Qi Jun glanced at Gu Yi in surprise. Originally, Qi Jun thought that Gu Yi would fall in love with Qin Gray, but he didn't expect that little Nina would also be attracted by Gu Yi. Could it be that little Nina also has something in magic? What makes him stand out...Qi Jun is not surprised why Gu Yi came to him to ask for someone. You know, since Qi Jun came to this multiverse, this place originally The plot that is about to happen has already changed beyond recognition.

Mutants and human society are at full-scale war, and nuclear weapons are even fired everywhere. The entire earth has been transformed beyond recognition and is full of devastation. Qi Jun has never even heard of this version of the plot in Marvel.

The timeline is completely chaotic, and some of the protagonists in the original plot line have completely disappeared from the world line.

For example, the Black Panther of Wakanda, the Shaggy Bear and Hawk-chan teamed up to wipe out from the earth. For example, Yondu died on the earth, and the young Star-Lord was sent directly to Ego. For example, Doctor Strange, the future successor that the Ancient One was originally waiting for, , after the all-out war between mutants and humans, he was unfortunately wiped out by a nuclear bomb in a certain battle.

Another example is... Captain Marvel with the square face. Although at this time, this guy had just joined the army and was not even a member of the Air Force, but who said she belonged to the Eagle Army? The military base where she was located, Even early on, the nuclear weapons base controlled by the blackened Charles was leveled with two atomic and hydrogen bombs and three consecutive rounds.

I don’t know whether the match between the Marvelous Mother and the Cube in the original story line is still not waiting for the original mutation timeline. Of course, it may be that the energy exploded by the three nuclear bombs was too strong. Under the impact of the nuclear weapons, there was no time to mutate. It was instantly evaporated, leaving nothing behind.

These... are just some of the points that Qi Jun has paid attention to. After all, these are relatively important in Qi Jun's impression, and those... Qi Jun didn't care at first, but the changes were even more profound.

The total population of the entire earth, including the aliens lurking on the earth, is now less than 2 billion. It is conceivable how completely different the storyline of this multiverse has become.

................."no way"

"The earth has undergone great changes. The seedlings I originally observed were either useless or... dead."

"We can only think of new ways to supplement some manpower."

Staring into Qi Jun's eyes, Gu Yi said with a hint.

Although Gu Yi blocked the high-end combat power, the more low-end the battle, the more enemies there were. Kama Taj's mages also suffered a lot of casualties. When it was time to replenish their combat power, Gu Yi would not let it go.

Of course, the person Gu Yi came to Qi Jun to ask for would naturally not go back to work as a low-level employee, but would definitely be trained into a high-end combat force...even a supreme mage! "Cough"

"Time is elusive..."

"If you observe time, time will also fool you."

"Just like there are no two identical leaves in the world, naturally there will be no identical pluralistic world."

He remembered the boast he had made with Gu Yi before, saying that his arrival would make the earth a better place.

But look at the earth now, isn't it even more beautiful? If it were beautiful, the ancient wild beasts would be so angry that they would come to Qi Jun to fight with her.

............."You want Dark Phoenix to be the Supreme Mage"

Qi Jun, who felt a little embarrassed, quickly changed the topic.

It wouldn’t be surprising if little Nina is trained to become the Supreme Mage Qi Jun. Little Nina is still young and her outlook on life can be reshaped. If she really has magic talent and is taught by Ancient One himself, she will really have nothing to do with Doctor Strange. .

But the Black Phoenix has been turned into a black one. Why is Gu Yi recruiting him to be a high-level thug? He is not afraid of being targeted by the Phoenix body of the original universe. What's more, at this moment, in the earth, the Black Phoenix is ​​chasing the blackened one. Charles and his gang of mutants are killing people. Although the nuclear weapons are powerful, they have to be able to hit the Dark Phoenix. If not for the darkened Charles's psychic ability, which can interfere with the Dark Phoenix, coupled with Apocalypse's enhanced ability. Having strengthened a group of space teleportation mutants, Dark Phoenix may have killed all the mutants early.


