Tony Stark had already spent all the money, so there was no reason for him not to cooperate with Lu Yi. Under Lu Yi's request to peel off his skin, he ordered Jarvis to take off his iron armor.

"Lift up your shirt, just lift it up to your chest!"

Tony Stark didn't waste any words, pulled up his short-sleeved shirt, pulled it up to his chest, and looked at Lu Yi intently.

He wanted to see what the $2 billion treatment was like!

Lu Yi didn't have Tony Stark's"leisure" and looked at the spider-web-like palladium poisoning marks on Tony Stark's chest.

Tony Stark was not easy, the poisoning was so severe.

"You came at the right time. If you had come a little later, you would have died!" Lu Yishao frowned slightly and said lightly.

"I know, but can you please treat it quickly? I am not used to standing in front of a man like this!"

"Do you think you're the only one who can't adapt?"

As he said this, Lu Yi suddenly raised his hand and pointed his palm at Tony Stark!

"What do you want to do...Oh shit! What did you do!"

Tony Stark couldn't help but yell.

In fact, it was not his fault, it was just that Lu Yi's action was a bit big and frightened him.

What did Lu Yi do?

Lu Yi pulled down the reactor that sustained Tony Stark's life with his mind, and now there was only a dark hole left on Tony Stark's chest.

This didn't look like saving people, but like killing people!

"Why are you yelling and making a fuss? This thing is the cause of your current situation. You can't keep it!"

"Of course I know, but it is also essential to my life. With it, I can live for a few weeks. Without it, I will die in a dozen minutes!" Tony Stark said, covering his chest with a pale face.

"That's not me. Now I'm your attending physician. Let go of your hand!"

Tony Stark's face turned even greener. If he hadn't known that he might not be Lu Yi's opponent after what happened just now, and he took off his battle suit,

Tony Stark promised that he would let Lu Yi know why the flowers were so red.

Helplessly, Tony Stark could only do as Lu Yi ordered and let go of his hand.

""Fragments are flying!"

Under the guidance of the super-perspective eyes, Lu Yi used a flying spell on the fragments in the blood on Tony Stark's chest.

Before Tony Stark felt anything, something suddenly seemed to come out of the hole in his chest. Tony Stark hurriedly looked down, but saw some tiny, almost invisible fragments flying from his chest to Lu Yi's palm.

Tony Stark realized what these things were at the first time.

These things were the key reason why he had to put a reactor on his chest, causing him to be poisoned and unable to save himself.

A touch of ecstasy appeared in Tony Stark's heart.

The reason why he couldn't save himself and had to install a reactor on his chest was because of these things.

Now that these things have been taken out, it means that he can completely recover his health, and he doesn't have to put another thing on his chest, and he doesn't have to worry about when these things will enter his internal organs and kill him.

"Great value for money! Great value for money!"Tony Stark couldn't help crying. It was really not easy.

From life to death, from death to life, Tony Stark had gone through it all, and he was finally safe.

As for palladium poisoning?

Now it was not an obstacle for Tony Stark at all. The source of the poison had left Tony Stark's body, which meant that he would not be poisoned again, and the palladium content in his blood would not increase.

"Since you also know that you get great value for money, then send all the things here, and deal with the hole in your chest quickly. It's creepy to keep such a thing!"

Lu Yi had no intention of repairing the hole in Tony Stark's chest.

Two billion was barely enough for Lu Yi to help once, and he could just take care of the rest of the small things himself.

There are so many black technologies in the Marvel world, and this is not a simple matter.

Tony Stark is happy now, and he doesn't care how bad Lu Yi's service attitude is. He cleaned up the wound on his chest, took back the reactor that Lu Yi took away, put on the iron armor and went back for treatment.

However, Tony Stark still has a conscience. Before leaving, he said to Lu Yi:"I will prepare the things after I go back, and will send them over as soon as possible!"

After saying this, Tony Stark flew away from Lu Yi's house, so anxiously that if Yuriko hadn't acted quickly and opened the door quickly, Lu Yi's door might not have been saved.

After Tony Stark flew away, Lu Yi didn't waste time. He quickly flew to a table, picked up the things that had been prepared on the table, and fiddled with them while recalling.

Palladium elements, electromagnetic coils... various components slowly took shape in Lu Yi's hands, and finally spliced one after another.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz...

With the completion of the last component, a small version of the Ark reactor was completed in Lu Yi's hands, releasing a blue light.

It was this blue light that illuminated Lu Yi's face, making Lu Yi smile with joy.

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