Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 535: yellow light ring

Canadian coast.

[Ultimate Plasma Fireball] At the center of the eruption, the entire sea surface dropped dozens of meters out of thin air, and a large number of reefs surrounded by white steam exposed the surface of the sea, showing brilliant colors like glass, constantly reflecting the colorful splendor.


"Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark! Stark..."

[Anti-Holy Armor II] Nettoni, even with the huge armor and the double protection of Mark50, the huge impact of the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball] still caused Tony's consciousness to fall into a brief blur, and it was only after a few seconds that he was in Austria. Chuang gradually woke up from the constant shouting.

Returning to his senses, Tony looked at the terrifying scene on the sea and the scorched black land that spread for dozens of miles behind him and asked in a hoarse voice: "Avengers, please answer, Captain... Natasha... report your current situation. Situation! Are you all still alive? Who else is alive?"


A few seconds later, along with the rustling voice, Natasha's somewhat distorted voice sounded.

"This is Natasha."

"Natasha, that's great."

Hearing Natasha's voice, the expression on Tony's face couldn't help loosening: "Where's the captain... Why didn't I hear the captain's voice?"

"team leader……"

On land, Natasha's eyes stopped on Steve's back for a while, and she replied silently: "His current situation is not very good, and he may not be able to continue fighting for the time being."

"Can't continue fighting?"

Facing Natasha's reply, Tony couldn't help frowning, thinking that Captain America was injured in the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball] just now and lost his ability to fight.

"At least the captain survived."

"Perhaps, the current captain is more painful than living"

Looking at Steve's back, Natasha said silently in her heart.


"It couldn't have been a worse development."

In [Anti-Master Armor II], after Natasha's contact was ended, Tony's heart was not much relieved.

Although he couldn't figure out the damage suffered by the Avengers in the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball] during the short contact, it obviously didn't seem too light.

And what's even worse is that now the Avengers don't have any power that can stop the [Holy Lord].

"Only 16.5 percent of the energy for nuclear-powered engines remains."

His eyes stayed on the screen in front of the console for a while, looking at the only energy left in [Anti-Holy Master Armor II], even Tony, who had been holding on to hope, began to feel a little powerless.

"Cough cough..."

On the sea, Thor emerged from the sea carrying Thor's Hammer.

Because of the impact of the power of the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball], he was directly sunk from the sky into the sea.

Fortunately, at the most critical moment, Thor's Hammer burst out to resist the rebirth of the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball], but as a price, the last trace of magic power that Odin kept on Thor's Hammer also dissipated. Looking down at the restored Thor's Hammer, Sol could feel that the smooth and smooth magic power in his body had become obscure again, and the whole body seemed to be locked by a thick armor, making it impossible for him to breathe.

The Thor's Hammer, which was tightly in his hand, burst out with dazzling lightning that spread across the sea, but compared to before, he could clearly feel the reduction in the power of thunder.


Above the sea, [Holy Master] raised his head and let out a roar that resounded through the sky.

With the launch of the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball], the lava-like lines that flowed on its chest began to disappear, and its body returned to its previous dark, rock-like tone.

Shaking his own tail, he created huge waves on the sea, [Holy Master] turned his head and pointed at Tony with scarlet eyes, looking at the [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] that was torn apart under the power of [Ultimate Plasma Fireball]. , roared: "This is the end of rebelling against me, Tony Stark, whether it is the Avengers or the SCP Foundation or the United States, you will eventually submit to the rule of my [Holy Lord] and become my rule. Slaves under the world, as an opponent who once brought me surprises, I will specially arrange a suitable position for you, Tony Stark, my personal servant will clean and live for me."

"If that's the case, I'd rather die."

Thinking of his life as a slave under the rule of the [Holy Master], [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] Nettoni twitched his mouth, unable to imagine this scene.

"Do you think that death can end all this? In my hands, who have the power of magic, even death is an extravagant hope, Tony Stark."


