Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 431: powerful oppression

In the field, Mephisto turned into countless phantoms, constantly changing positions and approaching the direction of the high priest.

It came to the black fog formed by the [Black Sutra of the Undead], raised its palms and flashed evil energy.

Immediately afterwards, countless phantoms seemed to attack the black mist at the same time.

In the face of this seemingly ubiquitous attack, the black mist formed by the [Black Sutra of the Undead] gradually began to thin out, and under the interference of the surrounding layers of red shadows, it accelerated the dissipation of the black mist.

After only a few seconds of hard work, the black mist dissipated, revealing the figure of the high priest inside.

"Next, your soul will be mine."

Looking at the high priest exposed in the realm, the surrounding phantoms kept flashing and finally converged into the figure of Mephistopheles.

He looked at the high priest in front of him and grinned, revealing a smile that belonged to a winner.

"Do not."

Waving his hands to close the [Black Book of Undead] in front of him, the high priest looked at Mephistopheles who was confident in front of him, and the voice in his mouth opened from a low voice at the beginning to a deafening roar.

"My soul belongs to me only, so put away your stupid ideas and pay the price for annoying the Mummy King! Demon!"

In the loud roar of the high priest, the shape attached to Chang Emir began to change, revealing his skinny and terrifying face as a mummy.

With the appearance of the mummy, a huge scarab appeared above its head, and at the same time, a terrifying coercion erupted.

The power that erupted from the High Priest was extremely terrifying. Even Johnny Blazer, who was only standing in the distance and swept away by the aftermath, instantly burst into a large amount of hellfire, turning into a Ghost Rider to deal with the High Priest. The powerful oppressive force shown.

On the other side, Mephistopheles put away his confident expression, and the body formed by the projection began to appear distorted because of the oppression. A large number of fine cracks appeared on the realm formed by the surrounding layers of red shadows. Obviously, the power of the high priest not only affected Mephisto's projection itself, but also caused serious damage to the realm he created.

"Looks like this is your true power!"

Lifting his head with difficulty, Mephisto's face began to appear blurred and distorted. He looked at the mummified high priest in front of him, and cast his gaze on the huge scarab beetle above his head.

From the vague scarab, it felt a very terrifying and destructive power in it. The power of this power is so powerful that even if its body in **** appears, it may not be able to be harmed by this power. completely.

"No, this is the power of the monster [Gamera]."

Inside the antique store, Li Ran couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he heard the question from Mephistopheles.

As the only A-level character card in Li Ran's hand at present, the power of [Gamela] is beyond doubt.

As a biological weapon made by an ancient civilization in the setting, [Gamela] is a huge monster that makes a living out of combat.

And the reason for the battle is the destruction of the environment. That is to say, as a monster, [Gamela] has another identity as an environmental fighter.

Despite its sheer size, the damage caused by each mobile battle is greater than that of a city.

The power brought by A-rank character cards is undoubtedly unique. Even after being accustomed to the high-end combat power of the B-rank character cards, he still brought a huge shock to Li Ran when he came into contact with the seemingly endless power in [Gamela].

Through the control of the power of [Gamera], Li Ran could feel that the oppression and danger caused by Mephistopheles had disappeared without a trace.

It seems that as long as he uses the power of [Gamera] a little, he can easily destroy Mephistopheles in the realm.

Of course, Li Ran knew very well that this feeling was probably due to the illusion that he first felt the huge power of [Gamera].

As the ruler of hell, even the projection of part of his power in the human world cannot really be as vulnerable as he thinks.

"Ontology, Chang Emir can't hold it anymore."

In the antique shop, Li Ran was immersed in the powerful power of [Gamela], unable to extricate himself, and the high priest on the other side immediately informed him of Chang Amir's situation.

Following the avatar's reminder, Li Ran took his attention away from the [Gamera] card and looked at the situation in Brooklyn.

Sure enough, just as the clone said, under the infusion of the huge power of [Gamela], even if there is already the power of the high priest as a buffer, it has also caused considerable pressure on Chang Emir's fragile body. Under the effect of the violent force of the monster, Chang Amir's body was torn everywhere. If there is no reminder of the clone and these forces continue to soar again, Chang Amir himself is likely to be in these forces. Under the skyrocketing explosion, it directly exploded into slag.

"It seems that we can't continue."

Aware of the situation on Chang Emir's body, Li Ran's thoughts moved, and the soaring oppressive power on the other side of the high priest immediately stopped.

Feeling the power that stopped from the high priest, Mephisto's expression was slightly startled at first, but he quickly reacted.

It remembered the words of the high priest before about the seal.

Controlling his twisted figure to stabilize again, Mephistopheles said: "It seems that your power is limited because of the seal, just like the limit on the power of **** in the world, the seal on your body also makes your The power cannot be fully transmitted."

"Even if it's just a trace of the body's power, it's enough to defeat you, demon."

Although none of Mephisto's guesses were correct, the high priest still roared quite cooperatively.

He raised his hands, and the power of the [Gamela] condensed in the scarab above his head poured into it instantly, and the black mist visible to the naked eye, which was darker than the previous curse of darkness, began to erode Mephistopheles. Within the realm of manufacture, under the erosion of these black mists, the curse composed of layers of red shadows has no resistance at all.

It only lasted for a few seconds, and it was broken into several pieces.

And with the shattering of the domain, Mephisto's powerful power from the body of **** also froze, and in the next instant, it was wrapped in black mist to form a pitch-black sphere.


The continuous compression of the condensed black sphere finally dissipated with a loud explosion.

