Atlantis! !

Whether in Marvel or DC, the earth has this ocean country.

In DC is Sea King Arthur.

Marvel is the Atlantis monarch Namor, known as the little prince.

It is worth mentioning that after the Universe Celestial Group visited the earth for the second time tens of thousands of years ago, due to an accident, the entire Atlantis kingdom was sunk from the land, and some of the surviving personnel This spends a new life under the sea.

Of course, if it followed the development of the trajectory that the plot should have, one of the powers of the phoenix that fell into the ocean fell on Namor.

The Phoenix Apostle, Namor was born.

In the comic "Avengers VS Mutants", Namor became even more arrogant and domineering after becoming the apostle of the Phoenix, directly driving the ocean water to flood Wakanda, so that the entire mysterious country of Wakanda was reduced to ruins.

The name of the little prince is naturally not well-deserved.

And now.

Under the spiritual erosion of the power of the Phoenix, Namor, who inherited the hatred, immediately focused on the city of Yorkton on the west coast. As long as it was submerged, all the efforts of the top mutant would be in vain and the root base of utopian forces would be reduced to one. -Pieces of ruins.


Namor yelled.

That night.

While the people of Yorkton were still immersed in the cheers of victory, the waters on the west coast were suddenly changed. The calm waters were choppy, as if someone was twisting the sea with a sky-stick.

"The tide is abnormal, and there are abnormal fluctuations in the waters of the west coast..."

"Level 1 red alert, a tsunami is expected to sweep Yorkton!"

A number of coastal tide gauge stations issued warnings.

Even the spacecraft of the headquarters of the Sky Sword Bureau detected abnormal fluctuations in the waters off the west coast.

"Damn, what's going on?"

"Could it be the aftermath of the battle just now?"

Most people think of the battle between the mutant number one and the silver glider just now, thinking it is the residual fluctuations caused by the battle just now.


"The tsunami is still rising, and the tidal energy is very abnormal. No, this is already an epic tsunami."

"This is absolutely artificial!!"

After the alarm went off.

The utopian forces, which had already received definite news through the mutant prophets, naturally responded.

"Oh my God!"

Standing on the top floor of the hundreds of meters high Caesar Building, standing here overlooking the coast, you can suddenly find a wave rising from the distant horizon, as if it were a moving city wall.


Mutants with keen eyes and ears can even feel that if they are rushing by thousands of horses, waves of waves continue to pile up, and the shocking force wrapped in terror is about to crash into the west coast in a few minutes.

"This one is spectacular."

White Queen Emma whispered, even if there is a height difference, but a rough estimate is that the distant ocean waves are at least tens of meters in height.

And this may be a momentum just brewing, and according to this momentum, the height of the waves will be much higher.

No one knows what this concept is.

But what is certain is that the city of Yorkton on the west coast will definitely be reduced to ruins, is very likely that the entire land area will be sunk.(Read more @

"Oh my God."

"Is it really going to kill our mutants?"

At the same moment.

The city of Yorkton, which had just burst into endless cheers, immediately caused a wailing.


"Obviously our mutants have ushered in the dawn, why should we usher in such a terrifying epic tsunami? Is this going to completely annihilate us?"

Even the most optimistic people have a complete mental collapse at this moment.

That's an exaggeration!

Looking at the coast, you can see waves tens of meters high, which is even higher than most buildings.

Once slapped, the impact is not directly killing people.

"Don't say it's human, even the entire coast is going to be sunk!"

Everyone became pessimistic.

"Don't panic..."

"The number one mutant is still there, why are you panicking!"

Woke up with a word!

Everyone suddenly realized that, yes, the top mutants are still there, so why should they give in?

At this moment.

Su Chen, who had just dealt with the second Phoenix Apostle, came here again.

He was above the air, and the terrifying waves continued to blow in, and his robe made a hunting noise.

It's just that under the sea breeze, Su Chen remained motionless and stood firmly in the air.

· ··Seeking flowers···· ·


Compared to the Silver Glider, the epic tsunami created by the existence of the Phoenix Apostle was even more terrifying.

Seeing the waves approaching at the end of the horizon, Su Chen sneered.

Even if it is a natural disaster, don't even think about crossing the line behind him.

Whoosh! !

His figure flew away like this.

Accompanied by it was a figure bathed in golden light.

It's Carol Captain Marvel.

"I want to directly defeat this tsunami."

She vowed to say.

With Carol's power, it is indeed possible to easily defeat this sea wave, but the violent cosmic energy may not be able to completely calm the tsunamis that followed wave after wave.

... .... 0

"no need."

"Don't get close to me, I will do it easily by myself."

Su Chen gave her a piece of advice.


Surprised Carol frowned. She was not very comfortable with such a domineering man, and there were few people in the universe who could be tough in front of her.

However, I felt the self-confidence from this young man, and the opponent's incomprehensible combat achievements.

She still subconsciously no longer accompanies the flight.

that's it......

Su Chen's figure just approached the tsunami in front of him more and more.

"Just let me try this power."

How to deal with the surging tsunamis when the waves are constantly superimposed?

In fact.

He happened to have a clever countermeasure.

At that time, Thunderbolt fired a desperate blow "Supernova Explosion", and the violent flames immediately awakened his frozen talent from his infinitely evolving mutant gene.

In one sigh of relief, it was a blow that could be called the ice age.

It just so happened that during this period of time, genes that could not control the specific evolutionary direction continued to promote the growth of Frozen Talent.


"I should really try to see if I can really freeze a piece of time and space."

call! !

Su Chen, who was stepping on the void, took a deep breath, and in an instant, the energy rushing from his body was transformed into a frozen attribute. At this moment, his body's billions of trillions of cells suddenly spewed out this frozen energy.

Huh! !

The terrifying power of freezing spewed out like this, and the Ice Age came to this sea area. Mountain.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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