..........."You said that Kemir is the center of the universe"

"But why can't I feel anything strange about it?"

Don't look at the aliens who just want to bully the earth all day long, as if everything is going to happen on the earth.

But in fact, there are creatures everywhere in the universe.

However, there are only a limited number of infinite gems in this universe.

But even if these gems were finally gathered on the earth, Qi Jun did not see where it represented the argument that the earth is the center of the universe.

..........."Because that existence took action!"

The look in Ti Fan's eyes flashed with fear, excitement, admiration, fear, etc... It could be seen that the presence of that person brought a lot of feelings to Ti Fan. Countless years later, he was still in front of his eyes.

This is really a big shot. Qi Jun couldn't help but sigh.

Brother is no longer in the world, but his legend is still circulating in the world.

Brother is no longer in Jianghu, but Jianghu is still in awe of Brother's majesty! "That is indeed the center of the universe."

"The big bang at the beginning of the universe was actually...at the point where Kemir's star was."

"It's just that after that existence killed Kemir, he used his heart to make a star core and blocked that point!"

"Moreover, none of us actually know how that person did it."

"Since then, that point has been completely hidden and disappeared."


"Since then, this universe has become more and more stable, more and more vibrant and colorful."

When Ti Fan said this, the admiration in his tone was clear to Qi Jun.

......."But I have seen that heart!"

"It's very different from the star core shown in the screen you posted before."

Qi Jun was still a little confused.

If such a being took action, why would the heart weaken?

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 477: The Origin of Mutants

"That's exactly what we don't understand."

Regarding Qi Jun's doubts, Ti Fan also had the same confusion.

"Because the formation of Kemir Star is entirely due to that existence."

"The development of Kemir Star has always been under the supervision of the major cosmic forces that survived from that time."

"Although none of us would think that a planet formed by the hearts of dead starry sky beasts would be a threat."

"Because this planet originated from the hand of that being, there is no force that can do anything to Kemir Planet."


"Over a long period of time, as we monitored, we discovered."

"The star core of Kemir Star, the Heart of Kemir that was still able to bring deep pressure to the major forces at the beginning, has become... weaker."

"We, the ancient immortal species, have witnessed its growth and its glory."

"Perhaps, we will also witness it extinguish the last glimmer of light."

Ti Fan explained to Qi Jun with some emotion.

Qi Jun's eyes twitched when he heard this. Damn, how long does it take for the formation and destruction of a planet? You are indeed a group of immortal beings!...... ....."Is there anything...possible?"

"Perhaps Camille's heart is creating something, which is causing Camille's heart to become weaker and weaker."

Having witnessed the huge heart deep in the earth's core devouring the souls of all kinds of misfortunes, Qi Jun did not think that the so-called Heart of Kemir was a toy that could only be entered but not exited.

Theoretically, it can only be entered but not exited. The heart of Kemir, as powerful as the image projected by Tifan, has now become almost at the mercy of others.

Then, every time it beats, the Heart of Kemir, which absorbs the energy of the universe, has gone from being so powerful in ancient times to being so deadly now, there must be other unknown consumption matters! Difficult, The new spirit on the earth was created by the heart of Kemir. After seeing all the images projected by Tifan before, Qi Jun also knew that the cosmic beast Kemir itself had something similar to the Zerg mother nest. The special property of producing large numbers of offspring like that.

It doesn't seem like a big deal to swallow up all the souls who died on the earth and then create new souls for new life. This seems to explain why just creating souls on the earth would be so costly. His guess is inherently possible, but Qi Jun is very uncertain about how much this guess is consistent with the reality.

Qi Jun guessed that perhaps in addition to creating souls for new life on earth, the heart of Kemir was set by that existence to have some things that no one could detect... ."We had such a conjecture at the beginning."

Ti Fan nodded towards Qi Jun, indicating that Qi Jun was not the first person to discover these problems.

"Even in order to verify these conjectures, some of the more powerful gods went directly to the Kemir planet and conducted some experiments on some of the indigenous humans who evolved and were born on the Kemir planet."


"It seems that that group of people were later called Eternals or mutants or something like that."

"Originally, I wanted to collect some of these... magical and rare races."

"But there are too many gods staring at Kemir, because our universe elders and the gods have fallen out again."

"The pace of collecting has never been taken a step forward."

"I just don't know if you have any relationship with those gods back then."

Ti Fan stared at Qi Jun and asked.


To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 478 Observer? God?


"I have nothing to do with those gods!"

Looking at Ti Fan who was staring at him with burning eyes, Qi Jun couldn't help but frown even though he knew it was just Ti Fan's collecting habit.

He, Qi Jun, is just an ordinary person who traveled from an unknown earth. How could he be related to the so-called gods?

"is that so"

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