Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 432: Compact of Santa Van Gonzalo

"Black heart?"

"Son of Mephistopheles!"

Hearing the demon in front of him reporting his identity, the expression on Chang Amir's face suddenly changed.

He urged the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand to summon a small group of scarabs to block in front of him, supporting his scarred and weak body to make a vigilant posture.

"Don't be so nervous."

He stretched out his slender and sharp fingers to generate a black energy shock wave that instantly destroyed all the scarabs that Chang Amir blocked in front of him.

There was an inexplicable meaning on Hei Xin's dark face: "If I want to kill you, I can do it just now. With your current state, you can't resist the impact of my power at all."

Hearing Hei Xin's words, the [Scarab Seal] on the back of Chang Amir's hand flickered, and then the high priest's majestic roar sounded in his heart: "Listen to him."

After receiving the instruction from the high priest, Chang Amir put down his raised arm, supported the wall with one hand and asked cautiously, "Then what is your purpose? Don't tell me that you are just changing shape in front of me."

Noticing Chang Amir's actions, Hei Xin's blood-red eyes flashed a ray of light, and his appearance changed from a hideous devil back to that of the handsome man before: "My purpose is very simple, I need you to find something for me. Stuff? In exchange, I will defend you against the pursuit from Ghost Rider and my father, Mephisto. Although, just now he was sent back to **** by some nasty mage, However, with the foreshadowing left by the thousands of years back and forth in the world, it should be projected again soon."

"Mage, send it back to hell?"

From Hei Xin's mouth, Chang Amir vaguely knew something that he didn't know when he was fleeing.

"Looking for something?"

Keeping these messages in mind, Chang Amir became curious about what Heixin said.

What exactly is it, so that the other party is willing to get it at the price of resisting the Ghost Rider and Mephistopheles.

"Contract of St. Van Gonzalo."

Facing Chang Emir's inquiry, Hei Xin was silent for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth to narrate.

"My father once spent thousands of years planning and cultivating a village called Fangangza. The people in the village all believed in God devoutly, and the last village was full of saints. Then he designed a conspiracy to tempt the whole village. People have fallen and turned into 3,000 fallen saint souls. Among Mephisto’s original setting, the most powerful magic energy was formed through the contract of these 3,000 souls. The original site opened the gate of **** to let its power flow into people's homes, but in the end, heaven discovered such a conspiracy, and successfully organized its plan, handing the St. Van Gonzal contract that sealed 3,000 souls to the Avenger Spirit, and also It is the Ghost Rider of the previous generation as safekeeping."

"The Ghost Rider of the previous generation?"

The information revealed in Heixin's mouth made Chang Amir's dark face show a stunned expression.

He didn't expect that what Hei Xin told him was actually involved in the battle between the demon lord and heaven.

"Since Mephistopheles is your father, why still?"

Of course, what bothers Emil the most is the relationship between Blackheart and Mephistopheles.

From the conversation of Black Heart, it is not difficult to see that the relationship between the demon and Mephistopheles in his eyes is not as friendly as he thought.

"Are you expecting true family affection in hell?"

Facing Chang Emir's doubts, Hei Xin grinned, revealing an obvious mockery.

"Mephisto is the ruler of hell, and it will never see other demons taking its place, not even a son, not to mention that as a demon, Mephisto's descendants are all over hell, I just belong to It's just the stronger one."

After briefly summarizing the father-son relationship in hell, Black Heart brought the topic back to the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo'.

"Through the investigation of the world and St. Van Gonzalo, I already know the hidden location of the previous generation of Ghost Riders, all you need to do is to get the 'Saint Van Gonzal Contract' through the other party, and then you will master it. The power of the souls of the three thousand fallen saints in the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo', I will gain enough power to fight against my father Mephisto in the world, and everything you worry about will not be the Ghost Rider or the father. Another problem."


Facing Blackheart's sworn assurance, Chang Amir did not have complete trust.

Even if the other party explained his feud with Mephistopheles, don't forget that Black Heart itself is a demon.

Can the devil's words really be trusted?

"The 'Saint Van Gonzalo Covenant' three thousand fallen saint souls."

Of course, Chang Emil's hesitation actually doesn't make any sense, because in the antique shop, Li Ran made a decision the moment Black Heart revealed the "Contract of St. Van Gonzalo".

"According to the demon's request, I am very interested in the soul in the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo'."

The majestic roar of the high priest came from the depths of his heart, and Chang Amir's hesitant expression immediately changed. He looked at the black heart in front of him, nodded without hesitation, and said, "I, I promise."

"very good."

Facing Chang Emir's answer, an inexplicable look flashed in Hei Xin's eyes, and then he nodded lightly with a smile.


"I disagree!"

In the Avengers Building, Saul refused without hesitation in the face of the suggestions put forward by Ultron and Tony.

"You have promised my Tony before that you will not use the power of the scepter again. I have tolerated you many times, and this time I will not promise again."

"I know."

Thor's fierce attitude did not exceed Tony's expectations. He looked at Thor who was angry in front of him, and still responded with a calm voice: "But at least so far we have been using the power of the scepter properly, Austrian Gen didn't get out of hand, and Johnny's situation required the power of the scepter to keep the plan going."

"Can you guarantee that you will always succeed? Loki left the scepter on Earth for an unknown purpose."

Thor is wary of the scepter, knowing his devious brother.

"We don't have many options."

What Thor was worried about, in fact, Tony was equally aware of it, only.

