However, having this space singularity will definitely shorten the road to becoming stronger! The space singularity is not a resource, but it is a shortcut to various resources! This is why Qi Jun thinks that this space singularity The reason why the Awakening Society only appeared after the age of the gods and the elders of the universe ruled the universe.

If the spatial singularity had already appeared before the Heart of Kemir appeared, then whether it was the gods, the elders of the universe or the starry sky beasts, they would have already blown the opponent's brains out, and even the universe would have been destroyed because of these existences. Explode, restart.

..... "I don't know if this spatial singularity is useful for mutated gems."

Qi Jun tried to sacrifice this spatial singularity to his golden finger! The spatial singularity does not only stay in a fixed place.

If you can't move the spatial singularity, then you can only say that your strength is not enough.

You know, even the wormholes that travel through the universe can be created artificially.

The spatial singularity is just billions more points than the artificial wormhole. Qi Jun's current strength is already at the peak of the multiverse level. Although it is not a simple matter to move the spatial singularity, it is not easy either. Disaster.

However, the movement of moving the spatial singularity is not small. After all, although the spatial singularity is small, its interior is integrated with the space channels of countless cosmic planes. Moving the singularity is equivalent to repositioning the spatial coordinates. If you are not careful, it will happen. Make these... space channels collapse.

Therefore, Qi Juncai planned to sacrifice this singularity to himself first.

The spatial singularity only provides access to information, but in the end it is up to Qi Jun to obtain it himself.

But used to the surge in strength after being blessed by Golden Finger, Qi Jun was already a little uncomfortable with that kind of... slowing down step by step.


"Exotic gemstones actually look down on this thing."

Feeling the feedback from his golden finger in his mind, Qi Jun smacked his lips in disappointment.


"My Goldfinger is originally on a par with the entire Marvel world."

"Whether it is in a broad or narrow sense, only the entire Marvel series combined can be on par with the mutant gems."

"And this spatial singularity, no matter how magical it is, is nothing more than a collection of space link channels in this multiverse."

"It's like a top power that dominates the universe, how can it care about a wormhole [] channel that connects various planets? Can't such a thing be created in a matter of minutes?"

"It's normal for Brother Goldfinger to look down on him!"

Qi Jun shook his head. He thought things were too simple.


"Just let me put away this spatial singularity!"

The golden finger that transforms into gemstones is not favored, that’s because the golden finger itself is of extremely high level.

But that doesn't mean that Qi Jun doesn't like it. Qi Jun's own strength is only at the multiverse level. If he can gather those... plane dimension resources linked to this space singularity, he can also You can still eat it. Of course, the time it takes is quite long... "Resource collection is a long and boring thing."

"Fortunately, I have a hardworking little bee like Xiaobai here."

"As long as you let go of the restrictions on Xiaobai, these thousands of dimensions will eventually be hollowed out one day!"


"Before letting Xiaobai take action"

"We still need to get rid of these...threats first!"

The spatial singularity contains the space passages of thousands of dimensional planes, and these... dimensional planes, some have owners, some have no owners, and there are intelligent creatures living there, and some The place is desolate and barren.

What Qi Jun has to do is...before moving this spatial singularity, eliminate those...dimensional planes where powerful creatures are stationed.

Qi Jun only needs various resources instead of fighting thousands of dimensions. That is not the life Qi Jun wants.

Seeing Xiaobai, a wage earner, working hard to develop thousands of ownerless planes and continuously collecting a large amount of various resources, while he drinks tea, reads newspapers, plays games and sleeps, doesn't it sound good to him? Go fight and kill......"Hey"

"Abyss Demonic Dimension"

"Then let's start with you!"

The spiritual mind penetrated into the spatial singularity and instantly transformed into billions of parts, each of which entered a space channel.

Soon, Qi Jun discovered the thousands of dimensional planes connected to this spatial singularity.

Even though the divine mind was subdivided into billions of parts, Qi Jun was able to quickly identify the planes connected by the various space passages due to his peak multiverse level strength.

With his brain running at high speed, Qi Jun instantly ranked the threats to Xiaobai from these... thousands of dimensions from high to low.

And the first one is the Abyss Demon Dimension where the Super Abyss Demon King with multiverse level strength is seated.

Not to mention multiverse-level demons, even if there is only a single universe-level demon inhabiting a dimension, that is not something that a novice can handle.

Therefore, Qi Jun simply marked out all the dimensional planes with Heavenly Father level and above, and prepared to destroy all the space passages in these planes one by one.

At that time, in the remaining...dimensional planes, it will be up to the novices to develop their troops and dig out 10,000 feet of ground.

After that, Qi Jun will continue to receive a variety of resources.


To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 490: Meet Little Nina Again


"Uncle Qi Jun"

Qi Jun had just teleported back to the stealth battleship in the outer orbit of the earth. He sensed Qi Jun's appearance across the cabin. A little lolita named Nina suddenly walked happily with her short legs. The child jumped over from a distance.


"Uncle Qi Jun"

"Did you save us?"

Little Nina ran up to Qi Jun, jumped up, and hung directly on Qi Jun's upper body. She rubbed her little face against Qi Jun's face affectionately and asked expectantly.

In fact, little Nina had already made a guess.

As soon as she woke up, the environment was changed from the mutant school to a very strange place. Although there was a robot Xiaobai who claimed to be Uncle Qi Jun's subordinate to explain and play with him, but at the beginning little Nina was still very confused. scared.

Fortunately, not long after, little Nina's mother also came to accompany her, which made little Nina feel more at ease.

Then another eldest sister from the mutant school, Qin Gray, also came to this so-called star battleship. Although this eldest sister suddenly became very strange for some reason, which also made little Nina a little scared, but little Nina also From the darkened Jean Grey, whose power was sealed, she learned about the changes in the mutant school on Earth.

When Qi Jun finished dealing with the spatial singularity in the center of the earth and returned to the battleship, little Nina immediately rushed over as if she had found the backbone.

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