To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 501 Request~

"Who should be the supreme mage depends on their own efforts."

"All I can do is give them an opportunity to grow."

"If neither of them has that idea, I will not force them to become the Supreme Mage."

Sipping the tea, Gu Yi gently shook his head and explained.

In fact, the candidate for Supreme Mage that Gu Yi most recognized in his heart was... Qi Jun in front of him. Qi Jun's magic was learned from Kama Taj in another parallel multiverse. This is basically the same origin. Qi Jun is not suitable, so who else is suitable? But Qi Jun is stronger than Gu Yi, and much more powerful! How could Gu Yi fool Qi Jun into becoming that... Supreme Mage of Lao Shizi? There is no suitable successor. Ancient Yi has stayed in the position of Supreme Mage: for hundreds of years, he has long been tired of it. If there is a suitable successor, how could Ancient Yi not want to get off work early? Qi Jun can't be fooled, so he settles for the second best. , Xiao Nina and Black Phoenix, who are related to Qi Jun, are actually good candidates for the Supreme Mage.

Ancient One admitted that before the timeline was completely disrupted and before the chaos, Ancient One had already seen the infinite future through the Eye of Agamotto.

In this variant hybrid universe, in the infinite timeline, although the number of people who can become the Supreme Mage is not countless, it is not enough to count them on one hand! Therefore, the people who were originally Although Dr. Strange, whom Ancient One was optimistic about, died under a nuclear attack, Ancient One was not sad, and did not even have any emotional fluctuations. After living for hundreds of years and nearly a thousand years, Ancient One had already taken a dim view of life and death. leave.

In Ancient One's previous observations, both Little Nina and Dark Phoenix have the potential to become the Sorcerer Supreme, but relatively speaking, their potential is slightly inferior to Doctor Strange.

Otherwise, Ancient One would not have listed Doctor Strange as the first heir.


"at last"

"Please, please deal with those......the lonely ghosts on the earth who can return home."

"You've got something from the depths of the earth."

"You have to be responsible for the fate of those lonely ghosts on earth who are not in the original ecological cycle!"

Turning his eyes and looking into Qi Jun's eyes, Gu Yi said meaningfully.


When Qi heard Gu Yi's words, Qi Jun was stunned.

However, Qi Jun reacted immediately.

As an eternal disciple, it is impossible for Ancient One not to know the secrets in the deep space of the earth.

However, Qi Jun did not think that Ancient One knew about the spatial singularity. What Ancient One knew was probably only about the Heart of Camille.

Perhaps Ancient One had some guesses about the secret of Camille's Heart, but he definitely couldn't guess the real secret.

After all, if the Heart of Kemir hadn't exploded into nothingness, even Qi Jun wouldn't have known that there was such a spatial singularity in that isolated space that linked thousands of dimensional planes! "No problem!"

"This is easy!"

Without responding to Gu Yi's...meaningful look, Qi Jun nodded and agreed.

Qi Jun knew that what Gu Yi was talking about was not only the souls who died... but also the souls who might die in the future.

Ancient One wanted Qi Jun to establish a complete reincarnation mechanism on Earth.

Although Gu Yi can barely do it, it is still very difficult if he is close to the Mind Stone without the cooperation of the Soul Stone. If something goes wrong, it will be the end of the world. It is better for Qi Jun to take action.

With multiverse level strength, it is relatively simple to establish a complete reincarnation mechanism on the earth.

The higher the strength, the higher the level, is an insurmountable chasm! The strength of the multiverse level, the understanding and application of the laws and rules of the universe, is much, much, much stronger than the ancient one at the single universe level. !What's more, the entire solar system is shrouded in Qi Jun's domain.

In the field, Qi Jun is...a god. It only needs special settings and solidification, and the earth's soul reincarnation mechanism can be perfected. It is much better than Gu Yi who worked hard but may not be able to get it right.


To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 502 Qi Jun: I said it!

With Qi Jun's approval, Gu Yi naturally took away Xiao Nina's family.

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