At that speed, if it were an ordinary person, he might have been knocked away by Little Nina. When Magneto was away, it was obvious that Qi Jun was the one whom Little Nina relied on. Compared to Little Nina's mother, who was just an ordinary person. Qi Jun, who was close to Xiao Nina and gave Xiao Nina a lot of knowledge and abilities, obviously made Xiao Nina more attached to her.

It is very easy to understand little Nina's behavior when she suddenly went from a mutant school on Earth to a star battleship in outer space.


"How about it"

"Uncle Qi Jun, is he nice to little Nina?"

Holding little Nina's body, Qi Jun also tapped the tip of little Nina's nose affectionately and asked softly.


"Of course!"

"Uncle Qi Jun is the best!"

Little Nina immediately gave a very positive answer.

"that is..."

"It would have been better if Uncle Qi Jun could have rescued more people."

Little Nina suddenly spoke in a low voice.

After all, she has lived in the mutant school for a while, and she is a cute little loli. Little Nina has made some good friends in the mutant school, but now, those... The children all died, so Little Nina was naturally a little sad. However, Little Nina didn’t blame Qi Jun for not saving her friends at the same time. After all, Qi Jun and her... .....I don’t know my friend, and I have no obligation to save him.

Taking into account herself and her mother, little Nina was already very, very grateful to Qi Jun.

From this point of view, Magneto's early childhood education is relatively successful.

Little Nina is indeed a good little loli..."Little girl, come down quickly and see little Nina hanging on Qi Jun's head like a koala. In front of her, little Nina's mother was startled, and quickly asked her to come down, so as not to offend Qi Jun.


"Uncle Qi Jun is doing well."

Something unexpected happened, and little Nina was in need of support. It was "no problem" to be willing to come down because she relied on Qi Jun.

“That’s it, little Nina, if you like it.”

Qi Jun smiled fondly and waved calmly to little Nina's mother who ran over.


"You are...Uncle Qi Jun, who the little girl said saved us, right?"

"Thank you very much for your help!"

Seeing that Qi Jun was not angry, little Nina's mother immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She came to Qi Jun and without saying a word... made a big ninety-degree bow.

There was no repayment for the life-saving grace, but the two of them had nothing, so they could only bow deeply to show their attitude.

Little Nina's sudden change and running away naturally shocked Little Nina's mother who had been staying with them and the sealed and blackened Qin Gray, and they hurriedly followed Little Nina and chased after her.

But obviously, Xiao Nina's mother is an ordinary person, and Qin Gerei's ability was sealed by Qi Jun. The two of them can't catch up with Xiao Nina, who has made some achievements in cultivation. Finally, under Xiao Bai's guidance, they come here We arrived at the place where Qi Jun and Xiao Nina were playing.

Xiaobai's battleship is so huge that the cabin where Qi Jun and Xiao Nina are located is not too far away from them, otherwise they would have to take the ship's transportation bus.

The blackened Qin Gray who had her power sealed away curled her lips and tilted her head to show her displeasure.

After Tangtang turned black, the whole earth was not enough for her to play with. If Qi Jun hadn't suppressed her, she wouldn't have been able to destroy her now. It was strange that she could look good on Qi Jun. Speaking of which, the mutant school was completely reduced to ruins, and the blackened Qin Gray also contributed a lot to this. However, a good man, Qin Gray still understands the principle of not suffering the immediate loss. If you are unhappy, you will be unhappy. The blackened Qin Gray Gray didn't dare to do anything.

After all, even though Qin Gray has turned dark, she is just an ordinary person with her power sealed away. Even little Nina can manipulate her at will. She, Qin Gray, can't be arrogant now." You are Welcome"

"Little Nina, call me uncle"

"How could I possibly watch her die in such a young age?"

Qi Jun nodded to little Nina's mother and explained lightly.

If it weren't for the worry that little Nina was too young to bear it, Qi Jun wouldn't bother to resurrect little Nina's mother.

However, it was precisely because of this that Qi Jun discovered the big secret deep in the earth's core.


"This is a space collection channel that connects thousands of planes."

"From now on, lift...the restrictions on you and collect all the resources from these planes in the best possible way!"

Only then did Qi Jun suddenly remember the purpose of coming back. He swiped his right hand in the air, and a glass bead blooming with azure light was hanging in the air. Qi Jun waved his hand gently and threw it to those who followed. Little Nina’s mother came over to the robot.



The robot took over the glass bead that glowed with azure blue light, and immediately scanned out the mystery inside it. It immediately turned around and left, preparing to head towards these.........thousands of dimensional planes.

............After clearing out all the space passages that posed a threat to Xiaobai, Qi Jun suddenly remembered that he had a golden finger. There is no need to go through the trouble of doing it yourself.

As a result, Qi Jun directly used the power of the golden finger mutated gem to materialize a glass bead that could stabilize the space channel and trap the spatial singularity inside.

As a result, a spatial singularity glass bead that would not affect the space channels and could move at will was created.


To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 491 Dark Phoenix wants to regain its power

When Xiaobai went to prepare to conquer thousands of planes, Qi Jun and Xiao Nina had fun for a while...

When little Nina said with a hint of worry that she missed her father, Qi Jun waved his hand and said that his abilities had been sealed and he had been abandoned by the blackened Charles. He was no longer well received in the mutant camp. Eric Lensherr who saw him recruited him and gave it to little Nina and her daughter.

Without the mutant ability, even though Eric Lensherr was once revered as Magneto, and even though he was one of the former mutant leaders, under the leadership of the blackened Charles, and with the help of Apocalypse, the mutants have become stronger. In the camp, the former Magneto has become a being who is not taken seriously, and is even spurned by those... unfavorable mutants.

Magneto couldn't bear such a blow, and he couldn't accept the unfamiliar changes that had been his best friend for half his life. Magneto, who had lost his mutant ability, was heartbroken and confused in the mutant camp.

The scene is very similar to when Raven was hit by a leech injection and was ruthlessly abandoned by him. Watching the blackened Charles and the mutants recruited by Apocalypse exchange batches of battle casualties, watching the earth's environment become worse and worse. It's getting worse.

When humans are irradiated, it will indeed increase the possibility of mutating into mutants, but that is only when the radiation is within a controllable range.

But now, let alone the newly awakened mutants, even the old mutants have begun to die on a large scale as the mutant camp and the human camp continue to launch nuclear bomb attacks on each other.

With the continuous nuclear explosions, all parts of the world, the air, and the water flow are filled with nuclear radiation of varying concentrations, and these... nuclear radiations not only do not provide orderly The mutant camp provided a steady stream of new mutant backup forces, but began to kill most of the mutants who were not strong enough to withstand it.

Of course, human society is not much better.

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