"It's kind of interesting."

Seeing that kind of lightly accepted this attack, without even using the power of the green light ring, some of the members' eyes suddenly lit up.

"This newcomer seems to be more interesting than we thought..."

"Maybe a big guy, this time I'm going to run into hard stubble."

Among the members of the Green Lantern Corps, some members have begun to whisper.

"The ring is never for awe."

Su Chen shook his head gently.

"What's more, have you really used the full power of the ring?"

Su Chen's words made the big man in front of him startled slightly.

And Su Chen simply turned sideways, and at the same time swept out his whip without mercy!

The green light in front of the big man flickered, and a shield inlaid with rivets appeared subconsciously.

But this thick shield is so ridiculous in front of Su Chen, just touching this shield, it immediately collapsed!

The green energy that had just been built into an entity instantly collapsed again and returned to the most basic energy. Su Chen's right leg remained undiminished and swept across him fiercely!

Accompanied by a shocking sound of cracking bones, this large figure flew horizontally, shooting out like a cannonball toward the distance!

"You want to teach me how to be a man?"

Su Chen ignored it and had become a big meteor, but calmly retracted his right leg, restored to a standing posture, and looked at the members of the Green Lantern Corps with a surprised look in the distance.

"You want to teach me how to use the green light ring?"

Su Chen lifted his right hand gently, and on the lion in the right hand, the green light ring was emitting pure green energy little by little.

In the beginning, this green energy was unobtrusive and very weak. It is precisely because of this that the members of the Green Lantern Corps believed that Su Chen had not fully learned how to use the ring.

But as if there is a little light, it will eventually shape the whole bright world, this kind of green energy light starts to become brighter little by little.

And around him, the green light continued to diffuse, gradually spreading out of Su Chen's body.

The expressions of surprise on the faces of the members of the Green Lantern Corps seemed to grow thicker.

This newcomer not only looks so strong, but also seems to have had this kind of green light ring control a long time ago.

But then this surprised look evolved again!(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

The bright light was not as they had imagined. After reaching a certain level, it stopped this bright light, kept increasing its brightness, and finally even developed a dazzling state.

Immediately after this energy, it seemed to evolve in a way they had never thought of.

Quantitative changes cause qualitative changes, and a sufficiently powerful green light seems to begin to transform into tangible green energy bit by bit.

Previously, the green energy was continuously spreading, and the spreading area was just around Su Chen's body, but now the green light is different.

How many places does the light touch? No one can explain this.

But it is conceivable that in places where there is light, there is energy accompanied by formation, then it is conceivable how much such energy is there?


Among the members of the Green Lantern Corps, many of them could hear their companions swallowing saliva.

"You want to teach me to fear this energy?"

Su Chen looked at the boundless energy of his body, turned his head and looked at the members of the Green Lantern Corps, with a pity on his face.

"I think I should teach you how to use this ring."

Su Chen stretched out his right hand, without the index finger wearing the ring, pointing to the group of members of the Green Lantern Corps who were already a little sluggish in front of him.

"You don't need to be one-to-one. You go together. It's not that I am too confident, but that you are a little too weak."

Su Chen's expression is still such a person, but what he says makes everyone unacceptable.

But looking at this boundless green energy, everyone seems to think that Su Chen's arrogant and boundless words are the most normal thing.

"Maybe it's just a blindfold..."

"Does this guy want such an attitude to scare us all?"

· ··Seeking flowers···· ·

"If we really go together, maybe this guy will be able to show off immediately."

Although shocked by the power of this terrifying will shown by Su Chen, some members of the Green Lantern Corps still maintained their skeptical attitude.

In their combat career, they have seen too many scenes that can confuse the enemy, perhaps this time is just a more successful illusion.

"Go together?"

"Go together!"

The members of the Green Lantern Corps looked at each other and quickly made a decision!

More or less, the same large or small, the same green light also shines on their bodies, and at the same time they transform into various forms.

Although the individual's light is very weak, after all, this is the courage that thousands of members burst out together, and it can barely be equal to Su Chen!

.... ..... 0

The quality of this quality even seems to be a bit stronger than Su Chen!

The most terrifying thing in the Legion is never the individual, but the force that bursts out of active together.

Not only the Green Lantern Corps, but also the First Corps, the Second Corps, and the Third Corps. What they emphasize is never a particular individual.

Although they all appear because of a special individual, this is somewhat contradictory.

"Green Lantern Corps, launch an attack!"

I don't know who suddenly yelled such a sentence. All the members of the Green Lantern Corps unanimously raised the weapon in their hands and charged toward the boundless green energy in front of them!

"That's a little bit of power that matches the name of your legion."

Looking at the green ocean whizzing towards him, Su Chen nodded gently, finally showing a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

"But I have something to say that is really right..."

Facing the members of the Green Lantern Corps like the waves, Su Chen closed his eyes gently, and at the same time his hands slowly stretched out from his sides.

"You really can't use this green light ring..."

Su Chen muttered to himself, and behind him, the green energy belonging to Su Chen finally changed again! Mountain.

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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