Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 536: small action

Himalayas, Kama Taj.

Odin's one eye flickered, and the expression on his face seemed to change.

The atrium is very special, even for Asgard.

That's why Odin chose it as the location for Thor's trials.

Even a long time ago, I chose to hide treasures such as cosmic cubes or space gems here.

In the sound of Thor's prayer, Odin's hand began to flash a faint divine light.

"You seem to have forgotten where this is, Odin."

His eyes stayed on Odin's divine light, and Gu Yi's hands were surging with powerful magical power, and even the entire Kama Taj was pulled into the mirror space by it.

Because of the interference of the different space, the divine light flashing on Odin's hand also loomed.



"Sure enough, Odin has been watching me."

In the sea, Thor's prayer seemed to be answered by Odin. He saw that the magic mark that had disappeared on Thor's Hammer reappeared, and the power of thunder that had been silent in the sky began to roll again with the activation of Thor's Hammer. He immediately showed an excited expression.

"Let's end this."

Holding Thor's hammer tightly in his hand, Thor is planning to use this power to summon the power of lightning to continue fighting.

boom - boom -

But in the next second, the magic mark on Thor's Hammer was extinguished as if it lacked electricity, and the thunder and lightning that had been surging in the sky also stopped abruptly.

Sol: "..."


"This isn't Asgard, and it's not a place for you gods to do whatever they want."

Using the power of magic to pull Odin into the mirror space, the expression on Gu Yi's face did not relax at all.

After all, the one standing in front of him is Odin, the king of gods in Norse mythology. Even as the **** of another world, he is a very powerful existence.

"Is this the so-called mirror space? It really makes people feel nostalgic."

Facing the threat of the ancient one, the expression on Odin's face did not seem worried. He turned his head and glanced at the surrounding scene. Although he was still standing in Kama Taj, he could clearly see through it in his one eye. The Kama Taj at that time no longer exists in the atrium, but in another strange and different space.

"You should be clear, Gu Yi."

Withdrawing his gaze, he turned to Gu Yi who was on guard in front of him, Odin said with a smile.

"Although I am no longer young, the mirror space still cannot stop me, the king of the gods, the power of Odin."

"Do you want to go to war with us, Odin!"

Facing Odin's threat, Gu Yi said with the same expression on his face.

"No, I'm just stating a fact, Gu Yi."

"There are too many people or existences peeping at the atrium. If I was young, I might not mind fighting here, but unfortunately I don't have much time now, and I have lost the faith in the past battles. Sol also seems to have developed feelings for Atrium, if I insist on starting a war, the first one to stand up to stop me will be Sol."

Speaking of which, Odin seemed to shake his head helplessly, and the original tense atmosphere in Kama Taj also dissipated most of it with Odin's helplessness.

"Although, I don't have the idea of ​​going to war, but as an old man with a short time, I should be forgiven for playing a little trick occasionally."

Shaking his head, the expression on Odin's face suddenly changed, and he showed a sly smile to Gu Liuliu in front of him. The next moment, a touch of divine light on the fingers he was carrying behind him instantly burst into a dazzling light, which was reflected in the mirror image. A flash in the space.

Noticing the small movements Odin made in Kama Taj, Gu Yi's calm eyes couldn't help but change.

In fact, if you want to stop it, the ancient one's control of the mirror space can completely block Odin's divine light.

However, after all, the other party is not an evil demon like Mephistopheles.

Therefore, after hesitating for a while, Gu Yi finally did not stop Odin's move.



Canada, on rough seas.

Sol was looking at the Thor's Hammer in his hand with a hesitant expression.

In the next second, I saw the dark magic mark on Thor's Hammer burst into a dazzling light again.

"This time it should be able to end it all."

Looking at Thor's Hammer bursting out with great power in his hand and the thunder and lightning surging in the sky, although Sol had a lot of doubts in his heart, he still pressed all of them down, waved Thor's Hammer and rushed out of the sea. Not far from the scene of two equally huge monsters fighting, summon lightning to fall on Thor's Hammer.

"Energy recharged, hyperpulse laser beam - launch!"

In the [Anti-Holy Master Armor II], the energy of Mark50 has been reduced to the lowest level, and it is only a thin line away from incapacitation.

If Mark50 loses energy, Tony in the suit will be directly trapped in a metal coffin, especially when there is a huge steel armor like [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] outside, Wan If a hyperpulse laser beam fails, or if his guesses are wrong, Tony will be plunged into a huge crisis of life and death in an instant.


However, at this moment that could almost be said to decide life and death, the expression on Tony's face in [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] actually calmed down.

Inside the steel armor that was flickering because the energy was reduced to a critical point, Tony took a deep breath, looked at the huge body of the [Holy Lord], and then gave an order in a decisive tone.


Following Tony's order, a dazzling white beam of light from the huge gun muzzle on the chest of [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] illuminated the entire sea. He shot towards the [Holy Master] during the battle.

The powerful impact generated by the ultra-pulse laser beam defeated Jack Simon in an instant using the [Holy Lord] embodied by the [Yellow Lantern Ring], and at the same time carried the unstoppable terrifying power and fell on the real [Holy Lord]. 】 on the body.

Under the impact of the high temperature of the laser, the [thermal energy converter] in the [Holy Master] started to operate in an instant, continuously absorbing the energy of the ultra-pulse laser beam and pouring into the body.

Seeing that, the power of the ultra-pulse laser beam is about to be sucked into the body by the [Holy Master].

"[Holy Lord] Feel the wrath of Thunder!"