On the other side of the black fog, Mephistopheles also appeared again.

Appearing next to the black ball blasting, Mephisto's expression was gloomy.

In order to get rid of the entanglement of the black mist, he had to deplete a special soul again.

Thinking of the two souls that he lost one after another, Mephistopheles swept across the empty space in front of him with a gloomy face.

At the same time as the black mist was wrapped, the figure of the high priest also disappeared.

Withdrawing his gloomy gaze, Mephisto's eyes flickered with a dazzling evil red light that really intended to search for the disappearance of the High Priest.

However, at this time, the space around him suddenly showed countless broken spaces.

When Mephistopheles came back to his senses, he was already in a strange space that was upside down and left and right.

"Mirror space."

Looking at the strange environment in front of him, the expression on Mephisto's face remained unchanged.

It turned its body and immediately saw a mysterious figure in a cloak behind it.

"Ancient One!"


"where is this place?"

Mephisto was not alone in pulling into the mirror space.

The hellfire on his body was extinguished, and Johnny Blazer, who had regained his human appearance, looked at the strange environment in front of him with a clearly puzzled expression on his face.

"This is the mirror space."

In the face of Johnny Blazer's doubts, Mephistopheles raised his eyebrows slightly: "The other-dimensional space created by a group of mages, they transferred the battle to this space to avoid damage to the main world."

After revealing the information in the mirror space to Johnny Blazer, Mephistopheles turned his gaze back to the cloaked figure in front of him, and the evil red light in his eyes began to flicker: "You should know, Gu Yi, The mere mirror space won't stop me from leaving."

"Of course I know."

Facing Mephisto's rhetorical question, the Supreme Mage Gu answered calmly.

"But I can send you straight back to where you're supposed to be, Mephistopheles."

"The damage you've done in Brooklyn is contrary to what was originally and contracted."

As a demon who has been walking in the world all the year round to tempt the soul to fall, Mephistopheles is obviously no stranger to the Supreme Mage Gu Yi, and in fact they have dealt with each other before.

"The contract only stipulates that I can't take the initiative to harm humans, but the ones who fought me before were not humans."

Facing Gu Yi's questioning, Mephistopheles showed a sly look on his face.

As a demon who plays with the soul, it is good at creating all kinds of traps in the contract, and appreciates the pained and angry expressions of the contractor when he finds out that he has been deceived.

Although Mephistopheles is good at deception, it obviously ignores the humans in front of him who are not in his contract.

"I'm here not to discuss the contract with you," Facing Mephisto's sly answer, Gu Yi calmly raised the face hidden in the cloak, "but to inform you that it is time to go. already."

Along with the voice, Gu Yi raised his hands and quickly formed a strange spellcasting handprint.

"Do not!"

Looking at the mark on Gu Yi's hand, the expression on Mephisto's face suddenly changed.

However, before he could react, a complex magic circle appeared in the void in the next instant, and he continued to use the magic circle to open a powerful suction and instantly pulled Mephisto, who was caught off guard, into the void. .

"I'll be back again~"

After successfully sending Mephisto back to hell, Gu Yi put away his gestures and turned his head to look at Johnny Blazer who was standing on the other side.

"I don't live in hell."

Seeing the calm gaze of the ancient one, Johnny Blazer subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and quickly raised his hands and said.

"Looks like you're the new Ghost Rider."

Looking at Johnny Blazer with a flustered expression in front of him, Gu Yi immediately spoke.

"Be careful Mephistopheles, Ghost Rider's power is not as simple as you think."

There was a trace of untraceable fluctuations in the calm eyes, and Gu pair reminded Johnny Blazer.

The next moment, before Johnny Blazer could ask any further questions, he raised his hand and sent him out of the mirror space.


"Cough cough..."

Queens, in a dilapidated slum.

Chang Amir let out a violent cough and covered the wounds all over his body.

Although the power of the [Black Book of the Undead] has an extremely good performance in terms of curses, it is obviously not the case in terms of healing.

Under the enormous power of [Gamela], Chang Amir's body was seriously injured.

However, there is no suitable treatment in the hands of the high priest. Although the [Black Book of the Undead] can bring the dead back to life in an instant, the price is to make the other party completely In Chang Amir's situation, there is obviously still the possibility of being rescued.

Holding the shattered walls of the slum, Chang Amir staggered towards his temporary residence.

"It doesn't look like you're doing very well."

However, at this moment, a hoarse voice sounded from behind Chang Amir.

"who is it!"

Hearing this voice, Chang Amir turned his scarred body with difficulty, and the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand flashed a faint red light.

"A person who helps you."

Facing Chang Amir's questioning, a handsome white man walked out from the corner of the wall.

"Be careful, it's also a demon."

Looking at this figure that appeared, the roar from the high priest resounded in Chang Emir's mind again.


Subconsciously, Chang Amir gave the high priest's reminder to the institute.

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran couldn't help but patted his forehead when he looked at Chang Emir's situation. He never imagined how Chang Emir was so attracted to demons. He had just thrown away Mephisto, and after a while, another demon came to the world.

Although according to the high priest's perception, there is a certain gap between the demon in front of me and Mephistopheles, but Mephisto's situation is not so good at the moment.

"It seems that you can see through the demon's disguise."

Facing the identity revealed by Chang Emir, the handsome white man in front of him blinked a little unexpectedly. He was a little surprised that he could see through his identity in the blink of an eye. However, in the next instant, his figure changed rapidly. From his original human appearance, he turned into a dark figure with sharp barbs on the back: "My name is Black Heart, and I am also the son of Mephistopheles."

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