
"Gu Yi, don't be ignorant of good and evil!"

"In order to deal with you, we specially joined forces to cut off the connection between Dormammu and you."

"Without a steady supply of energy, even if you have an infinite gem, you will be defeated by us sooner or later!"

"The Infinity Stones are not...that useful!"

"Without Dormammu's energy supply, we have to see how long you can last!"

Faced with Gu Yi's inability to advance, the bosses of a certain dimension are also very angry, but Gu Yi has the time stone in hand, and the Weishan Emperor series is good at defensive techniques, these... ..... The big guys in the dimension really have nothing to do against Gu Yi for a moment.

If they hadn't joined forces in advance, they would have been separated by Gu Yi and dealt with one by one.


To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 495: Fame~

“Who do you think will be the final winner on Kemir Star’s side?”

"Those...dimensional demons"

"Eternal Disciple"

"It's still the Asgardians who are plotting secretly"

"Or, there are those gods who are ready to make a move"

In an amusement park far away in the corner of the universe, Gao Tianzun, who was dressed in a "flashy" dress, was watching the competition in the arena and asked a man standing aside with a smile.

No one knew that what happened on the distant earth spanned countless billions of light years and was displayed in front of the two of them in real time in the form of projection.

Even Ancient One, who possesses the Time Stone, is still projected. Such a powerful ability is really unexpected.

However, for some unknown reason, Qi Jun, who was also on Earth, did not appear in this projection. Even the battleship where Qi Jun was located was not revealed.


"None of them can win!"

"I'm with that guy!"

The man also smiled slightly, but he didn't think highly of any of the people Gao Tianzun mentioned.

The man turned his head and took a closer look, and it was clear that it was Ti Fan who was still entertaining Qi Jun in the Zhiwu Land! However, it was different from the clone guarding the Zhiwu Land.

This Tifan is me! This is the top giant with multiverse level strength! This is the best in this universe! Who knows that this guy's innate ability is... the ability to continuously divide? , born from the universe.

Ti Fan has separated so many clones. Even if there is something unexpected, maybe it's... I'm surprised that Ti Fan's real body would appear here. However, Gao Tianzun and Ti Fan were the ones who were born at the beginning of the universe. The brothers who were born together, Tifan, appeared in Gao Tianzun's playground. In the final analysis, there was nothing surprising.

After wandering in the universe for a long time, is there anything wrong with going to a brother's house as a guest and having some fun... "That guy is really as strong as you said." "

Gao Tianzun naturally knew who the person Ti Fan was talking about was.

You must know that these two brothers are one of the few elders of the universe who have survived since the birth of the universe. They have so many abilities that it would make people dizzy just hearing about them. But even so, the picture projected is really nothing. The person my brother mentioned appeared.

If that person did not return to Kemir, it would be normal for him not to appear in the projection.

But now that such a big thing is happening on the earth, my brother said that... the person has returned to the planet Kemir.

But that... person did not appear in the projection, which explains the problem! However, Gao Tianzun had a strong sense of crisis and some disbelief in what Ti Fan said to him.

From the birth of the universe to the present, Gao Tianzun has seen countless strange abilities that can shield him from prying eyes. Gao Tianzun does not think there is anything strange about them.


"You haven't seen it in person."

"When you see it in person, you will naturally know that it is a fatal sense of crisis that can make people suffocate!"

"Although that's just the perception coming from one of my clones with universe-level strength."

"But it can also cause palpitations in my body at the same time, as if I'm being targeted by some powerful being."

"You think that would be a simple new multiverse level master"

Playing with the jewelry in his hand, Ti Fan thought that he would not be wrong about the person. That person... named Qi Jun could definitely bring him the threat of death! .................. But still: Qi Jun on Earth has no idea that some powerful beings in the universe are discussing him.

At this moment, Qi Jun was enjoying himself watching Gu Yi and those... dimension bosses fighting each other.

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 496 Peeping and Counter-Peeping?

Qi Jun knew that some powerful beings were remotely watching the battle on Earth.

Although Qi Jun did not know which entities were secretly observing, it did not prevent Qi Jun from sensing it.

What's more, Qi Jun has a [mutated gem] with him, so Qi Jun is not afraid that anyone will see him.

It can even be said that as long as Qi Jun does not want to be exposed, only a truly omnipotent being with omnipotent universe-level strength can detect the direction of Qi Jun.

If Qi Jun’s control over the [Mutated Gems] reaches 100%, then even an almighty universe-level being will never have the slightest feeling for Qi Jun. At that time, Qi Jun will really be able to work in Marvel’s The world is going sideways everywhere.

At first, Qi Jun wanted to rely on the [Mutated Gemstone] to not be afraid of being touched, and follow the peeping eyes of other strong people to find out which existences were peeping on the earth.

However, Qi Jun still thought of these ancient antiques who had lived for who knows how many billions of years too simply.

Let's not talk about those things... The existence immediately disconnected from the earth after realizing that it was being peeped. Let's just say that Qi Jun finally found the path and wanted to follow the clues to catch him by surprise.

As a result, when Qi Jun peeped back, he was confused by the endless distortion of time and space traps.

With Qi Jun's attainments in space, he could actually be made dizzy. One can only imagine the strength of those... beings.


"That saying is indeed true."

"You are a thief if you are too old to die!"

"They were just taking a peek at the earth one by one, but the tunnel turned out to be very twisted and twisted, and there were so many traps set in it."

"His grandma is a jerk!"

"Sure enough, none of those...existences who can survive until now are simple!"

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