After being tricked by Lu Yi, Tony Stark now looks as ugly as if he had eaten something.

"What? From your expression, you don't seem to want to heal yourself!"

Lu Yi teased Tony Stark.

"No, how could it be?"

Tony Stark has now begun to believe that Lu Yi can cure him, not because he really believes that Lu Yi knows magic, but because he thinks Lu Yi may be a great scientist.

Now he can only swallow his anger!

"Then, let's discuss the issue of compensation!"

Lu Yi slowly landed in front of Tony Stark in the surprised eyes, and the light in his eyes became stronger.

"What do you want? Just tell me, as long as I can give it to you!"

"Don't worry, you will definitely be able to get it out!"

After hearing Lu Yi's words, Tony Stark felt a chill rising from his tailbone for no reason.

"Although I really want to heal my body, you can't go too far!" Tony Stark gave a vaccination

"Don't worry, it won't be excessive!"

After saying that, Lu Yi put his hand into his pocket, took out a piece of rolled up paper, loosened his hand, and let the paper float gently in front of Tony Stark.

Just as Nick Fury suggested, Lu Yi really made a list and wrote down all his things on the list.

Lu Yi's list was listed, and the list also flew in front of Tony Stark, but there were some problems in the subsequent steps. Tony Stark reached out his hand several times.

Every time he was very hesitant, and finally did not take the list in his hand.

"Don't worry, with your financial resources, these things are very simple, really simple!"

The more Lu Yi said this, the more uneasy Tony Stark became. However, considering the deadly toxins in his body, he finally gritted his teeth and took the list in his hand. After getting the list

, Tony Stark chose to open it immediately. When he opened it, Tony Stark's eyes widened.

""Damn, are you asking for a reward? Or are you trying to eliminate the big guys?" Tony Stark couldn't help but yelled after seeing the items on the list.

It's not Tony Stark's fault, it's just that Lu Yi is such a rip-off. A list the size of an A4 paper is densely packed with all kinds of things.

There is no money in these things!

But every thing on it is more precious than money, for example, rubies, adamantium, pure natural obsidian, etc.! Which one is not more valuable than money!

Don't even think about getting it without more than 2 billion.

It's true that Tony Stark is a playboy, and he doesn't care about millions or tens of millions, but now it's not a matter of millions or tens of millions, but more than 2 billion!

And the most important thing is not the normal transaction or spending, but being blackmailed, which is the most unbearable for him.

When has he ever suffered a loss in this regard!

"I am eliminating the big players! Who told you to be a big player? Who can you blame?"

"Is it wrong for me to be a big investor?"

"There's nothing wrong in the whole thing, it's just that I don't like you!"

"Good reason, I have no way to refute it!"

Tony Stark finally gave in!

The value of more than 2 billion is very high, but it is not to the extent that he will be injured, so he will just treat it as being robbed.

Compared to health, more than 2 billion is just a drizzle!

Tony Stark bit his back teeth, endured the toothache, and succumbed to Lu Yi's tyranny.

"I agree to the conditions. Should I pay now or later?"

"Pay later!"

"Do you trust me so much?" Tony Stark felt something strange in his heart.

"No, I don't believe you! I believe in myself, no one can owe me anything!"

Tony Stark didn't understand that he was being sentimental, and the good feelings that rose in his heart disappeared in an instant.

"Can it be treated? And I paid for it, it's God! Shouldn't you give me some treatment that God deserves? Make me a cup of the best coffee!"

Tony Stark said unhappily, and the last sentence was said to Yuriko.

Yuriko turned her eyes to Lu Yi, wanting to see what Lu Yi was going to do before saying anything else.

"Yuriko, pour him a glass of water, just plain boiled water will do!" Lu Yi seemed not to see Tony Stark's angry eyes, and said to Yuriko

"I am God, I spent the money!"Tony Stark said dissatisfiedly

"Well, hello, God!" Lu Yi took a serious look at Tony Stark, and said to Yuriko:"Yuriko, you don't have to pour the water, just go and do your own thing!"

"Damn, did you hear……"Tony Stark begins to defend himself

"Okay, Master!"

Yuriko ignored Tony Stark's explanation. She cared about Lu Yi. Tony Stark was nothing. She said to Lu Yi gently and turned away.

"You can't do this. How can you do business like this?"

"First of all, this is not a business, I can do whatever I want. Even if it is a business, you have heard of big stores bullying customers. Secondly, it is good enough to treat you, stop complaining. Finally, God, I should treat you!"

After hearing what Lu Yi said, Tony Stark had no choice but to complain about big stores bullying customers in his heart. He could only follow Lu Yi miserably and prepare for treatment.

"Take this layer of skin off your body first!"

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