts, Kemir, everyone on both sides of the war at that time was likely to perish.

It was not until later that 'He' appeared that the process was reversed in one fell swoop.

...........But Qi Jun also knows.

Those...the fallen elders and gods of the universe, as well as more groups of ferocious beasts in the universe, eventually turned into the most essential energy in the universe, feeding back the little that was born at that time. The universe has lasted for billions of years, which is why this universe is now growing stronger.

It can be said that this is the same as the reason why Pangu in the Xia civilization created the world by killing three thousand demon gods.

The corpse of the demon god became the nourishment of the prehistoric world, and then these...the fallen elders and gods of the universe, as well as those ferocious beasts of the universe, became the nourishment that nourished this variant hybrid multiverse. .

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