"Sorry for interrupting your imagination!"

However, just as the [Holy Lord] was describing the future after he ruled the world, with a slightly apologetic voice, a huge tentacle suddenly stretched out from under the sea and tightly wrapped around the huge body of the [Holy Lord]. above.

Meanwhile, Jack Simon emerges from the water atop a giant yellow octopus.

He raised his palm towards the direction of the [Holy Lord], and the giant octopus wrapped more tentacles around it.

Obviously, this huge octopus, like the previous shield or chain, was created by Jack Simon through the power of the [Yellow Lantern Ring].

"However, I don't think the scene you described will happen."

Controlling the giant octopus to continuously stretch out its tentacles to wrap around the body of the [Holy Lord], which is obviously more difficult to break free than the previous giant octopus in chains.

"You think you can trap me like this?"

Facing the tightly entangled octopus, the [Holy Master] opened his **** mouth and let out a roar, and the hot fireball began to condense under the impetus of anger.

"If it doesn't work, I can make another one."

In the roar of the [Holy Lord], Jack Simon graciously showed another huge octopus through the [Yellow Lantern Ring] in his hand, bringing it double the happiness. The octopus creature that manifests energy itself does not have any pain sensation, and as a mollusk, it has strong flexibility, and the constantly twisted tentacles directly entangle the [Holy Lord].

Of course, although the giant octopus trapped the [Holy Master] with its powerful strength, it was not outstanding in defense. It immediately collapsed and disappeared under the [Plasma Fireball] of the [Holy Master], and even struggling No chance.

"An anomaly of this level is really not so easy to contain."

Looking at the huge octopus that was eliminated by the [Holy Master] in three or two times, the expression on Jack Simon's face did not change, he looked down at the [Yellow Lantern Ring] in his hand, took a deep breath, and murmured: " That being the case, it seems that we must exert all our strength.”

As Jack Simon's voice fell, the [Yellow Lantern Ring] in his hand suddenly burst into an unprecedented dazzling light. Under the shroud of the yellow light, a shell on the sea that looked like a giant tortoise was shaped like a scale layer. Layer upon layer, a huge monster with a clearly visible big tooth growing upward at each end of its lower jaw appeared in front of the [Holy Lord].

That's right, Jack Simon directly used the power of the [Yellow Lantern Ring] to manifest another [Gamera] and fight it.


In [Anti-Holy Master Armor II], watching Jack Simon conjured a [Holy Master], the expression on Tony's face could not be described in words.

"Mr. Stark, I can't analyze the body structure of another [Holy Lord], which seems to be constructed with a special energy body."

The fear energy of [Yellow Lantern Ring] is obviously beyond the scope of Ultron's data analysis. Looking at this [Holy Lord], which is purely embodied by the energy body, even Ultron, who is an artificial intelligence, has fallen into a crash in an instant. .

"Feel the horror of the [Yellow Lantern Ring] power."

Under the control of Jack Simon, the [Holy Lord] formed by the power of the yellow light roared silently, and with his steps, he set off huge waves on the sea and rushed towards the [Holy Lord] in front of him.


The impact of the battle between the two equally huge monsters shook the sea in an instant, forming a huge wave like a tsunami. A large amount of sea water emerged and soaked the two monsters. With the energy [Gamela] embodied by the [Yellow Lantern Ring], he grabbed it fiercely.

【Rock Claw】

The sharp claws slashed through the abdominal carapace of the energy [Holy Lord], leaving huge claw marks.

However, as a creature that embodied the fear energy of the [Yellow Lantern Ring], the concept that the [Holy Lord] was not injured, the [Yellow Lantern Ring] in Jack Simon's hand flashed, and the [Holy Lord] was on its chest. The scars left before disappeared in an instant, and the [Holy Master] Seized this opportunity, and also stretched out his sharp claws to grab the head of the [Holy Master].

Because the [Thermal Energy Converter] only absorbs pure energy damage, the claw that embodied the [Holy Master] left a clear claw mark directly on the head of the [Holy Master].

