
There was a loud noise from the sky, and a red and white steel man fell from the sky. The flames under his feet lifted his body and slowly stopped on the concrete ground without making any sound.

""Jarvis, do you think I'm crazy? How could I believe this?"

Iron Man's voice came out from the iron package, with doubt and a bit of self-mockery.

"When people are about to die, they will inevitably take some excessive actions. Sir, your actions are very consistent with what humans do when facing death!"

"According to you, I am a normal person!"

With a self-deprecating smile, Iron Man's mask opened with a mechanical sound, revealing a weathered and tired face inside, which was exactly Tony Stark's face.

Tony Stark finally came!

Hill's message, or more precisely, the four words"beloved" in the message played a role.

It must be said that sometimes the power of love is so strong.

"Is this here?"

"According to satellite positioning, there is nothing wrong here!"

"Then let me see what kind of wizard that SHIELD found for me is!"

Till now, Tony Stark still stubbornly believed that Lu Yi was a wizard in the traditional sense, and he was also holding the mentality of trying his best.

With this mentality, Tony Stark walked to the place marked by Jarvis, and then stood there silently, stagnant.

It's not that he didn't want to move forward, but he had no way to move forward. He encountered the same situation as Natasha and Coulson at the beginning, and he couldn't see Lu Yi's house.

"What happened? Wrong address?"

"There is nothing wrong with it, right here!"

Jarvis is not using human eyes, nor is he a human being. He is an artificial intelligence with absolute rationality, and the spell of Lu Yi's house is ineffective against it.

"Why is it here? It's obviously not here!"

"There is indeed nothing wrong here!"

Jarvis confirmed again and again, and Tony Stark finally believed it.

Human eyes may have problems, and electronic eyes may also have problems, but relatively speaking, the probability of electronic eyes having problems is very low. He believes more in electronic eyes and in the artificial intelligence Jarvis, which almost never makes mistakes.

So that means there is a problem here!

"Scan here, Jarvis!"Tony Stark said without hesitation.

More than ten seconds later!

"A special electromagnetic fluctuation was discovered!"

"Did you find any use for it?"

"Insufficient information, unable to judge!"

"So that's it!"

Tony Stark looked straight ahead and fell into deep thought.

Tony Stark has never lacked curiosity about new things, even at this moment.

Just when Tony Stark was curious, Yuriko also came to the door under Lu Yi's order, saw the curious Tony Stark, and walked in front of Tony Stark.

"Is it Tony Stark?"

Yuriko's words interrupted Tony Stark's meditation, and made him jump with fright. He subconsciously raised his hands, and his palms shone brightly, aiming at Yuriko.

Because of the spell, Yuriko seemed to appear suddenly, which really scared Tony Stark. Yuriko was also very skilled and bold, and she did not make any move towards Tony Stark's actions, just looking at him coldly without saying a word.

"Miss, do you know that scaring others can kill them?"

Tony Stark looked at Yuriko clearly and made sure that she didn't have any abnormal behavior. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and put down his hands.

"I don't know, is it Tony Stark?"

"Uh... it's me!"

Tony Stark choked, but still said

"Come with me!"

After confirming that it was Tony Stark, Yuriko said something to Tony Stark. Yuriko didn't give him a good look and just walked forward.

Although Tony Stark was helpless, he didn't want to get entangled with a woman. He took a few quick steps and followed Yuriko into Lu Yi's house.

Then, Tony Stark was stunned like a country bumpkin! Tony

Stark's seaside villa is very modern, covers a large area, and has beautiful scenery. He is a man who has seen the world.

But even so, he was still stunned!

"Space technology? You actually use space technology here? Which scientist is here?"Tony Stark finally came to his senses and couldn't help but yelled

"There are no scientists here, only a magician, who is also the wizard in your mind!"

Such a voice suddenly came from the sky.

Tony Stark hurriedly looked in the direction of the voice, but saw Lu Yi floating cross-legged in the sky, looking at him with a smile, with a special light in his eyes.




No, none of them!

This is the look of a profiteer who sees his prey and intends to make a fortune.

Being stared at by such eyes, Tony Stark couldn't help but shudder, as if something bad was about to happen.

"how did you do it?"

"What did you say? Suspended in the sky or changing in space?"


Tony Stark gathered his strength and looked at Lu Yi, wanting to see what Lu Yi was going to say. It would be best if Lu Yi could tell him the principle.

"All? Then let’s talk about treating you!"


Damn, I took off my pants and you told me this? Where is the trust between people? You ate it all!

What a rip-off!

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