Lu Yi had longed for an energy body before, but he had never had the chance to get one, so he had been looking for an opportunity.

Unexpectedly, this time, the opportunity came to Lu Yi.

Tony Stark would never have dreamed that his Ark reactor would fall into Lu Yi's hands and be controlled by Lu Yi just because Lu Yi took a look at it and touched it for a while.

"It's your bad luck that you fell into my hands!"

After Lu Yi finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

He had just been ripped off for more than 2 billion, and now he had taken away the production method of the Ark reactor without anyone noticing. Tony Stark would definitely cry if he knew that

"Now that I have an energy body, the next step is to transform my robot. It has been idle because of energy problems before, but now it can finally be used again!"

Because of energy problems, Lu Yi's robot has always been very fragile, and the weapon power is seriously insufficient.

After this time, it can be upgraded and then better serve as my opponent.

"Remind the host that the energy upgrade is complete, and the host's robot opponent will become a relatively good opponent. By then, through a large number of upgrades, a huge amount of extraction opportunities can be obtained!"

The voice of the system appeared in Lu Yi's mind, which made Lu Yi stunned, and then sank into contemplation. This is really a huge temptation.

After the system finished speaking, there was no sound. Lu Yi pondered for a long time alone before finally making a decision to continue, but in the end he had to make some changes.

Without the interruption of the system, putting aside his deep thoughts, Lu Yi was much more relaxed next, and he could also concentrate on upgrading his robot and then challenge.

Lu Yi spent the next half month in a busy manner.

In this half month, he made a lot of good things, sonic weapons, laser weapons, and magic weapons, which could fill an entire room.

Conventional weapons, guns, Gatling and the like are more, plus bullets, filling half of the square.

These things are Lu Yi Prepared parts that can be installed on the robot, and they are also detachable.

Lu Yi plans to make a DIY robot opponent. Through this method, the state of the robot opponent can be changed at will to achieve a better combat.

Perhaps Lu Yi may be very familiar with these weapons, and the effect of each battle will be discounted, but with so many weapons, even if they are familiar and discounted, it doesn’t matter. It is enough for Lu Yi to adapt to various attacks and increase more combat experience.

After all, people are forced to do it.

In order to avoid problems in this process and the main body of the robot opponent is not easily destroyed by Lu Yi, Lu Yi even paid almost all of his current adamantium alloys for this purpose and created a robot opponent with adamantium alloy as the main body.

"The only thing left is the installation. I believe I can have a good experience!" Lu Yi looked at the robot opponent in front of him, and then at the weapon not far away, and said with a smile

"It seems that the host has thought of a very good method!"

Finally, the system had to admit that Lu Yi was really powerful. He actually came up with such a method to win by quantity and bring his brain power advantage to an extreme!

"System, as the master of the system, I should be able to give you some suggestions, right?" Lu Yi said calmly, not caring what the system thought.

The system was silent for a long time. Just when Lu Yi thought the system had crashed, the system finally made its own voice again.

"The host has this right!"

Lu Yi couldn't help laughing when he heard the system's words, thinking to himself: It is true!

A long time ago, Lu Yi found that his system was not particularly the same as the common systems in novels. The common systems in novels are called servants, but they are actually masters. They oppress the host in various ways. If the task is not completed, the host will die. If the system is angered, it will be punished, and the host will not have any say in the system itself.

It is completely unclear who is the master and who is the servant.

Lu Yi's own system does not have this problem. From the beginning, the system has recognized its status as a servant. Through today's problem, Lu Yi is more convinced of this.

This is the real system, the real master!

"Host, do you have anything to say?"

"One thing is that as my strength increases, the number of perfect-level draw opportunities will decrease, and the number of ordinary draws will continue to increase. This is not necessarily a good thing for me, so I wonder if I can open a conversion between draw opportunities, so that a certain number of ordinary draw opportunities can be exchanged for an optimized draw opportunity or a perfect draw opportunity."

After saying this, the system fell silent, which made Lu Yi nervous, and he couldn't help but worry about whether his suggestion would be passed. After much anticipation, Lu Yi's nervousness lasted for a long time, and the voice of the system echoed in Lu Yi's mind again.

"According to the system's deduction, this method can play a positive role in the host's growth. It is recommended to pass. The system will be upgraded next. The upgrade time is expected to be five seconds. After the upgrade is completed, the system will then start the conversion between extraction opportunities!"

The system said here, and there was no sound again.

Because of the system, Lu Yi already knew that this would happen. Lu Yi waited for five seconds before the system's voice appeared again.

"The system upgrade is complete, and the conversion between draw opportunities is enabled, with a ratio of 100:10:1!"

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