When Qi Jun set foot on the surface of the earth with Black Phoenix, less than half a year had passed.

The arrival of the Phoenix Force split was already approaching. Qi Jun recalled the Black Phoenix that had been thrown to Xiao Bai to work for free, and was ready to walk around the earth to take a look.

Even in order to concentrate on sightseeing, Qi Jun had already collected the spatial singularity, and Xiao Bai had also recruited him back.

However, there is one thing to say. After more than half a year of sweeping through the space passage of the spatial singularity, with the assistance of Black Phoenix, Xiaobai did not know how many dimensional planes he had thoroughly excavated. They were piled up like mountains, no, piled up like bits. The resources above made Qi Jun take a big hit.

Those huge resources, converted into energy absorption, let alone the single universe level, the multiverse level giant can give you dozens of births! It took Qi Jun a while to suppress the desire in his heart, no To swallow these... energy that is large in quantity but not of high quality.

Relatively speaking, the Phoenix Force split is infinitely more advanced than these... resources piled up on the plane.

The difference between the two is like the difference between a handful of uncooked rice and a bowl of high-end rice carefully cooked by a five-star chef.

Let me ask, when there is uncooked rice and a bowl of fragrant rice in front of you, should you eat the uncooked rice or the fragrant rice? Qi Jun has already decided. After swallowing the Phoenix Power fragment, After that, he will leave this multiverse.

As for whether to leave or go to the original universe of the Marvel world to experience different scenery after taking control of all the authority of the [Mutated Gems] and becoming a being on the same level as the Marvel world, Qi Jun has not yet decided decided.

Note.............Walking in an abandoned town, Dark Phoenix followed Qi Jun half a step behind.

This is a small town that has not been affected by nuclear bombs, but after the nuclear war started, all the townspeople fled in a hurry. After all, no one knew whether the next nuclear bomb would fall here.

The houses in the town are still preserved, but as far as the eye can see, everywhere is covered with dust, and everything looks shabby and old.

On the mottled walls, the red bricks are exposed in the pits of lime. Moss, weeds, ivy and other plants grow wildly, almost completely encroaching on the former human territory.

Obviously, even if Qi Jun eliminates nuclear radiation, there will not be enough people to move here after the nuclear war, and the power of nature will soon cover it again.

A wild leopard appeared on the roof of a building not far away. Perhaps it knew that Qi and Jun were not easy to mess with. The leopard was hunched over and puffing up its fur, but it just stared at the two who appeared. The two-legged monster did not make any offensive move.

"How great life is!"

"The Earth never cared"

"Without human destruction, the earth would obviously look more beautiful!"

“I don’t know how long the beautiful scenery here will last.”

"How long can these... cute little animals survive?"

"Human nature is evil"

The appearance of wild animals shows the majestic resilience of the earth itself. If no one comes to this town, the traces of human beings here will soon disappear completely, but Qi Jun obviously does not believe this. .

The essence of human beings is...greed. If you have something, you want more. If you have something good, you want better. Although the global population has dropped sharply after the nuclear war, human greed cannot be filled. Here Sooner or later, the beautiful scenery will be completely destroyed again! What's more, this is the Marvel universe. If the people on Marvel Earth don't do something, what is it called Marvel? After hearing Qi Jun's words, he has been following Qi Jun. Black Phoenix behind Jun obviously stopped in his steps. Although he immediately returned to his Gujing Wubo state, it was obvious that Black Phoenix had different views on Qi Jun's words.

However, considering that even if he was promoted to the peak of the Heavenly Father level after accompanying Xiao Bai to conquer thousands of dimensional planes, Black Phoenix continued to remain silent and followed suit as Qi Jun kneaded the situation with one finger. He followed Qi Jun without saying anything.

..... With a slight fluctuation, Qi Jun and Black Phoenix disappeared from this abandoned town in an instant.

Meow watched the two 'Two-legged monsters' suddenly disappear, and the wild leopard jumped up, bared its teeth, and opened its claws. After looking around for a week, it saw that the surroundings still looked familiar to him, and then lay down on the roof with doubts.

Meow was no longer blocked by nuclear dust, and the warm sunshine continued to caress the leopard's body. The leopard stretched its waist greatly and lay down lazily.

