To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 482 Tianqi: I am just a coffee table!

In a world with mutants, the fame of the famous Professor Charles will naturally be missing.

And how could the top human beings who knew about Charles's telepathic ability not take special measures to deal with this! From the very beginning during World War II, Sebastian Shaw had to resist the White Queen's mind reading and block all similar abilities. A special helmet specially created by Mao Xiong scientists. In 198, it has been popularized by high-level military and political leaders, high-level financial groups, and even high-end social elites around the world as well as the elite troops who protect these high-level people. It is a small mind-shielding device that everyone has.

Even in this era, the thought shielding devices worn by individuals are still relatively large, not as small as a shirt button after the 21st century, but the existence of these things is a threat to the blackened Charles who wants to kill high-level human beings and High-end elites bring great difficulties.

Even after Charles turned dark, his psychic abilities increased dramatically, almost reaching the level of a fifth-level mutant.

But! The ability of telepathy, unless it reaches a certain level and causes a qualitative change, no matter how it is enhanced, it only requires a specific shielding device to make Charles' ability look blank.

..... Apocalypse has brought so many newly recruited mutants. In Charles' opinion, isn't it just that someone is handing pillows to them when they are dozing off! Those humans Charles' ability cannot invade high-ranking people and elites, but that does not mean that those high-ranking human beings and elites can also be immune to the abilities of other mutants.

For example, take Magneto's ability. If Lao Wan uses his ability to condense a huge steel ingot, lift it to a high altitude, and then throw the huge steel ingot down, these high-level human beings will not be able to hide in nuclear defense fortifications. use.

Even if the steel ingots cannot smash the nuclear defense fortifications, if they smash all the connecting channels around your nuclear defense fortifications, smash all the ventilation pipes, and bury your nuclear defense fortifications deep underground, they will suffocate you to death! It's's a pity that Lao Wan's ability was sealed by a powerful being, and he has become a useless person.

The blackened Charles glanced expressionlessly at Eric, who was fainting and looking increasingly... old, and then turned his head and stopped paying attention.

For the darkened Charles, Eric is no longer the one he loves most.

The blackened Charles, who was exerting all his power and preparing to directly control all mutants including Apocalypse, intentionally or unintentionally forgot about the location about ten kilometers away from the ruins of the mutant school, but it was still intact...


........ Coincidentally, Apocalypse, who had the same purpose as Charles, also deliberately ignored the one not far away... who told him to run away directly.

.base. However, unlike the blackened Charles who wants to control them all, Apocalypse only wants to control Charles alone first, and then control other mutants.

There is no way, although Apocalypse's ability can control others, it is far inferior to Charles' super telepathy.

Inspired by his original innate ability, Charles's mind control ability is so alluring in Apocalypse's eyes, and so easy to obtain! Anyone with eyes can see that the corners of Apocalypse's mouth are already upturned to the maximum extent. , if it weren’t for the critical moment of invading other people’s minds, Apocalypse would have laughed out loud.

At the moment when he activated his ability to invade Charles' brain, Apocalypse even thought about how to use Charles' ability to control the world and how to build his own kingdom of God!...... ...."Damn guy!"

"I am the god of mutants!"

"I am the most supreme existence on this earth!"

The moment Charles and Apocalypse finally invaded each other's minds, Charles understood Apocalypse's thoughts and purposes, but at the same time, Apocalypse also understood how powerful Charles' ability was! This was by no means a sign that Apocalypse had no special abilities. I was able to control the ground before preparation! "No!"

"you can not do that!"

"We can unite and we can be the only two gods on earth!"

Apocalypse was scared, Apocalypse regretted, and even Apocalypse was confused.

Who knew that Charles' ability would be so strong? If he had known that Charles' ability was so strong, Apocalypse would never have appeared in front of Charles so rashly.

What makes Apocalypse most desperate is that when he invaded Charles's mind, his own talent, that... powerful ability that can strengthen mutant abilities, at the same time, actually once again strengthened the abilities of the blackened Charles! In this In an instant, Charles actually reached the peak of the fifth-level mutant's strength! He even tore a crack in the bottleneck of the fifth-level mutant's peak and evolved even more powerfully!...... ......."I!"

"He is the most supreme god in this world!"

The moment his abilities were strengthened by Apocalypse, the blackened Charles instantly controlled Apocalypse.

Even though Charles was distracted to control all the mutants, under the reinforcement of Apocalypse, Charles' ability was not weakened, but became stronger! I have to say, for...Apocalypse, this is really a sad story! "Give homage to my God!"

"The glory of my God will shine on the world!"

As soon as the powerful mental power came out, Tianqi's will was crushed to pieces, and the whole person fell silent instantly.

And in the next second, Apocalypse, whose will memory was reshaped, knelt down in front of Charles with a face full of fanaticism and began to worship crazily.


"He is the strongest god!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!"

Seeing this scene, the blackened Charles finally couldn't help laughing wildly.


To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 483 Charles: I am God, who agrees? Who objects?

At the moment when the blackened Charles was strengthened by Apocalypse's ability to reach the peak of the fifth-level mutant.

Gu Yi, who was practicing meditation in Kama Taj, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Another unknown change!"

With a sigh, Gu Yi turned his hand, and the green-gleaming Eye of Agamotto appeared in front of Gu Yi.

"The future direction of the universe has become increasingly difficult to predict."

"There are fewer and fewer images that can be observed."

"Most of the time, through the time stone, you can only look back into the past, but the future is a mystery."

“I really don’t know what this universe will eventually develop into.”

"The whole universe is going to be in chaos."

"It's better to restrain the disciples."

"This is a sign of troubled times. Although there are great opportunities, there are also great crises!"

Although Gu Yi didn't know what he considered and decided to leave it alone...

Charles turned dark, but he couldn't help but sigh a little deep in his heart.

Ancient Yi frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he flipped his hand and sent the Eye of Agamotto back to where it was before.

.....To be honest, Ancient Yi has seen Charles' darkened future more than once.

But there has never been a time when it was as dark as it was in reality.

What Gu Yi didn't expect was that the blackened Charles was actually strengthened by Apocalypse to the point where he entered the Heavenly Father level for the first time! Although even the peak Heavenly Father level Charles was a scumbag in front of Gu Yi, but the Heavenly Father level Charles , the impact and damage it can cause to human society and cosmic forces is absolutely world-destroying! A space mirror can infinitely expand the distance between Charles and other people. They are two spaces apart, even if they are standing next to you. You can't attack me in front of me, unless Charles's telepathy ability can also span space, but that's impossible! Ancient One: I'm standing in front of you, and you see me a bit like before. What's more, as a tease, The master-level boss of the soul, even if the blackened Charles is the peak Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, he will only be defeated if he fights against the Ancient One!.............Although the Ancient One is not I don’t know what considerations led to ignoring Charles’ blackening.

But when Charles completed his blackening and completely controlled the group of people, countries around the world, major power organizations, and elites from all walks of life also jumped up in horror.

Due to the sudden increase in abilities, the blackened Charles expanded! At that moment, the psychic power of the mutants who had broken through to the fifth level spread all over the world, preparing to forcibly break through the mind shields of the major forces, but they failed! Even the blackened Charles His ability had just reached the Heavenly Father level, but it was precisely because his power was too dispersed that he not only failed to break through the mental protection of various power organizations around the world, but instead shocked all the powers in the world.

No wait: If Charles is...prepared to break into a certain country or force first, those...frightened forces immediately follow the established plan and turn on all large shielding instruments at maximum power. Completely blocked Charles' 'decapitation operation'.

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