But after this 'catastrophe', Qi Jun estimated that it would take hundreds of thousands or even millions of years for the power gem to return to its original state, so there was no way he could even think about it.

For this kind of power gem that has already hurt him, Qi Jun will naturally not want to take it back and fuse it.

What if the garbage is also integrated into the new power gem, then who will cry... "Fuck,!"

“What’s wrong with the earth?”

"Why did all-out war begin?"

Suddenly, Qi Jun was shocked when his spiritual thoughts swept across the earth.

Qi Jun's spiritual consciousness discovered that in the short period of time he left.

The entire earth is actually filled with wars. The entire earth has become an all-out war between two camps. The mutants are fighting against the human world. "When did the mutants dare to start a full-scale war with humans?"

"Aren't they afraid of being peaceful?"

Qi Jun's face was full of surprise.


To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 480 The Darkening of Mutants

Time goes back to two days ago when Qi Jun just discovered the abnormal movement of Kemir's heart deep in the earth's core and left the earth to find relevant information.

The outstanding leaders of the mutants, Professor Charles and Eric Magneto, finally returned to the mutant school that had become a ruin.

After all, the mutants' fighter planes were not only invisible to radar, but also optically invisible. They flew around the furry bear's territory and then flew back, without anyone or any force detecting them.

Well..., except for a certain guy with a green light gem............. Charles and his group, who had already received the news that their school was destroyed, waited until When I got off the plane and saw the true appearance of the ruins of the mutant school, I immediately spat out blood.

This is just called destruction. What kind of destruction can make the original mutant school disappear and leave a huge hole in the original site? What about the castle that is dozens of meters high? Where has the big green square gone? The most important thing is! Where are my mutant students and teachers? At the scene, apart from... huge potholes, there are only countless debris! There are still some ruins. The remains of the building can tell what it was like originally, but now there is a huge pothole, countless shattered debris, and charred explosion scenes everywhere.

What do you think of the elderly mutants like Charles and Eric? Before: Eric, who was trying to persuade Charles on the plane, fainted immediately when he saw this scene.

Eric, whose abilities were sealed by Qi Jun, was an old man who was not even as good as an ordinary person. The scene in front of him immediately made him think that his wife and daughter had turned into ashes.

After his ability was sealed, he weakened rapidly. He couldn't bear the blow and fainted in an instant.

But this time, his best friend, Professor Charles, didn't even look at his best friend who had been in love with him for half his life.

"I'm going to make everyone pay the price!"


"from now on"

"Mutants and humans are incompatible!"

"Only mutants are supreme!"

"All humans deserve to be destroyed!!!"

Professor Charles, who already had a tendency to become a black man, suddenly turned completely black after receiving such a stimulus! Charles didn't want to know what happened here and what caused it.

He only knows that he will make all the humans who... turned this place into ruins suffer the price and the most severe punishment! As for why Charles hates humans so much, look at the things around the ruins of the mutant school. .........the corpses of the American soldiers! Especially among the corpses of those soldiers, Charles and his group even identified the subordinates of Stryker and Ross! Now it's better! Mi Even if the federation tells the real reason, Charles won't listen anymore! The mutant school was destroyed, and Stryker, who had been capturing mutants for experiments, and the subordinates of the biochemical madman Ross all appeared on the scene,,, This immediately led Charles to paranoid the conclusion that human society could no longer tolerate their existence.


"Kill all humans!"

"Only mutants deserve to live in this world!"

With the darkened Charles taking the lead, all the remaining mutants began to turn dark.

As for whether there is...the influence of the blackened Charles, that's a matter of opinion.

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 481 The excitement of the apocalypse

"Hahahahaha" look what I found!"

"There is indeed a wild mind controller here!"

And just when Charles and his party were all roaring angrily, a space channel flashing with blue light suddenly appeared on the ruins of the mutant school! Apocalypse, with the fully armed 'new' four knight warriors, emerged from the space channel. He walked out and saw Charles who was roaring furiously, and his face was even more excited! In fact, Tianqi's head was a little feverish with excitement.

God knows how excited Apocalypse was when he learned that there was a mutant in the world who could control others on a large scale! ........ It turns out, see Apocalypse When nothing can be done in Wakanda, make a decisive move and leave.

However, after observing the consequences of the nuclear explosion in Wakanda through the electronic control of the thousands of mutant abilities in the body, he became angrier.

Hundreds of nuclear bombs were detonated in the sky over Wakanda. It was an unknown number of times more violent than the Tunguska explosion. The impact of the nuclear explosion wiped Wakanda directly from the earth, not to mention nearly half of the nearby area. The land of Black Continent was reduced to a dead zone, and even he did not dare to go back to the intense nuclear radiation.

And based on Apocalypse's understanding of the raw ore of the divine metal vibranium, the high temperature and high energy generated by the violent nuclear explosion may have already melted all the vibranium veins under Wakanda! And the secondary processed vibranium Gold alloy needs to maintain a burning temperature of up to 500,000 degrees for a long time. If Apocalypse had that method, the earth would have been unified by him long ago! If Apocalypse knew that the vibranium ore was not damaged, but also became more It has become powerful, but it has completely disappeared from the earth. I wonder if Apocalypse will be angry enough to kill Kama Taj. In Apocalypse's knowledge, he is angry at the destruction of the world. Even after returning to the temporary base, he becomes more and more angry as he thinks about it. , the more I think about it, the more useless I feel.

It makes me feel aggrieved to think that he, a majestic ancient god on earth, has actually fallen to such a low level in modern society.

Therefore, the idea of ​​gathering all the mutants on the earth and completely eliminating ordinary humans came to mind.

Having seen the horror of nuclear explosions, I no longer want to keep ordinary people as slaves or anything like that.

For Tianqi, only dead ordinary people are the best ordinary people.

As a result, Apocalypse directly turned on the explosion mode. Through the one he learned after waking up for the first time... Caliban could know and locate other mutants. After accepting him as the new Four Horsemen's Priest, Using Caliban's ability, Apocalypse gathered a large number of mutant subordinates through space channels in a very short period of time.

For those... mutants who are persecuted by society and ordinary people, being absorbed by Apocalypse is a great thing they can only dream of. What's more, Apocalypse can also greatly enhance With their mutant abilities, no fool would want to follow Apocalypse.

In this way, in a very short period of time, even during the time when Charles and his team flew back to the mutant school from the Bear, Apocalypse had already gathered a large number of subordinates.

After having too many subordinates, Apocalypse could no longer guarantee the loyalty of his subordinates. Although he also had some ability to control people, he... could only control a small number of people. Compared with a large group of subordinates, it was still impossible.

At this time, a mutant completely controlled by Apocalypse revealed the existence of Charles.

When Apocalypse heard this, he was like, ah! Isn't this the god-given skill he prepared for me! Without even thinking about it, Apocalypse asked Caliban to locate Charles's location, and directly connected him through a space channel.

............."Do you also agree with what I said!"

Seeing Apocalypse and others appearing in large numbers, Charles, who had completely turned black, had an extremely hot light in his eyes.

I was still worried about the lack of subordinates just now, but now I have sent so many mutants! I can just control them all and massacre those human elites who have no way to control them! "Of course !”

"Only mutants should exist in this world!"

Apocalypse, who had the same purpose as Charles, smiled brightly.

But no one knew that at the same moment, the blackened Charles and the excited Apocalypse activated their abilities at the same time, invading each other's brains, and both wanted to control the other!

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