Sure enough, the two-legged monster or something, the lack of sunlight makes the leopard more comfortable... Note: It has been a little more than a year since the book was opened, and the poor scores in this book are I haven't seen any recommendations, so I don't know what kind of posture it is, and no, I don't even know what it tastes like.

Coupled with the interference of miscellaneous things during the period, I didn't want to write anymore for a while, but when I thought about how many people were still following it, I didn't know if I forgot to turn off the customization. But since there are still readers who are following it, in order to finish it Ben’s promise has been written until now.

After all, eunuchs cannot be eunuchs. Only those who have a beginning and an end are real men! In fact, there is nothing to write about at this point. After all, the pig's feet will soon be beyond the level. The author will try to finish it within this month.


To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 506 Arrival!

“Waited for so long”

"What is supposed to come has finally come!"

On this day, in a rebuilt city, Qi Jun suddenly looked up into space and murmured in a low voice.

People walking hurriedly around Qi Jun were busy but happy people. Only when you have lost something can you know how valuable a peaceful life is.

With Dark Phoenix, Qi and Jun spent nearly half a month traveling around the world leisurely.

The two of them have been to the ancient eastern country. The development there is even better than before the nuclear war. It's really incredible. Especially Qi Jun saw the auxiliary robots everywhere! Some move things, some build buildings, some build roads and bridges, etc. Wait..., it’s incredible that so many robots that can replace humans appeared in the 1980s! Qi Jun took a closer look and found out that this thing was actually created by scientists from the United Human Group during the war between the Human Alliance and the mutant army. A black technology that they collectively developed, especially after the miniaturized Palladium Ark reactor contributed by the famous Marvel playboy father, Howard Stark, provided energy, the technology of robots instantly took a big step forward.

In fact, the robot technology during the nuclear war is now available to the five major powers, but Qi Jun only saw the reason why this technology was widely used in the ancient Eastern countries. In addition to...the unique political system of the ancient Eastern countries, It's also because the 'new mutants' who were born in the period after the nuclear war were not discriminated against like the other four major forces, but were treated equally as before.

Among these new mutants, a mutant with electronic superpowers was born. The intelligent programs he wrote can make these robots very flexible even if they are applied to the rough robots of the 1980s.

The Ancient Eastern Kingdom did not share its intelligent programs with the other four major forces. Therefore, Qi Jun only saw a large number of civilian auxiliary robots in the Ancient Eastern Kingdom. Among the other four major forces, only the military saw them. Some of them are not very flexible.

"I didn't know Tony Stark wouldn't become Iron Man."

"Moreover, the ancient Eastern country is not afraid of intelligent robot rebellion. "What will happen if Ultron or something appears?"

Qi Jun's face looked a little strange at that time.

Who would have thought that a nuclear war would prevent Howard Stark from hiding his secrets and even share the technology of the miniaturized Ark reactor within the alliance. And the intelligent robots now deployed on a large scale in the ancient Eastern country would make Tony Is it possible that Stark has a chance to become Iron Man? The introduction of the future genius entrepreneur is Tony Stark, a genius who made intelligent combat robots at the age of ten. Anyway..., no matter what, although some of the protagonists of Marvel are in During this nuclear war, some Marvel protagonists did not burp their butts, but none of them meant anything to Qi Jun.

Because, the Phoenix Power split that Qi Jun has been waiting for has finally arrived! And after Qi Jun swallows and absorbs the Phoenix Power split, Qi Jun will leave this universe. If there are any... changes in this universe, Qi Jun will naturally also Don't care anymore............."I feel a calling!"

Just when Qi Jun looked towards the sky, Black Phoenix, who had been following Qi Jun like a mute, spoke up for the rare moment.

"Your sense is right!"

Qi Jun turned around and nodded.


"It belongs to me!"

“It’s time for you to go to Karma Taj!”

Patting Black Phoenix on the shoulder, Qi Jun grinned, casually drew a portal, and pushed Black Phoenix in.

In order to avoid accidents, Qi Jun decided not to let Dark Phoenix come into contact with the Phoenix Power split.


To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 507: Full Firepower

"turn out to be"

"Is this why he has stayed on Earth?"

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