Marvel: I’m Silver Superman, Join the Chat Group

Marvel: My Silver Superman, Join the Chat Group Chapter 307


I don't know if this prince who joined the chat group is the protagonist Lu Luxiu.

As for the other group member, I can't be sure.

However, there is also speculation.

Choose the Valkyrie of Heroic Spirits.

It feels like the goddesses in "The Last Valkyrie".

The most likely one is the eldest sister of the 13 Valkyrie sisters.


Most of the human warriors on the field were selected by this man.

Of course, it is also possible that it is not a character in Valkyrie.

It might be the existence of the Moon Moon World.

After all, in that world, Heroic Spirits are still quite famous.

There is little information, so we can't be sure yet.

Moreover, the live broadcast room has also unlocked the live broadcast function.

It seems that it is a function of earning points.


Hot-blooded spider: (づ●─●) づ hehe, finally a newcomer!

Bloody Spider: Welcome Welcome.

What to do if my sister is a middle schooler: Welcome newcomers.

Shirley: Welcome to the newcomers.

Shirley: Speaking of which, these two newcomers are quite powerful.

Shirley: Judging from the nickname, it seems that they are not ordinary people.

Shirley: She is both a prince and a goddess. Is there a big boss like Mr. Superman?

Passing Kamen Rider: Am I the only one who cares about the live broadcast function?

Passing Kamen Rider: Watch the chat group introduction, and you can earn points for live streaming!

Hot-blooded spider: Of course, pay attention, but you have to welcome new people first, right?

Commander of the Great Wall Guard: Welcome.

Shirley: Yes, this function seems to be very good.

Shirley: It's just that ordinary people like us don't seem to be useful.

Shirley: We can't perform the mission at all, and we don't dare to rub the mission, and naturally we can't live broadcast.

What should I do if my sister is a middle schooler: That's right.

Hot-blooded spider: Not necessarily.

Hot-blooded Spider: You can broadcast live when other people go to your world and perform missions.

Hot-blooded Spider: Isn't this okay?

Shirley: Makes sense.

What should I do if my sister is a middle-aged person: In this way, this function is not bad.

What if my sister is a middle schooler: even ordinary people can increase their points.

Heavenly Blade King: Yes, the chat group is really good.

Chapter 126 Doubt, the attitude of newcomers

A new member has been added to the chat group, and there is a new feature for live streaming.

The discussion among group members was very active.


What to do if my sister is a middle schooler: Speaking of which, this new function is not bad.

What should I do if my sister is a middle schooler? In this way, if a group member comes to my world in the future, I can also earn points by live streaming.

Heavenly Blade King: That's right.

The Valkyrie of Heroic Spirits: What is this thing that popped into my head?

The Valkyrie of Heroic Spirits: Are You Gods or Humans?

The Valkyrie who chooses the Heroic Spirit: No, it can't be a human.

Picking Valkyrie of Heroic Spirits: How could a human come up with this in my head.

The Valkyrie who chooses the heroic spirit: It seems that it should be done by the gods.

The Valkyrie who chooses Heroic Spirits: You are all gods too.

The Valkyrie who chooses the heroic spirit: I don't know if you are sent by Lord Zeus or Lord Odin?

Prince of Britannia: That... take the liberty to ask.

Prince of Britannia: I would also like to know what this is.

Prince of Britannia: Are you from District 11, or from Britannia?

Hot-blooded spider: ?(????????)? ? ? ? ? ? hihi, it's time to answer!

Hot-blooded spider: Now my spider will answer your questions.

Hot-blooded spider: here is a chat group that connects different worlds. Here, members can communicate across the world.

Hot-blooded Spider: The chat group has functions such as chatting, signing in, earning points, posting tasks, and shopping malls.

Hot-blooded Spider: Right, I just opened a live broadcast function, which seems to be used to get points.

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