And if the enemy is the Heavenly Father level, it can also break the endless cycle of triggering the time cage in the mirror space.

Then this cycle will really continue to cycle.

Because the Heavenly Father, who is one level lower in strength than the caster, is shrouded in a time cage, every time time is restored, their memories will also be reset and restored. In this way, the attacker will only attack again and again. He believed that since this was his first attack, there would be no negotiation incident like Doctor Strange's.

Therefore, Qi Jun was very curious. Although Doctor Strange was very evil and could reach a height that most of the magicians in Kama Taj could not reach in their lifetimes in two years since he learned magic by himself, when he was negotiating with Dormammu Obviously not on the same level as Dormammu.

So, how did Doctor Strange manage to keep Dormammu trapped in a time cage despite being inferior to him in power? So! There is only one truth! The so-called Supreme Law of the predecessor who left work early.

The special target didn't leave at all, but has been hiding in secret to help Doctor Strange establish his prestige, and he will definitely be able to carry the role of the Archmage with him: ah! ........" That’s right!”

"Stop stop stop!!!"

"No fight, no fight!"

"Ancient One, let's talk!"

In the time cage, the masters of the dimensions, from the initial cruelty and unruliness, to anger, surprise, numbness, and finally heartbreak, the mental journey along the way can be said to be deeply memorable, and they will definitely be remembered like this from time to time in the rest of their lives. I generally think of imprints.

Qi Jun's observation time in the outside world was not long, but these... the Lords of Dimensions in the Time Cage seemed as if time had passed for hundreds of millions of years.

It has been so long that they no longer want to look at Gu Yi anymore, because they are afraid that if they look at Gu Yi again, they will be physically and mentally exhausted.

They...the Lords of Dimensions never thought that they had already joined forces to cut off the energy access channels of some dimensions such as the Ancient One and the Dark Dimension, but the Ancient One could still control them. The Lords of so many dimensions are all trapped in this almost infinite time loop, and they show no signs of fatigue.

With the blessing of the power of time, time in the time cage passes much faster than in the outside world.

Collapse, recovery, collapse again, recovery again... In an infinite cycle, although the real time is certainly not as exaggerated as billions of years.

But the dimension masters who were exhausted by Gu Yi seemed to have been tortured for hundreds of millions of years. They were already overwhelmed and mentally exhausted.


"Regarding...the malicious invasion of Earth."

"How are you going to compensate?"

Holding the Eye of Agamotto, Ancient One looked at a group of exhausted Lords of Dimensions with a calm expression.

However, Qi Jun discovered that Gu Yi's horns were slightly raised.

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 499 Compensation~

Compensation must be paid. You can't beat them again and again, and you can't die even if you die. If you don't compensate, you won't be trapped in this time cage for the rest of your life. Although because of the time cage, Ancient One can't completely kill them. ........... Dimension lords with single universe-level strength, after all, have broken the balance, time will be restored, and the killed dimensional lords will be resurrected.

What's more, the reason why the Lords of Dimensions are called Lords of Dimensions is precisely because they have integrated their original souls into their dimensional planes. What is standing in front of Ancient One now is nothing more than... similar to If the incarnation of the same thing is blown up, it will certainly cause the dimension lords like them to suffer a certain amount of damage and their strength will drop, but it will not drop too much.

After all, an entire dimensional plane is used by it, and such a large volume is placed there.

Gu Yi also knew this, so he did not go to any trouble to defeat the so-called Lords of Dimensions. Apart from defending, he was also happy to watch these... Dimensions A poor show by the masters.

This is also the essential reason why the successive supreme mages of Kama Taj have always only protected the earth and resisted the invasion of external forces. You can't kill the other party, and you can't kill others. In the end, you can only isolate others within the walls of your own house. That's all. However, since you dare to attack the earth, you must be punished accordingly.

All the successive supreme mages have their own different methods to keep those... dimension lords in check. From suppression to destruction, naturally each has different methods.

Without enough power, how can we protect the hungry means of the Lords of Thousands of Dimensions who are staring at the Earth? Dimensional planes are indeed very resourceful, and none of the Supreme Mages have been able to fundamentally Of course, there is no way to kill those...dimensional planes, but the previous Supreme Mage generally will not destroy those......dimensions. Planes, after all, these... Dimensional planes, good or bad, can be regarded as a source of power, just like the Ancient One has been linking energy from the dark dimension, although he can't kill Dormammu , but it actually weakens Dormammu's power from the side.

The energy of the dark dimension itself is quantified. If you use more, he can only use less. This is why Dormammu is determined to kill Ancient One until death.

You know, if Ancient One hadn't stolen the power of the dark dimension, why would Dormammu have been bullied by the other lords of the dimensions... "Hey"

"Looks like the show is about to end."

Seeing those... Dimension Lords in the Time Cage with grimaces and displeasure, yet they had to grovel to Gu Yi to discuss compensation matters, Qi Jun knew that there was basically no fun. Lookable.

In fact, from the moment Gu Yi used the shameless ability of Time Cage, the balance of victory has tilted directly towards Gu Yi.

For Gu Yi, in this universe, it can be said that "diversity cannot exist and the single entity dominates".


“Looks like the ancient one”

"Breakthrough is about to happen"

Although Gu Yi worked hard to suppress his power, as a multiverse-level peak strength, Qi Jun quickly saw some clues.

In this battle, even though Gu Yi was almost in a defensive state, Gu Yi seemed to have gained a new understanding in this battle.

The aura on Ancient Yi's body began to fluctuate greatly, and his strength was rapidly moving from the peak of the single universe level to the early stage of the multiverse level.


"A single universe-level Ancient One is already hard to beat."

"If the Ancient One steps into the multiverse level, then the masters of these dimensions"

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"It can be destroyed with a flip of the hand."

Seeing those...dimensional masters holding back their displeasure and bargaining with Gu Yi about compensation, Qi Jun felt like he was covering his face.

Do you know that people can suppress you in the next second?

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 500 An Important Person from the Ancient One

"How about you give me the two children, Jean Gray and little Nina?"

In the battleship, Gu Yi sat in front of Qi Jun, drinking the good tea that Qi Jun showed, while discussing with Qi Jun.

After extracting a lot of benefits from those...dimensional masters, Ancient One finally let them go.

With the defeat of those... dimension masters, the resentful spirits, demons, etc. on the earth... the dimension monsters also retreated with their masters.

So, after arranging the magicians of Kama Taj to continue to eliminate those......the secret unstable factors, Ancient One took one step and arrived at the stealth battleship in outer space.

The entire solar system is shrouded in his own domain by Qi Jun. How could Gu Yi, who is about to break through to the multiverse level of strength, not be able to sense it? Xiaobai's battleship can become invisible in earth civilization and even cosmic civilization, but in But it was not enough to see in front of Gu Yi.

However, Qi Jun was not surprised at all by Gu Yi's arrival and received him by the way.


"You have taken a liking to both of them."

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