Huh! !

Su Chen, who was above the air, completely released the terrifying ice power accumulated in his body.

In an instant.

The horrible power of freezing poured out like mountains and seas, and the temperature dropped so sharply, the water spray from the sea breeze solidified in mid-air, forming a series of exquisite ice sculptures.

Not only that.

The vast ice power spreading away completely turned all the sea areas within a radius of tens of miles into a frozen world.

It was as if the ice age had come completely, and the tsunami that swept through was completely frozen and solidified like a stack of ice walls.

Even dozens of meters of the sea surface has turned into an extremely firm ice layer.

For a time.

In this way, Su Chen turned the violent wind and sea in front of him into an ice world.

Under this extremely solidified ice force, some areas even completely solidified the movement of molecules, so that the phenomenon of temporal and spatial stagnation was temporarily caused.

"Sure enough!"

Captain Marvel Carroll in the distance was filled with a golden energy mask, blocking the ice force that swept through.


"I knew he did it!"

On the farther coast, many mutants burst into appalling cheers.

An epic tsunami disaster was so ruthlessly contained.

These fanatics are standing on the coast like this, obviously they are extremely convinced that the strength of the number one mutant can do it.

"Did I say that? The Supreme has demonstrated the ability to be absolutely frozen. At that time, it extinguished all the flames that were close to the surface temperature of the sun."

Someone said like a few treasures.

Many people are conscious of how many abilities the number one mutant has demonstrated so far.


"It's just that it's still impossible to stop completely."

Su Chen from far away said with satisfaction.

Ice power is indeed able to stop depending on the time.

The iceman with Omega potential, he will move quickly in this direction in the future.

But at this time, Su Chen was the first to lead the start, almost taking the lead to complete the free time stop.


The next thing is to take the lead in getting rid of this guy.

Su Chen's perception has captured the figure frozen together under the ice.

Click! !

Under the sea water, there were thin cracks in a frozen area, but the frozen underwater figure tried to escape into the sea water completely.


After Su Chen's super hearing caught the movement, he stopped hesitating and directly used the space gem power in his palm.

Hum! !

The immense spatial ripples and fluctuations rippling.

This time is not to cut the distance.

It is similar to the ability of electrocardiogram transmission, Su Chen directly transmitted the figure under the sea completely spatially to him.(Read more @


In an instant, a strong man with phoenix patterns all over his body appeared in front of Su Chen.

Lord of Atlantis, Namor!


Su Chen didn't even bother to say anything to him, and directly moved the killing intent.


Namor's flame-red pupils stared at the young man in front of him like this, the trident in his hand stretched out, and a wave of the power of the phoenix stabbed at Su Chen.

Huh! !

The space was faintly pierced and torn apart, but the sacred trident that pierced it was completely shattered under the wave of invisible molecular disintegration.


Namor, who turned into the apostle of the phoenix, seems to have inherited the innate sense of fear. When the molecular waves that completely disintegrated everything came through, he began to struggle hard, trying to dive into the sea like a fish.

It was just that majestic thought power began to imprison his figure, allowing his body to be completely annihilated by the terrifying molecular disintegration force into atomic powder.

The third phoenix apostle fell! !

Two more?

Su Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.


It seems it is too late.

As if he had realized something, he suddenly raised his head and looked up into the sky, and his instinct to fight made his body instinct more and more to show up.

"They are here."

Carol Captain Marvel sighed silently.

There is a rare hint of confusion on her exquisite face. Even the surprise team who has been hired by the universe for many years can't realize what the fate of welcoming the earth is?


She looked very curiously at the young man who was above the air in the distance, wanting to see the other person's expression.

Unexpectedly, the surprise team caught a trace of eagerness from his face.

He is eager!

Not afraid of the next battle.


Su Chen really looks forward to this battle.

Because of his infinitely evolving mutant gene, he yearned for how strong the next external stimulus would be! !

Come on!

Just let this storm come more violently...



at this moment.

Hum! ! !

The Sky Sword Bureau Headquarters spacecraft flying in outer space took the lead in sounding the alarm, because their technicians had captured multiple UFOs containing majestic energy fluctuations and quickly broke into the solar system.


"It is estimated that it will be less than half an hour. No, it may only take more than ten minutes..."

After breaking into the solar system, the more terrifying flight speed is like an extraterrestrial meteor swaying energy rays toward the blue earth.


Air defense sirens were raised everywhere on the earth.

Humans around the world stood in silence at this moment. The panic and panic seemed to have been overdrawn some time ago. The human beings who have already accepted the trial of fate began to be silent more. It may be the last time to begin to enjoy the warmth with their families.

"Will it all end?"

In the Caesars building, Susan silently prayed for her brother who was on the battlefield.

Huangtu Baye doesn't matter anything.

She only hopes that her brother can live in peace.



"Silver Shadow Man's life fluctuations really disappeared."

"I really expect what surprises the creatures of this planet will give us?"

"By the way, what is this planet called?"

"The ghost knows, I never remember the name of a planet that is about to fall?"

In outer space.

The last three Star Devourers from the Planet Devourer's banner came here.

Like the silver glider who also has the nickname of the navigator, who led the search for other life planets, the other three envoys have their own responsibilities.

One of the Star Devourers, Stardust!

A giant blue figure constructed from cosmic particle fluctuations stopped, and he just hovered in outer space.

His duty is to intercept anyone who flees the earth.

The famous ‘scavenger’!

As with the work of Hando, he prevents any survivors from escaping from the planet, and will also wipe out any traces of civilization on this planet in the end, so as to avoid being known that the planet devourers have visited here. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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