One of the [Holy Lord]'s eyes was scratched, and green blood flowed from the wound.


The damage that manifested the [Holy Master] obviously stimulated the fierceness of the [Holy Master]. Looking at the light-colored impostor in front of him, the [Holy Master] let out a loud roar and waved his sharp claws to form a fist of flame. Just smashed towards the opponent.

【Hot Fist】

The burning fist hit the body of the energy [Holy Lord], and immediately collapsed half of his body.

Seeing this, Jack Simon hurriedly controlled this energy [Holy Lord] to retreat backwards to avoid the attack of [Rapid Fist], and at the same time repaired the damaged body through the power of [Yellow Lantern Ring].

Although the [Yellow Lantern Ring] can display a huge [Holy Lord], it is obviously impossible to achieve the giant display of the ability of [Thermal Energy Converter]. After all, it's just the items opened in the [Silver Treasure Chest], and being able to manifest part of the power of the A-rank card [Gamela] is already considered extraordinary. If you directly manifest the complete [Gamela], then The system's introduction to the [Yellow Lantern Ring] will not be used as a prop for [Silver Treasure Chest], but an item that can only be opened from a proper [Golden Treasure Chest].

A blow of [Hot Fist] repelled the fake energy [Holy Lord], but [Holy Lord] did not pursue the victory, but stood in place and made a panting motion, and the red on the huge fist surrounded by flames The energy is looming, it seems to be very 'unstable', there is a feeling that it will be extinguished in the next second.

"This is?"

This change in the [Holy Master] was undoubtedly seen by Tony, who had been witnessing the whole process of the battle.

In [Anti-Holy Master Armor II], the changes in the flames on [Holy Master]'s fists were continuously replayed through the virtual screen, and Tony's mind immediately appeared in the mind of the 'Yin-Yang imbalance' that Dad said before. .

"It seems that the large-scale attack issued by the [Holy Lord] before is not without cost, or it is using the release of these energies to maintain the balance of the power of the spell in the body."

Under Tony's order, Ultron presented all the images of the [Sacred Lord]'s [Ultimate Plasma Fireball] explosion before his eyes. Tony's brain was still running frantically, putting together various 'clues'.

"If my guess is correct, the energy of the spells in the [Holy Master] body is not balanced, but has temporarily entered a short-term equilibrium because there is no external stimulation as Dad said. If it stimulates, it may be able to do without the huge energy like before..."

Tony knew that the result of his guess might be true, or it might just be the result of his wild thoughts.

But he had no choice. Instead of watching the worst result happen, he might as well fight again.

Even though, this time the result was not as difficult as he thought.

"Ultron, fire a super-pulse laser beam."

"However, Mr. Stark, the energy of the [Anti-Holy Armor II] engine is simply not enough to support firing a hyperpulse laser beam again."

"Then use the energy of the Mark50."

"You will most likely die if you do, Mr. Stark."

"I don't want to clean [Holy Lord]'s living In the face of Tony's firm tone, although I can't understand the humor he is showing at the moment, Ultron still acts according to the order.

"[Anti-Holy Master Armor II] has entered the range, and the ultra-pulse laser beam is ready to launch-"

With the voice of Ultron in [Anti-Holy Armor II], the arc reactor on Mark50's chest began to flicker, and Jarvis began to report the decrease in the energy of the suit.

At the same time, in the huge muzzle of the [Anti-Holy Armor II], the energy of the ultra-pulse laser beam began to condense.

"Great Father God Odin, please listen to my voice and give me the mighty power to conquer all!"

In the turbulent sea, Sol looked at Jack Simon, who used the [Yellow Lantern Ring] to fight with the [Holy Master], and the energy condensed again on the [Anti-Holy Master Armor II], and also realized that this time may be the last of the Avengers. Opportunity, looking at the Thor's Hammer in his hand, he began to make a prayer.

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