Unexpectedly, Dark Phoenix, who walked out of the space door, did not go to trouble Charles immediately. Instead, he used his own ability to control the weather, turning the island into a cloud and causing lightning and thunder in an instant.

Dark Phoenix's move was so dark that the entire mutant base camp island seemed to be in the end of the world.

Fortunately, the mutants themselves are not ordinary people. After the initial panic, with the help of the blackened Charles and the support of Apocalypse, some Apocalypse-controlled mutants who were strengthened by Apocalypse emerged from the mutants and began to and Dark Phoenix competed for control of the thick dark clouds over the island.

"Jean Grey"

"You are indeed an uncontrollable existence!"

"I should have killed you directly from the beginning!"

A ruthless voice sounded in Dark Phoenix's mind, but it was the darkened Charles who directly approached Dark Phoenix through his mutant abilities.

Maybe it's because he knows that Dark Phoenix is ​​obsessed with destroying mutants, or maybe the blackened Charles no longer cares about anything, but Charles's words are obviously extremely ruthless, and he doesn't care about the fact that Qin Gray has been fooled by his subordinates. A long-standing friendship between students and assistants.

"Damn mutants!"

"Get out of my head!"

"Mutants deserve to die!"

There are also 'lightning and thunder' in the sea of ​​consciousness of Black Phoenix. The huge spiritual energy collides in the sea of ​​consciousness, creating a stream of spiritual thunder.


"Especially you damn executioner!"

"Seal me in darkness for many years!"

"I'm out now!"

"I will make you suffer all the torture and humiliation in the world!"

Unlike Charles's 'silence', Dark Phoenix roared directly. Especially at the moment when Charles invaded Dark Phoenix's mind again, Dark Phoenix's violent aura reached a level that could be called terrifying.

"Suffer death!"

"Damned bastards!"

The aura of the Heavenly Father-level powerhouse exploded, and huge energy was vented, causing the entire earth to shake slightly.

........ Seeing Dark Phoenix and a group of mutants locked in a battle, the corners of Qi Jun's mouth turned up slightly.

It turned out that just when the Black Phoenix was firing on all cylinders and preparing to wipe out all mutants, in the distant universe, even Qi Jun could only roughly sense the direction of the Phoenix Force fragment coming towards the earth. , but suddenly began to accelerate as if stimulated by something.

Qi Jun could sense that the sudden burst of the Phoenix Force had increased its speed by at least ten times! It would have taken ten years for the Phoenix Force to reach Earth before this.

So, now that the Black Phoenix has exploded, this Phoenix Force split will be able to reach Earth in at most one year! Qi Jun became a little excited when he thought of the benefits of devouring the Phoenix Force split.


To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 494: The Besieged Ancient One

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"On the surface of the earth, mutants and humans are at odds with each other."

"Secretly, the mages and those... dimension demons are also really fighting."

“nice guy”

"There are actually more than a dozen single universe-level dimensional bosses besieging Gu Yi alone."

In fact, the nuclear explosions everywhere on the surface of the earth and the "silent battle" between Charles and Dark Phoenix were not very able to attract Qi Jun's attention.

What really made Qi Jun pay attention was the hermit mages who were fighting fiercely with the dimensional demons in various subspaces attached to the earth.

In particular, some of the best among them can almost cope with the siege of a group of dimensional demons and evil spirits alone.

The most eye-catching one is naturally Gu Yi, who has the highest combat power.

To be able to single-handedly withstand the siege of more than a dozen dimensional bosses without falling behind, he is truly an incredible Plath! ........" Ancient One !”

"The earth is hopeless!"

"Why do you have to support yourself so hard?"

"Join us!"

"As far as I know, there are several unowned dimensions and planes."

"Join us and we'll give you the coordinates."

"Integrating the new dimension, we are... walking together."

"Eternal life, a power far greater than what you are now"

"Nothing is better than trying to take away other people's power to maintain your own life support."

"At that time, not only will you have eternal life, but as long as you integrate those... dimensional bits, with your strength, it will be a simple matter to break through the multi-dimensional level."

"When the time comes, how about we all follow your lead?"

"Why bother holding on to this earth that is almost finished!"

Ancient One and more than a dozen dimensional bosses were fighting back and forth, the power of the law was tumbling, but both sides were almost uninjured.

For people of the same strength level, as long as they are not seriously injured at the single universe level, they can recover almost instantly.

While you were coming and going, a group of dimension bosses tried to persuade Gu Yi in a "careful" manner.

"Do not talk nonsense!"

"You want me to stay out of it."

"Then show what you can do to convince me!"

"Just being able to talk nonsense is not something that a group of dimensional big guys can do!"

"Want to swallow the earth"

"You're not afraid of bursting your stomach!"

Faced with the siege of more than a dozen single universe-level bosses, Gu Yi was not afraid at all. Looking at these... dimension bosses who were full of crooked ideas, Gu Yi was even more... Their faces were full of contempt. At their level, who didn't know that the earth was the center of the universe? Sima Zhao's intention to swallow the earth was well known to everyone. He just wanted to let Gu Yi give up the earth with just a few words of deception. ...just kidding.

The Eye of Agamotto was glowing with green light and hovering in front of Gu Yi, with a determined look on his face, but it made all the dimensional bosses feel helpless when facing a hedgehog.

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