Secondly, although Qi Jun suppressed and sealed the Phoenix Power very quickly, not even a trace of breath was leaked out, except... The Ancient One on Earth will have some problems because of the Black Phoenix. Other than induction, other multiverse giants will know nothing.

But the fluctuations of Qi Jun's domain power will still be sensed by those... multiverse-level giants in this universe. After all, everyone has multiverse-level strength and is owned by the domain. Who is not familiar with the power of the domain? Especially Qi Jun, who used all his strength for the sake of perfection. The power he unleashed was enough to make the top masters in this universe tremble with fear and have heart palpitations.

With the blessing of [Mutated Gems], Qi Jun took action with all his strength. The old multiverse giants in this universe would definitely face death or death! How could these guys still be able to sit still?

At this moment, Qi Jun had already felt the power of countless obscure rules searching this place. If Qi Jun hadn't escaped into the void immediately after suppressing the Phoenix Power split, he would have been there long ago. It has been discovered by these......multiverse giants.


Since it is here in the solar system, and Qi Jun has demonstrated his domain power before, these... giants also know that there is a being of the same level as them sitting here, and even more What's more, there is a big boss behind the scenes that they don't dare to mess with.

Therefore, even if they wanted to find out the source of their palpitations, they did not dare to investigate unscrupulously without knowing that it was... Qi Jun who was causing trouble.

.........Staying quietly in the void for a while... After making sure that no one could find out the cause of the accident here, Qi Jun left .

In one step, Qi Jun came straight from the void at the edge of the solar system to the earth.

.In the main base.

"Welcome back master!"

The moment the surveillance probe 'observed' Qi Jun, an intelligent voice rang out. This was a sub-level intelligent copy that Qi Jun asked Xiaobai to leave on the earth.

Xiaobai has been taken away by Qi Jun. Taibai became an intelligent life and an independent life entity, but its strength could not keep up with the growth rate of Qi Jun's strength. Qi Jun did not take him away. Still left in multiverse, allowed to develop freely.

But Xiaobai, a super intelligence with limited emotional modules, was used very skillfully by Qi Jun. He planned to carry it with him wherever he went. He was preparing to leave the current multiverse, so naturally he had to put it away early to avoid any mishaps. When an accident occurs, it is too late.


The base has Xiaobai's sub-level intelligence and a complete social adaptation system. Even after Qi Jun leaves, there will be no problems.

not to mention,.

.The base gathered many real human elites to serve as management during the war, and it will definitely be the sixth largest force in the future of the earth.

.place of .


"You are the last problem I need to solve in this universe!"

Qi Jun muttered to himself as he took out the small energy ball that was a fragment of the Phoenix Power and was compressed by the ultimate seal.

Qi Jun didn't know whether big changes would happen after he swallowed this 'energy ball', and whether it would cause turmoil in the universe. After all, when he was promoted to the multiverse level, the scope of the field's spread would be almost half. The whole universe has been enveloped in it. Who knows if Qi Jun will have a more violent reaction if he swallows this energy ball? Moreover, those... have been blocked by the ceiling for countless years. Are the veteran multiverse giants willing to see someone who is one level above them appear? The five supreme beings can overwhelm them... That's because the five supreme beings are born to overwhelm them...

But if there are newcomers who want to overwhelm them... and stand on their heads to dominate them, can they still endure it? "We still have to find a place where we can safely break through!"

At this moment, Qi Jun missed the small universe in the multiverse of the previous movie.

But it is a pity that in this multi-variant hybrid universe, there is no such perfect small universe waiting for Qi Jun to take over.

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 510: Sacrifice space?


"That...'Sacrifice Space'!"

Suddenly, thinking of the small universe, Qi Jun immediately thought of the 'Sacrifice Space' that Tifan's clone took him into before in the Land of Knowledge... which was completely isolated from the main universe! That was even bigger than the five largest ones. Even the most powerful and unknown people can sense the shielded place! In that place, ordinary people will definitely not be able to find the entrance, especially after Tifan's clone used it last time, that... entrance has been sealed by dust. Get up, if Qi Jun wants to enter through that entrance again, he will definitely be discovered 100% of the time.

