
"The one standing at the end is...him!"

"It seems that I have won over Gao Tianzun's brother," Tifan said smiling at the side.

"You're talking bullshit"

"There are no other multiverse-level dimensional masters to mix with."

"Gu Yi didn't use the background to call people."

"He is the pinnacle of the multiverse, who can compete with him and dare to confront him?"

Gao Tianzun glanced at his brother and told him nonsense.


"Kemir Star seems to be a little different."

Gao Tianzun said with a slight frown, as if his sight had passed through the barriers of space and came directly to the sky above the earth.

"It's a little different!"


"That phoenix seems to have been subdued."


“Looks like a good thing”

Tifan nodded, also seeming to see through the barriers of space and directly observing the entire earth.

In fact, the moment Qi Jun withdrew his domain, those... giants with multiverse level strength already had a clear understanding of what happened on Earth.

For the multiverse-level giants who have mastered the power of laws and rules, as long as no one deliberately blocks it, this universe has almost no secrets for them. Wherever the power of rules passes, whatever happens there will be unknown. It's like an incandescent lamp shining brightly all the time.


As if thinking of that... indescribable existence, Gao Tianzun shook his head and withdrew his observing gaze.

........Those...multiverse giants once again set their sights on the earth, but Qi Jun did not interfere.

In fact, from the moment Qi Jun expanded his domain, the earth, and even the entire solar system, had been classified into Qi Jun's sphere of influence by default.

As long as they don't want to start a war with Qi Jun, there won't be that person or force stupidly looking for trouble again.

After Qi Jun withdrew from the field, these exploratory glances were just a routine glance, or a subconscious attempt to see the results of what had happened before. After all, there would be no results. Who can look at and explore unscrupulously anymore?

That would be a provocation to a multiverse-level giant with peak strength! No one would do that.

At this point, the universe seems to have returned to peace for the time being.


To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 504 After the war~

After Dark Phoenix finally slaughtered all the 'manifest' mutants on the earth, Qi Jun recalled Dark Phoenix and sent it to Xiao Bai to conquer the endless dimensions.

Why are they said to be 'manifest' mutants? This involves the issue of cause. Even though Dark Phoenix has wiped out all the mutants on the surface of the earth, in fact, the mutants in this universe do not know how to do it at all. extinct.

As long as the earth in this universe remains:, as long as humans on this earth have not become extinct, then mutants will never become extinct.

Even as long as those guys from the Celestial Group still want to do experiments, the mutants will never become extinct! The difference is just that they changed from earth mutants to alien mutants, and the mutants killed by Black Phoenix only They are just human beings who have awakened to causes during this period.

And the genes that have been integrated into human genes thousands of years ago, with the reproduction of humans and the development of society for thousands of years, have long been spread and integrated into all races in the world, regardless of you and me. .

Qi Jun can say with certainty that everyone on earth carries a cause, even the mages who learn magic in Kama Taj, but it is the difference between awakening and not awakening.

In Qi Jun's view, the so-called war between mutants and purebreds on Earth is just... a joke, nothing more than a fight to the death between a group with awakened abilities and a group without awakened abilities.

In fact, if everyone put aside their prejudices and devoted themselves to studying the awakening of causes, then the human beings on this earth would have been able to leave their home planet and look into the starry sky long ago. How could they be like now, beaten to death, and the entire population of the earth has increased. It's less than one billion. How ridiculous and sad this is. Of course, the battle between interest groups can never end at any time.

As long as you still have interests and needs, the fight will never end.

............. Time has passed quickly for another half a year.

The light of civilization on earth is shining again.

Without those... the mutants who were slaughtered by the Dark Phoenix, humans have once again become the controllers of civilization on the earth.

But unfortunately, perhaps because of the inferiority of human beings, even after experiencing a war between mutants and pure humans, human beings did not unite together in the end.

After the 'manifest' mutant, Dark Phoenix, was recruited by Qi Jun, the remaining forces of the Human Alliance quickly brought the earth back under their rule.

Without the trouble of foreign enemies, the struggle for power in the Human Alliance was once again staged. Before, it looked like a great unity, but in the next scene, it split into several forces.

However, perhaps because of the previous war or perhaps everyone within the Human Alliance did not want to fight anymore. Although the Human Alliance split into several forces, it did not start another war.

After the splintered forces argued with each other for a period of time, they divided the entire earth into five major regions and ruled each of them.

And among these five forces, the largest belongs to the ancient Eastern Kingdom.

In this nuclear war that spread all over the world, perhaps because Mao Xiong and Yingjiang were crazily targeted, or perhaps due to historical and cultural reasons, although there were many mutants who responded to Charles, there were very few mutants who turned against the ancient Eastern country.

In this nuclear war that spread across the world, the ancient Eastern country retained a lot of strength because of its strategic depth. In the end, in addition to... commanding the entire Asia, it even went north to capture a lot of raw wool. The bear's territory went south and even swallowed up the island of Australia, and went west and even swallowed up the Middle East.

It can be said that if it were not for the loss of a lot of population during the war and the loss of some high-end combat mutants, the Ancient Eastern Kingdom could almost be said to be the other four forces of Tianhu, and it would be much worse than the Ancient Eastern Kingdom. .

But compared to the scope of control of various countries before the nuclear war, these new forces also have a mouth full of oil and a lot of money, except... .No one cares about the North and South Poles, and the whole world has been carved up.

You must know that the nuclear war between mutants and the human alliance mainly targeted the violent institutions of both sides. Although almost all industrial cities were destroyed, those... shelters were scattered all over the world.

The wanderers around the base, as well as the scientists and civilization crystals under the protection of the Human Alliance, were not destroyed.

Especially after Qi Jun eliminated the nuclear radiation on the earth, the earth quickly returned to the glory of civilization.

Even, to a certain extent, this war launched by mutants can be said to have purified the whole world.

The old, sick and disabled people would have died long ago in a nuclear war, but those who can survive are all young and strong elites.

To a certain extent, this multiverse Earth has achieved the goal that a certain umbrella company wanted to achieve! Therefore, in the past six months, the Earth, with no gaps in civilization and a large number of elites, soon became glowing again. New vitality blooms and the light of a new civilization blooms!

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 505 Small Town~

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