When attacking the Red Skulls on Earth, the green energy around Su Chen was the former enemy of Su Chen.

This should have been an unattainable thing.

After all, what the ring energy embodies is only some inanimate objects, but Su Chen seems to have broken this restriction and successfully shaped these individuals who are infinitely close to life.

This is probably due to the credit of the goddess of death.

They are not alive, because they were all taken care of by Su Chen without exception, and they were completely wiped out of this world.

But they are not dead people, because of Su Chen's special status, the dead girl specially opened up this area to accommodate this piece of enemies, in a nihility area that is neither life nor death.

They are neither alive nor dead.

This is a very strange state.

It is even said that it is no longer possible to use humans or creatures to define them. To some extent, they are closer to the objects created by the Green Lantern Corps.

It is precisely because of this reason and the difficulties that they have been brought back to this world with their extraordinary control over the medium.

They possessed the abilities and combat power they once had, but their souls have not yet appeared, and the stingy goddess of Death Goddess will not let their souls appear here.

And this time, these enemies that were once enemies with Su Chen reappeared.

Those green energies began to change constantly, and finally showed the faces of these people and the bodies of these people.

Also include the abilities of these people!

But it's not just them that appeared this time!

"It's very easy to defeat this Green Lantern Corps, but if you want to conquer them, I think it's time for me to get serious."

Su Chen opened his eyes abruptly while talking to himself.

Su Chen's massive will was completely concentrated at this time, and then it burst out frantically!

The green energy sea is not only reshaping these. After the first person has reshaped these former enemies, there is still a part of this energy left.

This shows how terrifying Su Chen's will is...

And these remaining parts are still human figures.

Exactly the same human form!

Streamlined figure, oval head, and all of this is the first army that Su Chen owns, which is the Sentry robot army.

Su Chen did not bring the real Sentry Robot Army here, but this does not prevent Su Chen from letting the Sentry Robot Army appear here!(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

What's more, these individuals who are closer to an inanimate state can be constructed more easily by Su Chen!

Nearly tens of thousands of Sentry robots have reappeared in this piece of outer space!

But the energy is still not used up! !

Only the remaining part of the energy still paused for a while, and then started to construct other individuals again!

And this time, it's not just Su Chen's will that is playing a role. An invisible force has traveled through the endless space and came to another place, extracting another part of the energy possessed in another space!


Hela, who had been sitting in the fairy palace meditating with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes!

"Who is drawing my energy?"

Hela's eyes suddenly became severe!

Just now, I suddenly felt that there was a gap in the energy of that part of the Death Corps that was supposed to belong to him!

This gap was very weak at first, but in the end it became bigger and bigger, unceremoniously plundering Hela's control!

"Who is capable of this?"

While Hela was surprised, there was also a panic.

This is a situation that has never happened before, whether facing Thor or any superhero before, no one can ever steal her energy!

But when the frightened and angry Hela felt a trace of will from the other side from this gap, her expression suddenly relaxed.

Not only did he look relaxed, Hela even pushed the energy of this part of death, continuously pouring into this gap!

"You deserve to be the Supreme Master, can you even mobilize this part of energy?"

In the fairy palace, Hela seems to be able to see Su Chen who is not knowing where, and she muttered to herself...

Although the goddess of death was quite stingy in the distribution of souls, when the avatar made some gifts again, the goddess of death also secretly granted some small privileges to Su Chen.

The power of death in the kingdom of death cannot be mobilized by you, but I don’t care about the ones outside here...

This part of the death energy was constantly mobilized, breaking through this endless space and coming to Su Chen's face, intersecting with this hopeful and courageous green energy, and quickly describing except for some dark green individuals!

The Second Army Corps of Undead also reappeared in this piece of outer space in this way.

With the appearance of this army, the face of the Green Lantern Corps finally changed.

"this is……?!"

The faces of some members who have been in the Legion for a long time changed suddenly!

Looking at these dark green newly constructed individuals, they seemed to recall something extremely terrifying.

"Can't let this guy continue to build, speed up everyone, we must kill him!!!"

Some members can't help but make a sound of horror!

This kind of dark green energy constitutes a part of the memories that they are least willing to recall in the depths of their memories!

And their goal has changed from purely discussing with Su Chen to killing Su Chen at all costs!

Listening to the green lights in the distance, the shouts that often changed suddenly, and the killing intent that suddenly broke out from them, Su Chen frowned somewhat unclearly.

How come these stubborn guys suddenly become so crazy?

Su Chen shook his head, a little confused.

"But it's okay if you burst out with the greatest energy before being defeated by me, I think they should also be convinced."

But then Su Chen's face became calm again.

But what even Su Chen hadn't noticed was that behind the Green Lantern Corps that suddenly burst out with a huge murderous intent, a faint yellow dot suddenly began to tremble.

"This energy, this energy can't be wrong, I want to report back immediately! What we feared...really comes back!".

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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