.....Although it feels strange to have to cooperate with an organization like Hydra.

However, under the leadership of the blackened Charles, there is also a huge threat from Apocalypse opening space channels everywhere to invade key military bases, and there is also a threat from nuclear missiles launched from nuclear bases that are constantly being captured.

Especially when mutants can be strengthened by Apocalypse in batches. Although the number of mutants is relatively small, they can mass-produce a large number of mutants with high combat power. In fact, the threat to the united human side is also extremely huge! In this moment of crisis, , all human leaders and elites have temporarily given up suppressing Hydra, and instead began to sincerely cooperate with each other, unprecedentedly, to fight together against the mutant forces led by Charles in a darkened state!.... ........... When Qi Jun returned to Earth, what he saw was the comprehensive unity of human society, uniting to resist the global war launched by mutants.

"I'll be a good boy!"

"How long does this take?"

"The number of living things in the world has actually dropped by half!"

Qi Jun actually doesn't care about the so-called war between humans and mutants.

But Qi Jun never expected that in just two days from when he left the earth to when he returned, the number of creatures on the earth would decrease so much in an instant. "What the hell!"

"Fortunately, the earth in this universe is not governed by death!"

"Otherwise, with such a huge number of creatures dying, Lady Death, one of the five supreme beings, wouldn't have seen everything here in just a few minutes."

If this earth were not condensed from the heart of Kemir, all souls would be transformed inside this earth, whether they were reincarnated normally or died unexpectedly.

Otherwise, the death of these billions of people and a huge number of animals will definitely bring death. At that time, Qi Jun is afraid that he will still have to run away.

Of course, with Qi Jun's current strength, he is actually not that afraid of death. Is it possible that we won't run away if we can't fight? But compared to Qi Jun actively leaving this universe, and Qi Jun passively escaping from this universe, there is a difference , it’s still huge! ........ “Hiss!”

"There seems to be something wrong!"

"Why does this heart of Kemir seem to be beating stronger and stronger?"

The all-out war between humans and mutants resulted in the death of billions of creatures. Such a huge number of souls were attracted to the depths of the earth and then devoured by the Heart of Kemir. Naturally, it had a huge impact on the Heart of Kemir. The change.

"Is it possible?"

"This thing also hides some secrets that even the elders of the universe don't know about."

Qi Jun thought about the information he had learned from Tifan before, but he couldn't relate it to the heart of Kemir that was beating more and more powerfully deep in the heart of the earth.

Qi Jun even felt an increasingly powerful sense of oppression from his heart. What was going on?

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 486 The center of the earth exploded!

"not good!"

"Something big happened!"

Suddenly, due to the all-out war between mutants and humans, and after another wave of nuclear bombings, a large number of souls of living things poured into the depths of the earth.

But these... new souls are like the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Originally, because it had devoured a huge amount of souls, Kemir's heart was beating at a speed almost reaching its limit, and the golden energy in its inner space was almost overflowing.

At this time, another large wave of souls surged in, but Kemir's Heart still instinctively swallowed these souls, crushed them, and returned them to the original energy to absorb! But how could the already overflowing Heart of Kemir be absorbed? It is releasing more energy! The appearance of the extremely huge Heart of Kemer began to appear cracks while beating violently. Moreover, the cracks quickly covered the entire surface of the Heart of Kemer at such a fast speed. , just like the speed of light.

Countless lights began to emerge from these cracks, much like the various colored lights emitted by the colorful ambient lights in bars, clubs and other nightclubs in modern society.

But unlike those... ambient lights, the golden light emitted from the... cracks on the surface of Kemir's Heart is not controllable at all, and More and more! No matter how you look at it, the Heart of Camille seems to be about to explode! This sudden change directly shocked Qi Jun! Bring the Heart of Camille to Qi Jun The huge power of the sense of oppression. At this moment, if the Heart of Kemir is exploded, its huge explosive energy will instantly tear the inner space of the earth apart.

And after the inner space of the earth collapses, the earth will also be destroyed! It will be completely turned into nothingness in this huge energy explosion! There will be no scum left...!...... ........"?"

"Isn't this the king of beasts from the beginning of the universe?"

"Isn't this stuff something Lian Xing can eat casually?"

"Damn it, why can't I bear it after eating a little bit of my soul?"

While Qi Jun was complaining, he teleported to the space deep in the center of the earth.

The destruction of the earth is what Qi Jun does not want to see.

Although Qi Jun has roughly grasped the location of the Phoenix split, that... is the power of the Phoenix after all. Although Qi Jun has multiverse level strength, it is not so easy to pinpoint its location.

Qi Jun still needs the earth to be preserved, although as long as Qin Gray is still there: Qi Jun has it in his hands, no matter...

Wherever Qi Jun goes, the Phoenix clone can find Qin Gray, but Qi Jun doesn't want to wander around in the universe.

What's more, Qi Jun himself was born on the earth. Although this earth is not that earth, Qi Jun still has some special feelings for the earth. Qi Jun is not willing to let the earth explode like this.

If Qi Jun doesn't have the ability to stop it, then forget it, but if Qi Jun obviously has the ability, but doesn't stop it, Qi Jun won't be able to pass the test in his heart.

What's more, Qi Jun, who has a golden finger in his hand, has a "passive effect" that forces him to absorb 90% of the attack energy! ..... "Time stops!"

"Suppress with force!"

"Space Confinement!"

"Space reinforcement!"

"Space Stripping!"

Taking out a bunch of Infinity Stones, Qi Jun did not directly stop the expansion and explosion of Kemir's Heart, but directly began to strengthen the entire space, and peeled it off from the main space like an 'altar space.

As a result, no matter how this space changes, it has nothing to do with the earth.

"Time restored!"

After the entire space was reinforced, Qi Jun removed the power of time.

Boom!!! In an instant, Kemir's heart completely exploded!

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 487: Space Singularity

Boom!!! Without any surprise, the Heart of Kemir just exploded! The Heart of Kemir instantly turned into nothingness, and endless energy swarmed in violently.

The space that had been stripped and reinforced by Qi Jun was instantly filled with the golden energy of Kemir's Heart, and streams of energy violently impacted the space barrier.

But unfortunately, with the blessing of Qi Jun's use of infinite gems, especially the new space gems that have been fused from three space gems, this independent space that Qi Jun stripped off from the main space is so strong. .

The endless surging violent energy crazily impacted every corner of the space, but it was unable to break even a single gap in the space barrier.

.........The violent energy that exploded the heart of Kemir is no longer like still water in a cup, but like the waves in a Category 18 typhoon, manic And fierce.

But! When these energies hit Qi Jun, all of them were inexplicably swallowed up and disappeared in an instant, without even the hem of Qi Jun's clothes swaying.

With Qi Jun's golden finger passively absorbing 90% of the energy attacking Qi Jun, this violent power that could have destroyed the entire earth to the ground, had no impact on Qi Jun at all. threaten.

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