At this moment, in the sky, Sol waved the Thor's Hammer in his hand, carrying the power of thunder that had been condensed for a long time, and smashed it towards its body.

"Do not!"

At the moment when the thunder and lightning struck, the [Holy Master] made a huge roar in cooperation.

At the same time, the energy that was originally surging and absorbed on the huge body also seemed to roll over and explode due to the impact of the thunder.

"Success, it's an imbalance of yin and yang!"

Witnessing the power that erupted from the [Holy Master], [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] Nettoni only had time to say such a thing when he opened his mouth.

In the next second, I felt darkness in front of my eyes. The Mark50, which had consumed the last trace of energy, directly turned off the light in the helmet. At the same time, the originally fitted steel battle suit turned into a heavy iron block and pressed on Tony's body. , and then the huge armor [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] outside also fell directly towards the sea because of the loss of control.

"Just now, it was really thrilling."

Seeing that, [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] was about to bring Tony into the sea.

If such a huge steel armor falls into the sea, it will not take a few minutes to rescue him, and Tony, who is in the innermost armor, is likely to drown directly in the sea.

At a critical moment, Jack Simon reached out to help.

He controlled the [Yellow Lantern Ring] in his hand and directly showed a small yellow duck that was magnified dozens of times on the sea to catch the [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] that fell to the sea. The heavy weight of the huge steel armor was heavy. The little yellow duck sank more than half, and finally rescued Tony by virtue of its strong buoyancy.

"Mr. Stark, are you all right?"

At this time, the backup energy installed inside the [Anti-Holy Armor II] started to activate. With this energy, Ultron opened the hatch on the chest of the [Anti-Holy Armor II] at the muzzle, and the Tony rushed out.

"Huh... almost became the object of mourning."

Pulling the burdensome Mark50 on his body with difficulty, he crawled out of the [Anti-Holy Master Armor II]. Tony reached out and tore off the helmet on his head, breathing in fresh air while soothing his beating heart.

Although he was ready to sacrifice, the weightless experience in the dark environment of [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] just now made Tony feel a little terrified.

Pressing his chest, he finally regained his calmness. Standing on the enlarged version of the little yellow duck, Tony turned his head and quickly noticed the huge body of the [Holy Lord] in the sea that had turned into a rock.

"This is... we won...?"

Looking at the [Holy Master] in the sea who seemed to have lost all the breath of life, Tony still had a look of disbelief on his face.


"should be……"

Waving the hammer of Thor and landing on the little yellow duck, Sol's feet softened and he immediately sat down. Using the power of thunder continuously was a huge consumption even for Sol.

Reaching out his hand and picking his wet hair back, Sol turned his head to look at the position of the [Holy Master], and said slowly in a silent tone.

"everything is over."


a month later.

New York, Avengers Building.

"Okay, next, you need to be careful not to use excessive force."

Untying the bandage wrapped around the stone man, Banner looked at the re-healed stone, nodded and then reminded.

The power of the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball] launched by the [Holy Master] was so great that it was beyond imagination. Even Ben, who was covered and protected by stones, received a huge impact.

Looking back at the scene when Stone Manben was scorched and shattered, even if it had been a month since the incident in Canada, he still had some lingering fears in his heart.

Fortunately, because of the radiation of the space cosmic storm, Ben's body structure has been greatly different from that of ordinary people.

And the rock wrapped around him also resisted the most violent damage of the [Ultimate Plasma Fireball]. Under the effect of the powerful self-healing ability, Ben, who seemed to be sacrificed in the next second, just relied on it. His powerful healing ability has recovered, and he has returned to the appearance of a stone man, and even the broken stones on his body have healed again.

"Thanks, I'll pay attention."

With the straps on his body being untied, he returned to freedom again after a month. Ben moved his hands and feet while thanking Banner in front of him.

"By the way, what about the captain's situation?"

"after all……"

Because of the long-term cultivation, Ben felt that his situation was somewhat out of touch with other people's situation.

Although the destruction of [Ultimate Plasma Fireball] caused huge damage to him, Ben knew that the one who hurt the most was Captain America Steve.


Facing Ben's question, Banner's expression was silent for a while, before shaking his head and replying.

"It's very bad, some injuries, maybe it can only be given to time."


"How long has it been, Agent Hill?"

In the Avengers Building, Nick Fury looked at Steve, who was constantly attacking sandbags at the training ground, and asked Agent Hill beside him.

"It's been like this since the captain came back from Canada."

Looking back from the broken sandbags stacked in the training ground, Agent Hill replied to Nick Fury.

"People often say it's time to give everything, but I don't think so."

Taking his eyes away from Steve in the training ground, Nick Fury turned to look at Agent Hill on the side: "This world is too cruel to the captain, giving him hope, but cruelly Its taken away, if we don't do something, he may go on like this forever, the captain may be a great fighter, but he is not a cold person, which is his but sometimes It's his Achilles heel."

"But if it wasn't for such a captain, maybe the Avengers wouldn't exist."

"I know you don't want to be the bad guy."

His eyes stayed on Agent Hill for a while, and Nick Fury continued to speak: "Then, let me be the one. Anyway, in the captain's heart, I have never been a good person."

"If I have time, I will also reminisce about the past, but now is obviously not a good time. The attack of the scp foundation has caused a huge reaction in the American military. The 'Chaos Insurgency' is another trouble. The Avengers will have to There are still many problems to face, we can't just watch the captain go down, so we need to get him back on his feet."

Agent Hill: "You mean?"

"Bucky Barnes, someone found him in Romania."

Under the gaze of Agent Hill, Nick Fury said slowly.

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