Gu Yi naturally knew about the arrival of the Dark Phoenix right away.

However, it was not until this moment that Gu Yi understood why Qi Jun had stayed on Earth for such a long time.

Thanks to the presence of the [Mutated Gemstone], Gu Yi was unable to spy on Qi Jun at all, and there was no trace of Qi Jun in any timeline.

If Gu Yi had not met Qi Jun in person and only observed the world line through time magic, Gu Yi might not have known where the source of such a big change in his universe from the original timeline came from. But since Qi Jun first came to this The strength of the universe is equal to his own, and soon he directly breaks through to the multiverse level of strength that he has not entered yet. Gu Yi has no way to deal with Qi Jun.

However, the Karma Taj family has always paid little attention to the real world. As long as it is not a major event of world destruction or human extinction, the Karma Taj usually only cares about their own mysterious side of the land.

Therefore, although the appearance of Qi Jun caused great changes in the real world, and even broke out a nuclear war that almost wiped out humankind, the Ancient One did not intervene, even though the world was filled with nuclear fallout.

Of course, this is also inextricably linked to Qi Jun's later action and the invasion of dimensional demons.

Being distracted by the mysterious side, the Karma Taj family naturally had no extra energy to take care of it.

........ During the Earth War, Gu Yi had no time to think about why Qi Jun stayed on Earth.

After the war, Gu Yi immediately approached Qi Jun to find two girls, Xiao Nina and Black Phoenix. In addition to...the two girls indeed have the potential to serve as the Supreme Mage, they are also the same. A kind of temptation for Qi Jun.

Qi Jun, a giant with the top power in the universe, has been staying on the earth. Gu Yi didn't think much about it. It was impossible. It was like a thorn stuck in Gu Yi's body. It was difficult to sleep peacefully. Gu Yi will definitely find it difficult to let go of why Qi Jun has been staying on earth.

Even for this matter, Gu Yi secretly consulted his own eternity.

But for Qi Jun, the owner of the [Mutated Gem], as long as he is not here in person, even if Eternal has deduced it himself, he still can't figure out anything. This makes Eternal immediately think of the five supreme beings. One's death pointed to the 'that person' he was looking for. After all, he couldn't find anyone, and he couldn't predict anything. Aren't the two very similar? I don't know what the psychology was. Eternal didn't inform Death of his guess, nor did he. Telling Gu Yi this information is just to tell Gu Yi not to worry too much, and that he can even end his career as a supreme mage in advance and come to study with his own deity in advance.

The teacher kept it secret and didn't want to say more. Gu Yi had no choice but to treat it as a multiverse giant with his own ideas. As long as the giant didn't want to blow up the earth, Gu Yi was too lazy. Never mind, just think that Qi Jun wants to conquer one or two more powerful younger siblings. 0 "Hey"

"only hope"

"After he conquers the Phoenix Power, he can leave this universe as soon as possible."

"His existence has a great impact on this universe!"

Looking towards a certain direction deep in the universe, Gu Yi frowned, but in the end it turned into a helpless sigh............. On the other side, he threw the black phoenix to Kamatai. After Ji, Qi Jun teleported directly to the edge of the solar system.

A seemingly extremely large and extremely violent energy ball shot out from here at a speed many times exceeding the speed of light.

"The mutated gem helps me!"

"Explode with all your strength!"

"Ding Ding Ding!!!"

Without any hesitation, Qi Jun opened fire this time.

With the blessing of [mutated gems], the power of the domain envelops the infinite power of rules and regulations, shrouding the huge energy that became extremely violent due to the influence of the black phoenix of the same origin!

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 508: Take it!

Previously, the birth of Black Phoenix and the subsequent being thrown by Qi Jun to Xiaobai as a thug have greatly improved Black Phoenix's strength. It has already reached the peak of Heavenly Father level, and is only one step away from reaching the single universe level.

Affected by the Black Phoenix, this Phoenix Force split energy group, which is essentially the same as the Dark Phoenix, is extremely violent. The Phoenix Force split, which is a single universe-level concentrated high-quality energy group, in the Dark Phoenix Under the influence, its destructive power has even reached the level of the multiverse.

