In fact, because ordinary people are less tolerant to radiation than mutants, large areas have been exposed to radiation, mutated, and died.

Magneto suddenly discovered that he had been busy for half his life for the survival of mutants, but he was so stupid.

Being suddenly summoned by Qi Jun can be regarded as saving him from the fire and water.

Eric Landsher suddenly discovered that as long as his family can be safe, even for a small amount of time, they will be extremely happy.

After witnessing the misery on Earth, Magneto accepted the fact that his family was far away from Earth.

In other words, it can be said that Magneto escaped from the earth.

The current Magneto is no longer Magneto, Eric Lensherr, but just an ordinary person who just wants his family to be together in peace and live a harmonious and happy life.

................."How about it"

“Now I’m back to my senses.”

Holding a glass of wine, Qi Jun stood in front of the battleship's porthole and looked at the missiles flying everywhere on the earth. Qi Jun asked Qin Gray who was standing quietly aside.

After recruiting Magneto onto the spaceship, Qi Jun asked Nina and her family to reunite and express their love for each other. He had no intention of participating.

At the end of the day, Qi Jun only cares about Xiao Nina. If it weren't for Xiao Nina, Qi Jun wouldn't even bother to look at Magneto.

Magneto controls one of the four powerful forces in the universe, and his magnetic power is so strong that he can crush it with one finger! However, the blackened Qin Gray, for some reason, did not leave with Little Nina and the others, but followed Qi Jun step by step. behind.

"I want my strength back."

"You can make me do anything!"

Qin Gelei did not answer Qi Jun's question, but calmly made demands and made promises.


Qi Jun left the porthole with his eyes, turned his head, and looked at Qin Gray, who was standing upright with a calm expression on her face but staring straight at him. His eyes glanced at Dark Phoenix, who had become more sexy after darkening, which was full of profound meaning. asked.



"As long as it can break my seal, anything is possible!"

Qin Gray's eyes towards Qi Jun showed no emotion, and even her voice remained as calm as before.


To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 492 The Last Safe Zone

"Why do you think I will break the seal for you?"

Qi Jun asked as he raised the wine glass to his mouth and took a sip.

"I'm not sure you'll let me regain my strength."

"But I know that if I don't ask you, you will definitely not unlock the seal for me."

The blackened Qin Gray looked at Qi Jun calmly and said, without any fluctuation in her words, as if the person she was talking about was not herself.

However! Qi Jun could still easily see and feel the extremely repressed violence from the depths of the blackened Qin Gray's eyes and from the depths of her soul.

There is a sharp contrast between the Black Phoenix and the White Phoenix's love for life. They were born to destroy and wreak havoc. How could they really be as well-behaved as they were in front of Qi Jun? The reason why the Black Phoenix is ​​so calm now and even seems to be submissive is that completely It's because Qi Jun completely crushed her in terms of strength! No matter how reckless he is, he will not provoke anyone he can't afford, not to mention that Dark Phoenix is ​​just violent, not mindless.

However, Qi Jun can also fully imagine that once one day, Black Phoenix has the ability to surpass, no, even just equal Qi Jun, Black Phoenix will directly expose her crazy and violent side...

Of course, Qi Jun is confident that that day will never happen! There is no way that day will happen, and we will never allow that day to happen! If the power of the Phoenix is ​​separated, it can only be Qi Jun's bag! ..... ....."Why are you so persistent in wanting to get your power back?"

"Magneto has also had his power sealed by me now. Isn't he also very happy?"

Turning his head again and looking at the war-torn earth through the porthole, Qi Jun asked again.

"I just want to take revenge!"

"The person... who imprisoned me mentally must die!"

Dark Phoenix's voice finally had a hint of emotion. Although it was just hatred, it was no longer unchanged.

As for Magneto, who cares about Dark Phoenix? He Magneto can abandon everything because of his family, he can abandon everything because of Charles's darkening, and he can see through the world because of the rejection of mutants,,, but Dark Phoenix will not! Dark Phoenix , born to cause destruction.

Day by day, if I don’t do something, if I don’t do some damage, I feel uncomfortable all over! During the two days after being captured in this battleship, Dark Phoenix was so depressed that he went crazy. But with his power sealed, Dark Phoenix could only Can stay well.

Now that he has finally found the rightful owner, Dark Phoenix won't be able to bear it at all if he doesn't find a way to get his power back.


Although I can’t bear it anymore, I still have to endure it233............. “I want to take revenge on Charles”

"Still want to take revenge on the entire mutant community"

"Or, you want to take revenge on the entire society"

Qi Jun gently shook the wine glass and watched the liquid flowing in an orderly manner on the wall of the glass. Qi Jun asked again.

"Charles must die!"

Dark Phoenix said bitterly.

In fact, the birth of the character Dark Phoenix was originally caused by Charles' mistakes.

If Charles had not sealed Jean Gray's power, but instead guided her to adapt and master it, then the mutant camp would have had a powerful fifth-level mutant boss.

How can it be like now, with chicken feathers all over the place.

The wrong suppression led to the birth of Jean Gray's negative personality. The fragments of the Phoenix Force were fused, and instead a Dark Phoenix was born who always wanted to kill mutants, a strong man with powerful heavenly father-level strength.

"Mutants must die too!"

"If you didn't interfere, if you didn't mind, there would be no need for the entire earth to exist!"

Although the mutants firmly absorbed the hatred of Dark Phoenix, and Black Phoenix did not care about killing the mutants while also wiping out the humans who were at war with the mutants, with Qi Jun standing in front of him, Dark Phoenix still decided to give in.

This universe has always been about the weak and the strong. Submitting to Qi Jun, Dark Phoenix didn't feel the slightest blush or embarrassment.

Even though Qi Jun suppressed and sealed her before, Black Phoenix didn't take it seriously at all.

In this world, if you have the strength, you can do whatever you want! ............. "I can unlock the seal for you."

"We can also ask you to seek revenge from mutants."

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