But! Don’t forget what Qi Jun is best at! Of all Qi Jun’s abilities, his best is undoubtedly his spatial ability.

The last time he was in the 'Sacrifice Space', although Ti Fan's clone only gave a general idea, Qi Jun relied on his unique understanding of the way of space and had already memorized several details linked to the 'Sacrifice Space'. a special space node.

Excluding the entrance to Tifan's clone palace in the unknown land, Qi Jun still has three or four 34 space nodes in his hands.

Qi Jun didn't believe that these three or four 44 space nodes were all monitored at all times. What's more, even if these space nodes were all monitored at all times, find one of the space nodes with the weakest monitoring, and then If you lay out some tricks and then quietly enter the 'Sacrifice Space' and leave, there will definitely be no problem at all, and you will definitely not be discovered by others.

What's more, the reason why the name of 'Sacrifice Space' has the word 'sacrifice' is not officially because in order to use it, you have to provide powerful enough sacrifice items! To activate 'Sacrifice Space' once, you will need unlimited gems. , although the Infinity Stones can be restored and are not truly destroyed, the Infinity Stones with endless energy can. You can imagine how costly it is to use this 'sacrifice space'.

The use of a place that costs so much, that is, control, is absolutely weak and pitiful. Even the palace where Tifan's clone is in the unknown land... the entrance is hidden. Seriously speaking, it is just a device on the outer shell. A space is just an isolation and restriction.

But for Qi Jun, space restriction has no blocking effect at all.


"Before you go, let's get another 1 infinite gem!"

Finally, he took a deep look at the building he built as soon as he came to Earth.

.base, Qi Jun dodged and left the earth.

..... With the Phoenix Force split in hand, Qi Jun no longer has any needs or thoughts about getting the Infinity Stones.

However, to activate the 'Sacrifice Space', treasures of the Infinity Stone level are required. Qi Jun does not want to use the Infinity Stones in his hand, and there are still Infinity Stones in the universe that are ownerless, so Qi Jun will naturally be rude. .

The Time Stone was in Gu Yi's hand, and Qi Jun didn't even think about grabbing it. The Space Stone had been completely integrated into Qi Jun's 'New Space Stone'. The Power Stone had been overloaded and destroyed when the 'Sacrifice Space' was used last time. I don’t know how many years it will take to recover. The Mind Stone is in Thanos’s hands, and Qi Jun is too lazy to grab it.

The Soul Gem... is left alone on that desolate planet, but where can I find it to sacrifice my beloved Qi Jun? Moreover, even if there is a beloved, Qi Jun cannot be sacrificed to my soul. gem.

Although Qi Jun's multiverse-level peak strength could forcibly capture the Linghu gem, Qi Jun didn't want to waste that...effort.

Therefore, in the end, there is only one 'ether particle' and 'reality stone' sealed in the abyss of the nine realms by the previous generation of Asgardian God-King! After countless thousands of years, the previous generation of Asgard has The divine king's sealing power has already dissipated a lot, and Qi Jun can easily break it if he goes to get it.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

An extremely weak space fluctuation flashed through, and the 'ether particles' that were supposed to be sealed in the depths of the Nine Realms Abyss disappeared in an instant.


To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 511 Reality Gem~

In the Sealed Place of the Nine Realms Abyss, most of the power of the seal placed by the previous God King of Asgard has gone away.

Qi Jun didn't even show up in person, so the ether particles were easily taken away from the seal by Qi Jun.

At the same time, a certain Cross: battleship hidden in the darkness suddenly started up. A frozen life-saving capsule deep inside it quickly thawed. An elf-like man covered in black all over his body stumbled out of the life-saving capsule. Climbed out.

After being frozen for who knows how many years, the dark elves obviously couldn't jump out of the life-support cabin immediately, but their foundation of a life level stronger than humans also allowed the dark elves to recover quickly.

"Our clan's sacred object finally appears again!"


"The end of Asgard has come!"

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