Faced with this level of destructive power, Qi Jun would naturally not take it lightly.

Even though Qi Jun possesses the [Mutated Gemstone] which has the passive ability to absorb 90% of attacks, but that... is just an attack directed at Qi Jun, but it has become: an extremely violent Phoenix Force clone, once it goes crazy, but It will attack indiscriminately, and the entire solar system can be wiped out instantly.

But these... are not what Qi Jun is most worried about. What Qi Jun is worried about is that the rampage of the Phoenix Force split will make other multiverse giants in this universe Also keep an eye on this piece of fat.

The other giants of the multiverse will not be tempted by the existence of the Phoenix Force split! They are very tempted, but they have never been able to find the exact location of the Phoenix Force split.

Qi Jun, a cheat with a golden finger, can only vaguely know the general direction of the Phoenix Force but cannot detect its specific location, let alone the other multiverse giants in this universe. This is also the Phoenix. The power split exists in various high-level multiverses in the Marvel world, but it has never been captured, or there are times when someone was lucky enough to catch it but failed because of the extremely high difficulty of capturing it.

But once Qi Jun and the Phoenix Force split go crazy and fight, the huge energy level fluctuations will instantly attract the attention of the giants in the universe. At that time, Qi Jun still wants to monopolize the Phoenix Power split. It's possible.

After all, it’s not that these giants are not greedy for the Phoenix Force, it’s just that they have been unable to track the real-time coordinates of the Phoenix Force split. But once Qi Jun didn’t take it seriously, he and When the Phoenix Force splits fight you and me, a lot of multiverse-level giants will come to grab the peaches in seconds.

Therefore, Qi Jun is like this. If he doesn’t take action, he will use all his strength! The reason is... to prevent any accidents from happening! .................. ..Since his achievements, Qi has never really used his full strength. In fact, Qi Jun himself does not know what kind of ability and effect he can achieve by using his full strength, let alone the number of [mutated gems] attacking him. Multiplier bonus.

Just when the Phoenix Force split was still hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the outer reaches of the solar system, the power of the domain instantly enveloped it.

At this moment, all the laws and the power of rules in the domain appeared so clearly in the domain. It can be said that it is so obvious that even an ordinary person can do it in this environment as long as he has a certain understanding. Quickly understand the power of rules and regulations.

In order to avoid any accidents, Qi Jun took action with all his strength. All the abilities that he had mastered, comprehended, and even just general abilities were displayed. The power in the field was even more powerful with the blessing of [mutated gems], instantly surpassing reaches the upper limit of this multiverse.

In an instant, what was still there just now: the manic Phoenix Force fragment running towards the earth at dozens of times the speed of light, as if the time pause button was pressed, stopped instantly, even those affected by the Dark Phoenix And the manic and extremely active energy seemed to be frozen and stagnated instantly.




The stillness of the Phoenix Force fragment did not make Qi Jun stop. Instead, he unleashed various powers on the imprisoned Phoenix Force fragment at a faster speed.

As Qi Jun continued to act, the Phoenix Force itself, which was the size of the moon, was quickly compressed into a small energy ball the size of a fist.



To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 509 The final question

"seal up!"

Looking at the fist-sized energy ball being received into his palm, Qi Jun slowly made the last seal.

An invisible energy quickly covered the energy ball.

The next moment, the thick and violent energy fluctuations emitting from the energy ball dissipated without a trace in an instant.

Even the fist-sized energy ball shrank again and became only the size of a 1 glass marble.

Now, it really fits the description of an energy ball.

“Finally got it”

"It's not in vain that I've waited for you for so long!"

Withdrawing his full burst of power and regaining his territory, Qi Jun held the small energy ball in front of his eyes with his thumb and forefinger, looked at it carefully, then put it away, and couldn't help but sigh.

Qi Jun did not immediately devour and digest this energy ball compressed by the split seal of the Phoenix Force.

First of all, this thing was affected by the Dark Phoenix, and its energy was so violent that Qi Jun didn't want to have a stomachache after swallowing it.

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