Yes, little Nina and her family were all taken to Kama Taj by Gu Yi.

Xiao Nina is naturally very sad about this. After all, Qi Jun is her only 'friend'. She has just met her friend and has to leave again. Xiao Nina is naturally very sad.

But although she felt sad, little Nina did not make trouble unreasonably.

Perhaps due to Magneto's personal teachings, or perhaps due to various encounters, little Nina is very sensible, especially after her parents and Qi Jun expressed their desire for her to study at Karma Taj. It's obedience.

As for Magneto and his wife, they are even more happy with this. Little Nini’s mother is just an ordinary person, and she is naturally very willing to stay in a beautiful and quiet world like Karma Taj... which is isolated from the world. Little Nina's mother was not able to adapt to the beatings and killings from the outside world.

As for Magneto, during the period when his abilities were sealed by Qi Jun, he also reflected on his past. In addition, after being abandoned by the blackened Charles, he no longer wanted to face mutants. Now the invitation of Ancient One , Magneto naturally got off the slope and agreed to come down.

Although Qi Jun's battleship is good, it is not the home of his Magneto family. It would be great to be able to leave early.

After all, Magneto has a very deep 'impression' of Qi Jun in his heart. Although Qi Jun is acting very friendly now, Magneto is extremely restless in his heart. He would like to leave as soon as possible.

As for Black Phoenix, it would naturally have to wait until Black Phoenix helped Xiao Bai clear away the obstacles in the target dimension before letting Ancient Yi take him away.

I'll give it to you as soon as you say you want it. Why is Dark Phoenix now my top thug? You just want to go there casually, because of your big bald head and...

Who knows if Gu Yi will cause any extra problems when he brings the black phoenix back to teach magic, train him towards the supreme mage, and transform himself into the white phoenix? What's more, the Phoenix power split in this universe is still there. The Black Phoenix is ​​needed to attract him. If he is taken to Kama Taj and is cut off from the Phoenix split, then Qi Jun's work will be in vain. Although with the spatial singularity, the Phoenix power split will be lost. It is no longer necessary, but since it can absorb high-quality energy, why should Mao swallow those... low-quality energy with many impurities? Large amounts and full tubes are not such a satiating method. So, after reaching a "harmonious" agreement with Qi Jun, Gu Yi took the reluctant little Nina and her family out of the battleship and returned to Kama Taj.

......... On Earth, during the time that Gu Yi was a guest at Qi Jun's place, a lot of things happened.

Without Qi Jun's suppression, the completely blackened Dark Phoenix focused on revenge, instantly defeating the mutant army that was able to force the Human Alliance back step by step.

I don’t know if Charles flirted with Dark Phoenix when he suppressed Qin Gray’s negative personality. After Dark Phoenix was completely liberated, the... hatred for Charles was like the water of the Yellow River flooding out of control. A style that would never give up until Charles was crushed to ashes.

If Charles hadn't also turned dark and possessed the mutant ability to temporarily mislead Dark Phoenix, his army of mutants would have been completely wiped out by the hateful Dark Phoenix.

But even so, the mutant army strengthened by the blackened Charles and Apocalypse were defeated steadily by the Dark Phoenix, and their military strength was greatly reduced.

For a moment, the mutant army's overwhelming power against people collapsed in an instant, and they were defeated step by step.

But as the saying goes, if you defend for a long time, you will lose. Even if there are transformed Charles and Apocalypse, the mutants will be wiped out by the Dark Phoenix sooner or later.

Especially as the Black Phoenix kills more and more mutants, the power of the Black Phoenix becomes stronger and stronger. Qi Jun even discovered that the strength of the Black Phoenix has directly stabilized its realm from the beginning and entered the realm of heaven. The strength of the parent class in the mid-term.

Qi Jun discovered that those mutants... who were killed and decomposed by the Black Phoenix, after turning into the most basic cosmic particles, some of their energy was actually absorbed by the Black Phoenix. Yes, this also explains why Charles becomes more and more decadent as he fights, while Dark Phoenix becomes stronger and stronger as he fights. This is simply...a glutton. This is so unexplainable.

