Withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, Qi Jun was too lazy to spy on the existences that were spying on the earth.

Although those traps could not cause any harm to Qi Jun, Qi Jun did not like to be abused.

Qi Jun knew that he couldn't find the peeper and would be confused by the traps. Qi Jun was stupid to try to spy again.

“Watch it if you like”

"Anyway... I have the [mutated gem] in my hand."

"Even if you all unite, you still can't find me!"

Qi Jun curled his lips and stopped paying attention to those... eyes peering into the earth one by one.

The existence of [mutated gem] passively makes Qi Jun less susceptible to observation, let alone Qi Jun actively turning on the shielding effect.

Of course, if Qi Jun ran in front of others or ran into other people's fields, it would be impossible for others to be blind, and they would not be able to discover the same truth. It is also impossible for others to run into Qi Jun's fields. , and was not discovered by Qi Jun.

So Qi Jun directly opened his own domain and brought the entire solar system! .................. "I'll go!"

"Are you so stingy?"

"These images are rare to see"

“He actually didn’t show it to us.”

"Is that guy you're talking about so protective of his calf?"

In the amusement park, Gao Tianzun's eyes widened and he asked Tifan on the side in surprise.

It can be heard that after Qi Jun opened the domain and enveloped the solar system, and directly swept away all prying eyes, Gao Tianzun was actually still a little unhappy and a little angry. One is an eternal disciple who is one of the five supreme beings. He is besieged by a group of single universe-level dimensional masters who do not know the truth. This scene is a famous scene. No one can guarantee that anyone will be able to see it in billions of years. to the second time.

But Qi Jun blocked all the snoopers so rudely. Not to mention Gao Tianzun who knew some information was unhappy, many snoopers were actually very unhappy.

However, if you are not happy, you are not happy. Those snoopers who were blocked back did not do anything in the end. At most, they just... called them stingy and that was all.

How else can I beat up Qi Jun? Let’s not talk about whether he can beat him or not. What if he accidentally killed Gu Yi during the fight without paying attention? Wait for eternal revenge? Yes! This multiverse Here, all the giants who have reached multiverse level strength know that Ancient One is the eternal disciple. This is almost an open secret, but this news is limited to the circle of multiverse level giants.

Otherwise, why don't those... Dimension Lords who have reached multiverse level strength go to the Ancient One to cause trouble? So, a group of single universe level Dimension Lords go to fight in a group. During the time of the Ancient One, this caused those... multiverse giants to cast their "watching" eyes one after another.

in spite of....

Whether it was Gu Yi's difficult victory, or whether Gu Yi was beaten for eternity to take revenge, these are rare and strange sights. This kind of scene is very difficult even for those old antiques who have lived for who knows how many billions of years. It's rare to see this! It's a pity that the bad taste of these guys was blocked by Qi Jun.

The entire space of the solar system is shrouded in his own domain by Qi Jun. Those guys want to watch the famous scene again. Unless Qi Jun opens a port for them, they have to suppress Qi Jun.

But can a multiverse-level giant with peak strength be easily suppressed? Among the old antiques who are still alive today, how can any of them not be human beings to trouble Qi Jun? It’s not because they have nothing to do. If you do something to cause trouble, the reward is not proportional to the effort, but no one is willing to do this loss-making business. What's more, with Qi Jun, a giant with the peak strength of the multiverse, the outcome of this scene is already obvious. .

The excitement was gone, and the group of peeping guys naturally quit the group chat with curses.............But! Qi Jun enveloped the entire solar system into his own domain. Are you really going to stand up for Gu Yi? Wrong! What a big mistake! Those guys never imagined that Qi Jun did this just to 'clear the scene'! Should he help Gu Yi or those... ..... What kind of joke are you, the Lords of Dimensions! It's none of my business, Qi Jun's business, that they fight life and death. I just want to 'appreciate' this famous scene by myself!—————— ——.

Qi Jun exudes bad taste!

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 497 Time Prison

How could Qi Jun, who had suffered a secret loss in the matter of anti-peeping, just let those guys watch the show?

