Walking to the battleship control console, the dark elf, who had fully recovered, had eyes full of hatred, fanaticism, madness, etc... emotions, and even screamed hysterically.

‘Ether Particles’ are refined by the Dark Elves using various special methods with Reality Gem as the core. Naturally, every Dark Elf leader will have the ability to respond to it.

The moment Qi Jun escaped from the sealed place of the Nine Realms Abyss with the ether particles, Malekith, the current leader of the dark elves, immediately sensed it.

But "NO!!!"

"what happened"

"Why is the aura of the holy object shattered?"

"Why can't I...feel the message of our clan's sacred objects anymore?"



"This is not true!!"

Suddenly, Malekith, who was in a state of madness, stiffened and quickly came out of his previous state of madness.

However, completely losing his connection with the etheric particles caused Malekith, who had just thought he had a promising future, to instantly fall into the abyss, the bottomless one...


"This is why"

"It must be Odin!"

"It must be Asgardian"

"I'm going to kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

"I will completely destroy Asgard!"

This time, Malekith was really crazy. He desperately activated all the remaining dark elves from the life-saving cabins and controlled the cross: the battleship immediately jumped towards the Asgard star field.

..................Click The 'ether particles' appear to be in a liquid state, but they are still as fragile as broken glass in front of Qi Jun. They can be easily crushed and shattered in an instant.

Qi Jun didn't know that his easy move would cause the dark elves, who thought they were about to usher in glory, to instantly fall into the endless abyss. They drove their last and most powerful ship, the Cross: Flagship, to find Asgar. Germany is in trouble.

Of course, even if he knew Qi Jun, he wouldn't care at all. If a dog bites a dog, no one would really think that Asgard has put away the butcher knife and is... a good person, right? That's really Ami tofu. It was easily crushed and crushed. After removing the fragments that originally formed the ether particles, Qi Jun picked up a gem that shone with red light and raised it to his eyes for a closer look.


"In terms of induction, it is indeed a bit more powerful than the Reality Stone in the previous movie's multiverse."

"I originally thought of sacrificing you to see if there would be any unexpected gains."

"did not expect"

"My Golden Finger actually has no reaction at all."

The [Mutated Gem] hidden in the depths of his mind had no reaction at all to the Reality Gem in his hand. Qi Jun almost thought that what he got was a fake. Fortunately, the powerful energy contained in the Reality Gem made it so. Qi Jun knew that he got it right.


"After having the Heart of the Universe fragment"

"Don't our Golden Thighs already look down on the petty profit of the Infinity Stones?"

In the last universe, the [mutated gem] was very interested in the reality gem, but now it is not interested in the stronger reality gem at all. Qi Jun can only sigh, the [mutated gem] that swallowed a fragment of the heart of the universe is Taste has also become extremely picky. It is easy to change from inspection to luxury, but it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality. "There is no other way."

"It seems you were born to be used as a sacrifice."

Shrugging his shoulders, Qi Jun planned the place where the last light and heat of this reality gem should be displayed.

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 512 Tifan: It can’t be him!


"let's start!"

Sneak in from a secret entrance of the sacrificial space that Qi Jun has memorized long ago. As expected, this place is exactly the same as the last time Qi Jun came with Ti Fan's clone. Countless embodied rules and law chains envelope the entire space. On, running slowly without activation.

"I don't know how Ti Fan explained it to the big guys who were guarding this 'sacrifice space' before."

While walking towards the 'altar' in the center, Qi Jun imagined the image of Ti Fan's clone explaining to the other cosmic elders and gods guarding the 'sacrifice space'.


"never mind"

"Why do you think so much?"

"Anyway... after the 'Sacrifice Space' is activated, it will be completely separated from the main universe. As long as the sacrifice is not damaged, no one can come in."

He shook his head, stepped onto the altar, turned his hand, and a bright red gem appeared in Qi Jun's hand.

"Let's go!"

Qi Jun waved his hand, and the reality gem, which was shining with bright red light, was immediately and accurately thrown into the groove in the center of the altar by Qi Jun.

Afterwards, Qi Jun casually fired a beam of energy towards the altar.

Buzz! In an instant, the reality gem in the groove was completely swallowed up, and the altar was activated! Boom, boom, boom, boom. The moment the altar was activated, the endless rules and law chains suddenly seemed to be chased by catfish. The little fish that got up were swimming like crazy.

At the same time, the few... the secret entrances of the 'Sacrifice Space': were once again actively cut off by the 'Sacrifice Space'.

At this moment, except that...the Reality Stone is controlled by the altar and continuously draws endless energy from the main universe for maintenance, this 'sacrificial space' is completely disconnected from the mutant hybrid multiverse. Got in touch!............"Huh"


At the same time, in the Bian Zhong mixed multiverse, several multiverse-level giants with peak strength showed strange expressions at the same time, as if they had discovered something was wrong.

"What's wrong"

In the amusement park, Gao Tianzun saw his brother Ti Fan suddenly change his expression and asked curiously.

Time is the least valuable thing for cosmic elders like Gao Tianzun and Ti Fan. When Ti Fan came to visit his brother Gao Tianzun, it was naturally impossible for him to leave in a short time. After Ti Fan won the last bet, he still continued to stay. Being a guest here, not to mention the amusement park here is still very interesting. However, at this time, Tifan's face no longer smiled, but looked serious, as if something bad had happened, which made Gao Tianzun couldn't help but become a little serious.



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