One side becomes weaker the more they fight, and the other side gets stronger the more they fight. Is there any suspense about the outcome? If Dark Phoenix is ​​given enough time and enough environment to develop, wouldn't it be just around the corner to achieve multiverse-level strength... ..."Tsk"

“It’s only been a while”

"There are less than a billion people on earth"

As Gu Yi left, Qi Jun's spiritual thoughts scanned the earth again, which immediately startled Qi Jun.

Although the population was less than 2 billion before, there were... more than a billion. Now the population has dropped sharply to less than a billion. Damn it, humans are indeed the race best at fighting among themselves! Even if Divided into mutants and purebreds, the internal fighting has really not changed at all in thousands of years. "Forget it."

"After all what I said before"

"Then it still needs to be fulfilled."

"If this war continues, the entire human race will be doomed."

Seeing that the war was about to destroy the entire world, Qi Jun no longer stood idly by.

It just so happened that Qi Jun's domain enveloped the entire solar system. Within the domain, Qi Jun was... a god. It couldn't be easier to change the rules in the domain.

"I said!"

"There is no more...nuclear radiation in this world!"

The words of the law came out: Following the journey, after an inexplicable fluctuation, the nuclear dust that enveloped the entire earth due to the nuclear war disappeared in an instant. The next moment, the sun once again enveloped the earth.

"I said!"

"There cannot be another nuclear explosion in the earth!"

The power of law swept through, changing the rules of the entire earth in an instant. The next second, those nuclear missiles that were so terrifying before suddenly turned into lumps of steel. .

As for the future development of nuclear energy, that has nothing to do with me, Qi Jun. What’s more, there are so many superpowers in this universe. Without nuclear energy, there will be no other abilities. "I said!"

"There will be perfect rules for soul reincarnation in the earth!"

Another force of law swept across the earth, and those... lonely ghosts who were still at a loss suddenly seemed to be pulled by something, floating towards a certain place. And those... souls seemed to sense Qi Jun's position, and while being pulled, they all worshiped in Qi Jun's direction.

And deep in the center of the earth, in the space where Kemir's Heart was originally hidden, a looming place of reincarnation emerged, and countless lonely ghosts instantly fell into it.

At this point, no matter whether they are born, old, sick, or die unexpectedly on earth, the souls will have their own destination.

"I said!"

"In the land of reincarnation, those who have to transcend cannot break the five,!"

As Qi Jun finished speaking, countless golden seals instantly enveloped and imprinted the entire place of reincarnation.

As the golden seal disappeared, Qi Jun suddenly felt a sense of emptiness within his body, but the place of reincarnation deep in the heart of the earth immediately became impregnable.

This is Qi Jun's use of the power of [mutated gems]. Without using the power of [mutated gems], not even Qi Jun can break this reincarnation.


To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 503 Calm~

After setting up a complete soul reincarnation mechanism on the earth, Qi Jun took back the domain.

Although at his level, as long as he is not fighting with other strong people, even if the field is always open, there will be no consumption at all and it will even increase the absorption of energy.

But Qi Jun doesn't want to open the field at any time, especially when it covers such a large area of ​​​​the entire solar system.

You know, in the field, Qi Jun is... a god. Everything in the field will be reflected in Qi Jun's mind, even if an ant in the field is pregnant.

So much information is tumbling in Qi Jun's mind. If Qi Jun's soul hadn't also improved with the improvement of his strength, he would have been overwhelmed by this huge flow of information.

Even if Qi Jun can take the initiative to block the information that he doesn't need to know, Qi Jun doesn't like this feeling.

........ And the moment Qi Jun took back the domain, the earth's information once again appeared in those in the entire universe...... ...In the sight of top bosses.


"That person unblocked"

Still in Gao Tianzun's playground, various confrontational activities are still being held here as always in an attempt to gain Gao Tianzun's pleasure.

But obviously, at this time, Gao Tianzun's eyes are no longer focused on those... people who are working hard to perform.

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