If you want to be comfortable, it is impossible to be comfortable. It means that you want to see it but can't see it, and you want to fight it but don't dare to actually fight it to maintain your life. Qi Jun doesn't care if others are comfortable...

,Anyway...Qi Jun just feels comfortable.........In the subspace...in the mirror space, Gu Yi and those... .......The single universe-level dimension masters are having a great time.

That's right, the battlefield between Ancient One and those...single universe-level dimension masters was placed in the mirror space within the subspace of the main universe. This was done entirely to prevent The aftermath of the battle spread to Earth.

Although those... single universe-level dimension lords didn't care and even wanted to burn the war directly on the earth, Ancient One used the power of the time gem to directly destroy all high-end combat forces. Pulled into the mirror space within this subspace, those... dimensional lords can't do anything.

Using the power of the Time Stone, the mirror space set up by Ancient One, who has already stepped half of his body into the multiverse gate and has the peak strength of the single universe, fundamentally determines their... ......... Even if the dimension masters with single universe-level strength unite, they cannot break this space barrier.

It’s not that the space barrier is really unbreakable. Even if Gu Yi crosses half of his body into the multiverse gate, as long as Gu Yi doesn’t truly advance to become a multiverse giant, then the mirror image set by Gu Yi will The spatial barriers in space, these... dimension bosses can still break through them together.

But the point is! Ancient Yi used the mirror space set up by the Time Stone. In addition to... the power of space, this mirror space is more blessed by the power of time.

If you do not reach the multiverse level of strength, you will not be able to reject the power of time that is blessed on your body, and naturally you will not be able to escape the time prison set by using the time gem.

Even if the space barrier of the mirror space is broken billions of times, the mirror space will always return to the original mirror space set by the power of time in the next moment, just like Doctor Strange... uses The principle of this time prison is the same as that negotiated by Dormammu. You die and I die a billion times, but I can be resurrected in front of you with full health.

If you can't break this shackles, then you can only be trapped in this kind of imprisonment, an infinite loop, which is very disgusting.

This is why there is a universal truth in the universe that ‘space is king and time is supreme’.

Level-up challenges are commonplace. Even if they can't defeat you, they will still disgust you to death.

..... Qi Jun was trapped in the picture he saw, it was... like this! After covering the entire solar system in his own domain, Qi Jun Focusing on the mirror room of Earth's subspace...

As the pinnacle of multiverse strength, the power of time in this multiverse can no longer affect Qi Jun.

Naturally, the mirror space set up by Gu Yi cannot stop Qi Jun's observation.

Under the fierce battle between these single universe-level dimensional masters and the Ancient One, Qi Jun watched happily as the mirror space was constantly being blown up, then recovered in an instant, and was kept being blown up again, and again. Instant recovery, and then... in an infinite loop.

Especially this kind of infinite loop is not completely immutable.

Although the power of time can restrict and imprison these individual universe-level masters of dimensions, it cannot affect their consciousness, memory, or soul.

Qi Jun just watched the mirror space continue to explode, recover, explode, recover... and then, he also looked at Gu Yi's expressionless face.

Then, I looked at the anger of those... dimension lords, burning with anger, slumped, numb, pleading, angry again, numb again, and so on... .Mood changes.

This is much more interesting than watching those so-called blockbusters.


To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 498: Submit~

In fact, the power of a spell like Time Prison is directly proportional to the strength of the caster.

For example, now, the time cage released by Gu Yi, who is the peak strength of a single universe, can envelop and restrict all the dimension masters with single universe strength present in this time cage, but it will not affect them. .........The soul memories of the dimension masters.

No matter how this mirror space is destroyed, under the time cage, everything will return to the original starting point.

But these... the masters of the dimensions will remember exactly what happened during this period, and they will never be able to forget it even if they want to...

But if it were a stronger or weaker enemy, it would be a completely different result.

If a multiverse-level giant is shrouded in a time cage, a multiverse-level giant who is not controlled by the power of time can break through all methods and directly violently break and destroy the time cage.

Unless the caster is also at the multiverse level, facing higher-level opponents, the Time Cage will not be of much use at all.

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