Marvel: I’m Silver Superman, Join the Chat Group

Marvel: My Silver Superman, Join the Chat Group Chapter 306

But he really can't buy it.

Carl didn't know whether the wine in Tony's house was real or fake.

As far as he knew, the wine was very precious.

But Tony's wine is really good.

And to say that the wine in Iron Man's wine cellar is fake...

This is indeed a bit excessive.

Now that Zhao Hailun is here, Carl is just giving him a taste.

Back home, Chao Helen is still resting.

After all, it only took Carl a few dozen minutes to go out this time.

Most of the time, also talking to Tony and Nick Fury.

Or just wait for Nick Fury to pick up the box.

It didn't take long.

Putting the wine in his hand on the small bar, Carl sat beside the bed to rest.

After thinking about it, Carl entered the chat group.


Hot-blooded spider: ?(?????????????)? Hey, thank you Tohka-san for the cooking.

Hot-blooded spider: Today's cooking is still superb!

What should I do if my sister is a middle schooler: ^_^ You're welcome, as long as you like it.

Hot-blooded spider: '? `I love it so much!

What should I do if my sister is a middle schooler: That's fine.

Hot-blooded spider: Speaking of which, there seem to be very few people today.

Bloody Spider: What are you doing?

What should I do if my sister is a middle schooler: maybe she is busy with her own business.

Heavenly Blade King: (?w?) No, I've been here all the time.

Kamen Rider passing by: I'm here too.

Heavenly Blade King: However, something has really happened recently.

Heavenly Blade King: We lived in the City of Angels, and my father returned to the place where he fled.

Heavenly Blade King: I want to drive back the spaceship of the King of Angels.

Heavenly Blade King: Although he said he had experience, he was always worried when he went alone.

What should I do if my sister is a middle schooler: Don't worry.

What should I do if my sister is a middle schooler: I didn't say before that the big boss Karl wiped out all the Angel Legions.

What should I do if my sister is a middle schooler: It stands to reason that there should be no enemies on your side.

Shirley: That's right, don't worry.

Shirley: You can also post a quest if there's really something going on.

Heavenly Blade King: That's true.

Heavenly Blade King: Because all the angel warriors are dead, my father will fly the spaceship alone.

Commander of the Great Wall Guards: In this way, there will be no problem.

Heavenly Blade King: Yes.

The God of Humanity: Don't worry. jpg

Heavenly Blade King: Karl, you are online!

What should I do if my sister is a middle schooler: onlookers

Shirley: Onlookers +1

Great Wall Guard Commander: Onlookers +2

Hot-blooded spider: onlookers +3

The God of Humanity:  …

God among men: Yes. @Sky Blade King

Heavenly Blade King: What did you do before?

The god of the world: I didn't do anything special, just eat and rest.

At this moment, a prompt appeared in the chat group.

A newcomer is here again.

Seeing the system prompt, Carl raised his eyebrows.

These two names are not unfamiliar.

Prince of Britannia.

This Britannia should refer to the country in "Rebel Lelouch".

As for the prince who joined the group, Carl couldn't be sure.

Although, the original book does not seem to say how many princes there are.

But Carl remembered that there were still quite a few.

Lelouch, the protagonist, is the eleventh prince.


After all, the royal bloodline is more normal.

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