A leader of an unknown country or force yelled in the video and pushed everyone down.


"Now, the most important thing is!"

"We must intercept all these...nuclear missiles!"


"We must improve everyone's defense capabilities!"

"Since mutants can break into a nuclear island base!"

"Then, they can break in more!"

"If gentlemen don't want Earth to literally turn into a Death Star!"

"If you all don't want to be killed by someone suddenly opening a space channel from behind."

"Then, we must first curb the mutants' unreasonable surprise ability!"

“Here, I will first share with you our organization’s internal research data!”

"This is a research project specifically focused on space capabilities."

"Gentlemen, the earth and mankind have reached the final moment of life and death."

"Please stop with the pointless name-calling and irritation."

"It's time for us all to unite!"

"Look, most of those...nuclear missiles failed to intercept!"

The same leader pointed to a certain military satellite image in the video. The nuclear missiles previously launched from the Mao Xiong Nuclear Island Base were intercepted except for... , the others all hit their respective targets accurately.

In an instant, as dozens of mushroom clouds rose into the sky, more than a dozen cities around the world were completely wiped out, and countless humans were infected with nuclear radiation.

In fact, this is what the blackened Charles wants to do.

Use nuclear bombs to attack the centers of cities, such as administration, police, military, etc., and use the energy and shock waves of nuclear explosions to eliminate high-level human beings and violent institutions.

Then use radiation to infect other ordinary people, artificially infecting ordinary people with radiation and inducing mutations.

And these... people who are infected with nuclear radiation will always awaken their mutant abilities. After that, Charles will arrange fellow mutants to treat those mutants. As for those... .... Ordinary people who have not become mutants should just die.

After seeing this picture, everyone in the video conference stopped arguing.

This person is right, mutants use human nuclear bombs to attack humans, and humanity has reached a time of life and death.


"Your organization is actually Hydra!"

Suddenly, a certain boss who had received the information about the shared information exclaimed.

At the top of the information, a huge, bright Hydra watermark was printed so conspicuously.

As long as your eyes are not blind, everyone can see it immediately! Suddenly, the entire video conference fell into absolute silence.

In the same way, everyone has received this information, and everyone has also seen that... disgusting, Hydra icon!

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 485 Total War \u0026 New Doubts


"I know people have some bad feelings about our organization."

"But it's no longer time for us humans to fight among ourselves."

"Mutants have waged an all-out war against us humans."

"After analysis by our internal Hydra scientists, based on the mental attacks that have enveloped the world before, as well as the space channels that can penetrate into various countries and major organizations, plus the unknown number, let alone the ability A large group of mutants are wreaking havoc everywhere, and we can no longer be divided among ourselves!"

"We must unite to overcome difficulties together!"

"Only when everyone works together sincerely can we truly defeat the mutants with all kinds of strange methods!"

The former leader of the organization, oh, I should call him the current leader of the Hydra organization, preached eloquently.

How can there be intact eggs under the overthrow of the nest? Hydra still has a very clear view of the situation. Don't look at the fact that there are many "collected mutant teams" within Hydra.

But when it comes to such a big matter as 'race survival', Hydra will not trust their mutant squads. What's more, they still have quite a few mutant squads, and they were actually 'incited' to rebel against Nine by the blackened Charles. The head snake caused great harm!...... Hearing his words, all the participants rolled their eyes involuntarily.

Do we have some bad senses about Hydra? That is quite bad!!! However, all the leaders and generals did not open their mouths to refute anything.

Just as the Hydra leader said.

in spite of....

How countries around the world and Hydra attack each other is ultimately an internal conflict within human society.

But now, those... who have awakened their mutant abilities and strange-looking mutant monsters are carrying out a comprehensive bombardment on humans.

There is no longer any need for human beings to fight among themselves and fight among themselves.

Human society can no longer withstand such internal consumption! What is urgent now is how to end all turmoil first and fight against mutants with all our strength. .................. "Mr. them!"

"This information is what our Hydra internal research specifically focuses on interfering with and shielding space capabilities."

"After testing, with these... After the creation is opened, the spatial abilities of mutants will be greatly hindered."

"At least, by turning on the space interference equipment, the mutants will no longer be able to tear apart space channels to invade the human army one by one."

"For the continuation of humanity."

"We, Hydra, have all stepped out from the darkness to the light."

"Please produce and ship some space capability interference and shielding devices as soon as possible."

"Every additional base that activates space and mind attack interference means that one more of our humankind's vitality will be preserved!"

"The division in which we fight for each other should not continue any longer!"

The leader of Hydra shouted loudly, as if he was a savior saint.

When these scenes fell in the eyes of the leaders of other countries and organizations, the feeling was still very strange.

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