"That's such a shame."

Perhaps he sensed Qi Jun's displeasure, or perhaps Ti Fan really believed Qi Jun's words. The interest in Ti Fan's eyes quickly faded, and his whole person became warm again.

In fact, even if Qi Jun is lying, what can he do to Ti Fan? Of course, Ti Fan will not do anything either.

It is impossible for Ti Fan, an elder of the universe who can live happily from the beginning of the universe to the present, to find trouble for himself. What's more, Qi Jun is the pinnacle of multiverse strength, and he, Ti Fan Fan is actually just a single universe-level avatar. Although he is connected with the multiverse-level power body and has the same mind, he is not afraid of Qi Jun from the bottom of his heart, but he will not provoke him foolishly.

"Although the Infinity Stones are dispensable, at that time all the Infinity Stones were indeed scattered in the hands of the elders of our universe and the gods."

"We have gathered together and used the Infinity Stones to explore the entire universe to compare the differences between Kemir and other planets in the universe."

"But it was discovered that the birth and death of creatures on Kemir are not fundamentally different from the birth and death of creatures on other planets in the universe."

"Coupled with that person's existence, it has always been like a sword hanging over everyone's head."

"After the search was fruitless, the temporary team formed by our universe elders and gods was disbanded."

"Even all the infinite gems were thrown into the starry sky by those...the elders and gods of the universe who thought they were useless at that time. I don't know where they floated to and where they were. People have picked it up.”

"In the end, only a small number of gods who were still interested in Kemir were left to observe Kemer."

Ti Fan knew what Qi Jun wanted to ask, so he took the initiative to explain.

Isn’t that the viewer? The viewer is... Qi Jun, the god of heaven, felt that he didn’t know where to start this rant... "I still want to know."

"In addition to these experiments, have those gods conducted any other targeted explorations?"

Qi Jun was not surprised by the origin of mutants. Although Qi Jun didn't read comics before time travel, he had read so many novels and knew that mutants were created by the Celestial Group.

What Qi Jun wants to know is whether this earth, the Kemer star, or essentially the Heart of Kemer, has any secrets discovered by these observers... ..."Don't say it yet"

"After the gods experimented with those... mutants, there were some turmoils."

Ti Fan cleared up his mind and no longer had any additional thoughts. Although he still had the idea of ​​just collecting Qi Jun's hair in his heart, he was deeply suppressed by Ti Fan.

If Tifan really dares to say this, what is the difference between that and directly provoking Qi Jun? There are so many forces in the universe with cloning technology, who would just give their hair to others for collection? "You know, those superpowers can They are all experimental products experimented by the gods."

"Those experimental subjects should have been in awe, even fear, of the gods from the bottom of their hearts."

"But after these experiments reached a certain scale, some of them split off, and they actually tried to drive the gods out of Kemir."

"The gods were very angry, so they executed all these abnormal people and returned to the origin of the universe."

"But during the execution process, the gods discovered that the abnormal movements of these abnormal people actually had a subtle connection with the heart of Kemir."

"This heart of Kemir seems to have some will or instinct."

"The heart of Kemir does not seem to want any outsiders to stay on Kemir planet for a long time."

"Of course, it is also possible that the imprint of Kemir's will left behind during his lifetime has been sensed by the elders and gods of the universe."

"After all, they were... mortal enemies in life. Even after death, it is possible that Kemir's heart will instinctively expel him."

Tiffany shrugged and didn't care.

For these elders of the universe who have lived for a long time, this kind of thing is simply too common.

"But just when those gods want to take the opportunity to learn more about it."

"The heart of Kemir no longer has any abnormal reactions."

"The gods deliberately wanted to dissect the heart of Kemir and study it carefully."

"But I was afraid of that person's existence, so I gave up in the end."

"After all, it's okay if they die themselves, but if the entire universe is implicated, then they will be completely responsible for their deaths."

"So, the last group of gods also left."

"The planet Kemir has slowly fallen silent."

"What happened next can be checked on the cosmic star network in the main space."

Ti Fan nodded towards Qi Jun, indicating that he had told him everything Qi Jun wanted to know, and information related to that... unspeakable existence.


To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 479 Return to Earth

After learning the information about Planet Kemir, Qi Jun also learned some of the secrets hidden in the deepest part of the universe through Ti Fan's narration in the 'altar space', and then said goodbye to Ti Fan.

Although Ti Fan enthusiastically wanted to stay and entertain Qi Jun, Qi Jun had no intention of staying in the Land of Nowhere.

The development of interstellar forces and interstellar civilization in this universe is actually similar to that of the movie multiverse that Qi Jun was in before. The only difference between the two is the high-end combat power and the deepest hidden secrets of the universe.

After understanding these things, Qi Jun basically had a great understanding of this variant multiverse.

At least, what kind of forces exist in the areas covered by the fields that were unintentionally emitted when Qi Jun broke through to multiverse level strength, what kind of scale are those forces, and what kind of powerful bosses are in charge? Wait..., I have a clear understanding in my heart.

To be honest, after learning about the many secrets of this universe, Qi Jun really didn't expect how deep the water in this universe is! There are hundreds of existing and known multiverse-level giants. As for the number of single universe-level bosses, even Heavenly Father-level powerhouses, and even lower expert-level people, they are as numerous as the stars in the sky, and they are innumerable.

Let me ask, under such circumstances, how could Qi Jun still have the intention to continue chatting with Ti Fan.

Suddenly knowing so much, Qi Jun thought he should take it slow before talking.

........"to speak"

"These heavens and realms"

"The earth is still the most kind to people"

Earth, Qi Jun is back again.

After saying goodbye to Ti Fan, Qi Jun directly fluctuated the rules of space and returned to Earth in an instant.

Compared to the 21st century, where there are various networked satellites, space vehicles, and exploding space debris in the outer space of the Earth, the Earth of this era is still impressive.

At least, in this 1980s, there isn’t as much ‘space junk’ as there will be in later generations.

"It's just...what a pity for a 1 power gem"

When I thought that the isolation protection in the 'altar space' was removed and the unlimited energy extraction of the power gem was stopped, the power gem was so dim that it became dull and dull, and became: a broken stone-like power gem that makes people disgusted at first sight, Qi Jun It's a bit of a pity.

The 'altar space' has been built for hundreds of millions of years before it has such a complete chain of rules, but similarly, the cost of using the 'altar space' is also extremely high! If you want to block the perception of that existence, it consumes a lot of energy It is endless. Even if the Power Gem is linked to the most essential source power of the main universe, its consumption can be seen. What's more, the forced and instantaneous extraction of a large amount of energy is a kind of damage to the Power Gem itself. harm.

Although the power gem is a treasure that embodies the rules of the universe, it itself has the ability to restore itself.

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