"But what you have to pay is to report to Xiaobai after that, and help Xiaobai get rid of those... difficult opponents when he fights in thousands of dimensions!"

With the addition of Dark Phoenix, a Heavenly Father-level master, the development progress of thousands of dimensional planes can definitely be improved by a step. By then, there will be a steady stream of resources, even if he does not swallow the Phoenix Power split, Qi Jun We are all confident that we will make another breakthrough in a short period of time.

I suppressed you and sealed you. Now after I unblock you, you still have to work for me. This is simply a huge business with no capital and huge profits! Where else can you find such a good thing? You must make full use of it. Get up! Let Xiaobai squeeze out every ounce of Black Phoenix's power! Qi Jun has never thought about taking Black Phoenix into his account. Any conditions mentioned before were just a joke.

Qi Jun is really not interested in... a Dark Phoenix who is full of violence and madness from the bottom of her heart and does not regard herself as a woman at all. She can only be a perfect tool! "That's right"

"If you want revenge, just go find those mutants."

"Human society"

"As long as they don't attack you, then you shouldn't get along with them."

Finally, he remembered Qi Jun, who had made a promise to Gu Yi before, and by the way, he set a limit for Dark Phoenix.

Although Qi Jun also knows that if Dark Phoenix desperately wants to destroy all humans on the earth, Ancient One will also teach her how to be a Phoenix. After all, Ancient One has the peak strength of the single universe level, and half of his body has already entered the multiverse level. The gate is open, it is not an easy task to deal with a blackened Jean Gray who has just entered the Heavenly Father level.

But Qi Jun still said this casually, which was regarded as a response to the promise he made.

After all, Dark Phoenix is ​​an independent individual. If she really wants to destroy the earth, it has nothing to do with me, Qi Jun. I, Qi Jun, also stopped me, so it can't be a violation of her promise. Of course, Black Phoenix really If he wanted to do this, Qi Jun would still stop him.

in spite of....

For the sake of Ancient One and Eternity, we can't let the Dark Phoenix kill all humans. What's more, there is still an ancient Eastern country on the earth.

Although it has nothing to do with Qi Jun, let alone the place where he was born and raised, he is still a member of Zhu Xia in all the worlds, so he still needs to have a little love. "No problem!"

"As long as those humans don't come to provoke me, I will definitely leave them alone!"

Hearing Qi Jun's words, Black Phoenix's eyes lit up instantly.

This is really bright. After all, when Qi Jun just spoke, he had already touched the seal. With just one thought, a powerful and violent energy wave emitted from the black phoenix.

The clothes on Black Phoenix's body moved automatically without any wind, and a powerful momentum spread, making the whole person look like a female devil walking out of the abyss of hell.


"Go ahead and do what you have to do. Remember to come back and report to Xiaobai after you finish your work."

He waved his hand to shield the Black Phoenix outward: Qi Jun didn't want the battleship to be messed up by the aura and pressure it was radiating, not to mention that there was a cute little Nina in the next cabin. The little girl couldn't handle this level now. With his pressure, another space door was opened, causing the already agitated Dark Phoenix to get out quickly.

......... Opposite the space gate is the newly built base camp of the mutant race on Earth under the auspices of the blackened Charles.

I don't know if it's right.

.The memory of the base is too deep, or Charles knew it subconsciously.

.The base cannot......... be messed with.

The blackened Charles built this brand new base on a large island a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from the ruins of his original mutant school. Even when he attacked each other with the human coalition forces, he would always avoid it. All over the world.


Naturally, the human coalition discovered the strange behavior of the mutants, and they were also shocked.

.The strength of the base means that there are places on earth that even mutants dare not attack, but the human coalition does not dare to provoke them.

. base, and even dared not ask why it did not join the Human Alliance to resist the mutants.

As long as there is no problem with their minds, the leaders of the Human Alliance will not provoke such a transcendent force, and they will not dare to provoke it.

However, after learning about this transcendent force, the Human Alliance breathed a sigh of relief. After all, this is considered a member of the human race. Even if they lose the war with the mutants, the human race will not be extinct. At the same time, the Human Alliance It also allows some refugees who cannot be protected, or who are unable to protect themselves, to go there.

The base is looking for protection. For the sake of humanity, it does not join the Human Alliance. For the sake of fellow humans, the refugees must be taken in. Unfortunately, it is under Xiaobai's management.

The base maintains absolute sanity and does not care about those... refugees at all. It will even directly kill those... refugees who dare to attack the base. This approach will also make those refugees .........The crazy refugees regained their sanity.

But, although.

.The base is inaccessible, but the refugees found it.

.There will be no mutants attacking anywhere around the base, which makes these refugees breathe a sigh of relief in their madness.

.Between the outside of the base and the attack range of the mutants, use your life to carve out a safe zone, where Fly Yinggou survived.

These places have become the last safe zones on earth.


To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 493 The Revenge of the Dark Phoenix!

"The most cruel thing to human beings is indeed human beings themselves!"

With Xiaobai's factual monitoring of the world and Qi Jun's own spiritual scanning, Qi Jun can easily understand the situation and situation on the earth.

But seeing that in just two days, the world's population of nearly 10 billion has plummeted to less than 2 billion. This is the total number of mutants and humans combined. Qi Jun can't tell what this should be. What an experience.

Almost most of this large number of people who have passed away perished when mutants and humans fired nuclear bombs at each other.

But in the final analysis, these...nuclear bombs are actually made by humans themselves. Although the mutants launch nuclear bombs, these...nuclear bombs are also It was just snatched from the hands of humans.

"This population is less than twenty people"

"How much will be left in the end is still unknown!"

Nuclear radiation dust fills the sky, polluted water sources and contaminated food are everywhere. How many humans will be left on earth in the end... Although Qi Jun also has a time gem in his hand, he doesn't like to use it to predict the future. .

What's more, the future that can be predicted is...the real future? If Qi Jun is willing to take action, the nuclear radiation floating around the world will not be able to be cleared away in a matter of minutes. You said you predicted that the future is all human beings? Extinct in the radiation, Qi Jun wiped away all the radiation effects with a wave of his hand..., then what is the future you predict..." Don't blame me for being cruel. "It's true, I'm curious too."

"As mentioned in a certain anime..., what is the difference between the pre-nuclear era and the post-nuclear era?"

"What will happen after nuclear weapons turn into a wasteland world or even become: the end of life"

"It is still possible to give birth to a new scientific and technological civilization and a god-making civilization after nuclear power."

"If I have enough time, I really want to see what it will look like."

For a moment, Qi Jun wanted to use the infinite gems to separate the entire solar system, and then impose a time law on it to speed up its time for billions of years to see if he could create a super-divine civilization! However, Considering that the noise of doing so was too great, Qi Jun finally suppressed the idea after thinking about it.

What's more, playing with time in front of Gu Yi, even if Qi Jun has multi-universe strength and overall crushes Gu Yi, who only has single-universe strength, there is still the suspicion of being a mastermind. Qi Jun, who mainly attacks space, goes to fight with the main attacker. In the Ancient One competition of time, is it comparing space ability or time ability? Although to a certain extent, one can pay attention to strength, but that... is just a kind of pure destruction, more like overturning the chessboard than making a move. Chess wins the opponent.


"I didn't expect that Dark Phoenix is ​​also a showman!"

Putting aside his plan to use the entire solar system as a testing ground, Qi Jun turned his attention to Dark Phoenix, who was looking for trouble with mutants.

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