Turning his eyes to the side, Ultron responded immediately: "Mr. Johnny's current physical condition has deteriorated significantly. If no action is taken, Mr. Johnny will eventually die from a large number of kidneys in his body. The exhaustion has been a complication, and if you want the plan to go smoothly, you need to use the power of the scepter. According to the analysis, only the powerful power in the scepter can protect Mr. Johnny's weakening will."


Pushing his glasses, Banner said rarely: "This is the best method I can think of so far. Mr. Fantastic Reed has spent a lot of time researching in order to make the plan go smoothly. Finally found a workable solution.”


On the side, Steve, who had been silent for a long time, spoke.

Captain America didn't help much with the experiment, but he also knew the importance of the scepter in the whole plan.

Inside the Avengers Building, Sol hesitated for a moment in the face of everyone's expectations.

He swept the position of the scepter, then swept Susan's pleading eyes, and finally raised his hand to summon Thor's Hammer and walked out.

"Sol, where are you going?!"

Looking at Sol who left without a word, Steve couldn't help shouting.

"Look for Jane."

Leaving such a sentence silently, Sol waved Thor's hammer and instantly turned into a flash of lightning and dissipated.


"At least he wasn't angry enough to walk with the scepter."

Silently looking away from the direction where Sol disappeared, Natasha raised her eyebrows when she heard Falcon's words.

"Or, it was Thor who deliberately left the scepter here."

If I wasn't in the Avengers Tower, I wouldn't know what you guys were doing secretly with the power of the scepter.

This was the last concession that Sol could think of under the current situation.

"Jarvis, get ready now..."

Realizing that all of this was probably a deliberate dodge by Sol, Tony raised his eyebrows and immediately gave Jarvis an order.

"Okay, sir, I'll..."

The opening responded, and Jarvis was about to execute the order on Tony's.

But at this moment, it quickly noticed the problem, which was protecting the Avengers Building system.

"Someone is attacking the building's network."

At the same time, Ultron also noticed the problem of the Avengers Building network almost immediately.

With Ultron's reminder, at the same time, in the laboratory where Tony and others were located, without any command control, a virtual screen popped up and automatically started to play the content of a video.

"Meet again, Steve, and the Avengers..."

With the familiar magnetic voice, Dior's enchanting face appeared in the video.

Jarvis cooperated with Ultron's firewall to protect the Avengers Building very tightly, and even the top hackers couldn't break through their protection in just a few seconds.

After all, the most powerful thing about artificial intelligence is its computing power on the network.

However, it is the firewall system that Ultron is proud of, but in the eyes of the Avengers, it was easily broken through.

Faced with this situation, the Avengers looked astonished. Of course, the ones who were most shocked were Tony and Banner, the producers of Ultron.

"Dr. Chen!"

Looking at the processing system that broke through the network firewall of the Avengers Building and played video in a grand manner, this name suddenly appeared in Tony's mind.

Breaking through the firewall of Ultron, Dior as a vampire is naturally impossible to do this, so how to replace it with that mysterious doctor.

Even the self-proclaimed genius Tony couldn't help but marvel at the technology used by the other party in Jinbing and the 'pacifist' robot.

If that Doctor Who shot, everything would make sense.

In fact, just as Tony had guessed, in order to successfully invade the network system of the Avengers Building, Li Ran deliberately dispatched his clone [Dr. Vega Punk].

As the Ultron of artificial intelligence, there is no doubt that it is powerful, but obviously [Dr. Vega Punk] is more powerful. After all, as a B-rank character card, this is a card that turns all the power into a powerful [Research] skill, and turns itself into a B-rank character in the system evaluation with auxiliary abilities.

Although the Avengers were shocked that Dior's video suddenly appeared in the building, the content of the video continued to play.

"I think, I don't need to say anything more about my purpose. You should all be clear about the Avengers."

There was an obviously evil smile on the bewitching face, and Dior on the other side of the video seemed to see all the expressions of the Avengers in the building: "The reincarnation of immortals, this is my purpose, of course, in order to make you obediently Immortals are reincarnated to us, and I also prepared a gift for you avengers, especially you, Steve..."

As Dior's voice fell, the screen shot in front of suddenly began to turn, revealing a face that was very familiar to Steve beside Dior.


Looking at Agent Carter, who appeared in the video with a struggling expression, Steve's calm expression became excited.

"Calm down, captain, this is just a video from Dior."

Noticing Captain America's excited appearance, Tony immediately spoke to comfort him, while turning his head to look at Ultron aside.

"Sorry, Mr. Stark."

Facing Tony's gaze, Ultron's blue eyes flickered for a moment, and the humanization became more and more human: "The other party's hacking technology surpasses anyone in the world, even if it has powerful computing power, I can hardly get it from me. Find any useful clues in the video."

"Next is a choice, Steve..."

In the video, the smile on Dior's face became worse and worse. He stretched out his sharp fingernails across the face of Agent Carter beside him, and said in a bewitching tone: "Give us the reincarnation of the immortals, and maybe do it again. Not being able to meet with Agent Carter, I think you'll make the right decision, Steve, not Captain America, as you've made all the decisions in the past."

"Steve, don't…"

As Dio's voice fell, Carter, who was beside him, seemed to have used all his strength to make a final cry.

However, the video ended instantly before Carter's shouting was over.


Inside the Avengers Building, Steve looked at the blackened video on the virtual screen and lowered his head to realize that his other hand had turned into a fist without even noticing it, and grabbed the shield. .

The appearance of Agent Carter in the video undoubtedly had a great impact on Steve's firm will.

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